Schneider Center for Children Medicine is the largest pediatric medical complex in Israel, which employs world-famous doctors with Forbes ratings.
The medical center was founded in 1948 and named after the Schneider family, which donated funds for its foundation. The clinic works in collaboration with Tel Aviv University. Today, Schneider is recognized as the leading center in the field of medical science and biotechnological innovations, using the latest technologies and providing high-quality, comprehensive medical care.
In 2013, Schneider was awarded the Golden Seal by the Joint International Commission (JCI) as an academic and clinical medical center. In 2019, Schneider was included in the list of “10 best hospitals in the world.” He specializes in transplantation, diabetes treatment, immunology, surgery, and more. The clinic provides services using the most modern medical technologies, including the world’s only virtual reality rehabilitation center, as well as conducting complex minimally invasive surgical procedures, exclusive and advanced methods of radiation diagnostics for patients with cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Main Schneider institutions: Sheba Medical Center Cancer Research Center (SCRC), Department of Radiation Oncology, Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Center (SPCC), Ella Lemelbaum Institute of Immuno-Oncology, Safra Children’s Hospital.