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Marianna Zagorodna
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 18 years
Doctor's specialization
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Artem Urazov
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 19 years
Doctor's specialization
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Ihor Bilotserkivskyi
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 35 years
Doctor's specialization
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Margarita Solomakha
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 4 years
Doctor's specialization
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Mykola Kivshar
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 11 years
Doctor's specialization
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Kateryna Plyashko
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 7 years
Doctor's specialization
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Nina Kolot
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 17 years
Doctor's specialization
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Maria Shcherbak
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 13 years
Doctor's specialization
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Inna Berdnyk
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 9 years
Doctor's specialization
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Dmytro Rudoi
Ukraine, Kyiv
Total work experience: 3 years
Doctor's specialization
We do not charge a commission for our services
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10 doctors of 651 Show more

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