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What are stem cells in simple terms and what are they used for?

Medical articles

Stem cells are immature cells that are able to actively multiply and can become cells of different tissues of the body. These undifferentiated cells under different conditions “maturing” can turn into cells of the blood, heart, liver and other organs. This unique property is of great value to the medical field. A separate direction was formed – cell therapy, which allows to achieve success in the treatment of many severe and chronic pathological conditions using stem cells (SCs ).

To date, scientists are actively researching in this direction and many experiments are being carried out regarding the use of cell therapy for various pathologies and conditions. But today it has been proven that stem cell therapy can give very good results in the treatment of diseases such as osteoarthritis, leukemia, liver cirrhosis, scleroderma, lupus and a number of other diseases. In this regard, some leading clinics in different countries of the world already offer the possibility of SCs transplantation for certain diagnoses.

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Valuable properties of stem cells

There are several important features of stem cells, due to which they can have a unique effect on the body:

  • The ability to differentiate into different types of body cells. Due to this, it is possible to restore tissues that have been damaged as a result of pathological processes or injuries.
  • Unlimited ability to self-renewal. In simple terms, SCs can reproduce without maturation. Thanks to this, doctors can grow them in the laboratory in the right amounts.

In addition, SCs secrete special biologically active substances that affect other cells, which can significantly reduce the level of inflammatory processes in the human body.

Stem cells are in the body of any person. And our body uses them for injuries and diseases. But they are present in insufficient quantities, and their number decreases with age. Accordingly, in case of serious health disorders, the body’s own “resources” are not enough. In most cases, with the injection of stem cells additionally in the form of a drug, a noticeable positive effect is observed. SCs are sent to the sites of damage, getting into the area where the tissues are destroyed or injured, and thus, the tissues are restored. With the participation of stem cells introduced from outside, regeneration processes in the body occur much faster. Even if it is not possible to stop the pathological process, the progression of the disease noticeably slows down, and the general well-being of the patient improves.

Types of stem cells

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Doctors divide SCs into several types:

  • Embryonic. They are obtained from the tissues of the fetus. These cells can transform into any type of cell in the body. They have great potential, but there are ethical questions about obtaining them.
  • Fetal. They have a high potential of use, as they can turn into many types of cells in the body. Such cells can be obtained from fetal tissue or cord blood. The use of blood from the umbilical vein, which is taken after the birth of a child, is now the preferred way to obtain this type of cell.
  • Postnatal. They are found in the body of adults. They may not convert to all cell types, but they are easier to obtain and do not raise any ethical issues.

There are several types of postnatal SCs:

  • Hematopoietic. They can turn into different types of blood cells (erythrocytes, platelets, lymphocytes, dendritic cells, etc.). Most often they are transplanted for blood cancer.
  • Multipotent mesenchymal stem cells. MSCs are multipotent cells that can develop into connective tissue-derived cells. This means that they can become part of the heart muscle, blood vessels, bone tissue, cartilage, smooth muscle, adipose tissue and other tissues. Mesenchymal stem cells are used in the treatment of many pathologies, such as diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, systemic diseases, and for rejuvenation.
  • Progenitor cells. They can become part of specific tissues and organs. In addition, this type of SCs is only able to divide a certain number of times.

Where do doctors get stem cells from?

Hematopoietic stem cells are mainly taken from the bone marrow. Most often from the bones of the pelvis and ribs, but other options are possible. In addition, this type of stem cell is obtained from the blood of an adult or from umbilical cord blood.

Mesenchymal stem cells are obtained from bone marrow, cord blood and adipose tissue.

Is it possible to use someone else’s stem cells?

For the purpose of treatment for various pathologies, SCs of the patient (autologous) or donor (allogeneic) can be used. If a donor’s stem cell transplant is performed, the procedure is called an allogeneic transplant.

Allogeneic transplant is most often used in the treatment of leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma and a number of other diseases of the hematopoietic system. However, for the use of donor cell material, a certain immunological compatibility is required.

Where are stem cells stored?

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The collection of stem cells can be carried out shortly before their use. In this case, immediately after the specialist takes the cells from the body, they are processed in a certain way. The cell population is then grown in the laboratory to ensure that there are enough of them. After that, the resulting drug is used according to the previously developed treatment tactics.

SCs can also be stored for a long time without losing its qualities. After the stem cells are isolated and specifically processed, they are cryopreserved. They are stored in cryobanks under special conditions at low temperatures.

Are stem cells dangerous?

This technique, like other methods of treatment, has its own contraindications, risks during use and side effects. There is a possibility that when transplanting donor stem cells, the immune system will perceive them as foreign elements and an excessive immune reaction of the body will occur. Also, cases of the appearance of neoplasms after the use of donor SCs are currently registered. Another possible side effect is infection of the body during injections.

However, this does not mean that this technique is too dangerous and unsuitable for treatment. In the medical and scientific community, cell therapy is considered an effective and very promising treatment for a number of dangerous pathological conditions. Today, scientists are conducting further clinical studies, constantly improving the technologies for the use of SC, developing treatment protocols that ensure the safety of such therapy. However, it is important to be very careful when choosing clinics that offer cell therapy and to go to medical institutions with a good reputation.

The MedTour platform will help you find a good clinic where scientific methods of cell therapy are introduced and doctors use the safest treatment protocols.

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Stem cell treatment

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Innovative methods of treatment with the help of SCs every day include an increasing list of pathologies in which they are effective:

  • Blood diseases. In order to normalize hematopoiesis in leukemia and some other hematopoietic diseases, donor hematopoietic stem cells are used.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Osteoarthritis and other degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system respond well to stem cell treatment. Cell therapy has also proven itself as a method of rehabilitation after injuries.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, as well as diseases associated with it (diabetic nephropathy, diabetic foot, etc.).
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. IHD, myocardial dystrophy, atherosclerosis of vessels of various localization, infarction both in the acute phase and during the rehabilitation period.
  • Liver cirrhosis and some other pathologies of the liver, as well as pathologies of the pancreas associated with inflammatory-necrotic processes.
  • Autoimmune diseases. Lupus, various vasculitis, scleroderma, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and others.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. Epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy.
  • Eye diseases. Retinal dystrophy, optic nerve atrophy, traumatic retinal injury.
  • Burns, both thermal and chemical with a large area of damage.

Cell therapy can be prescribed as an independent method or can be used in addition to surgical and medical treatment. SCs can be injected into the body intravenously, or cellular material can be transplanted directly into an organ or tissue where SCs exposure is needed.

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Stem cell rejuvenation

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Due to their regenerative properties, SCs are actively used in aesthetic medicine and cosmetology. Stem cell injections can significantly improve the condition of the skin, increase its elasticity and firmness, and activate the regeneration of skin cells.

In addition, cell therapy promotes muscle regeneration, has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular and other body systems, and has a general rejuvenating effect. After anti-age therapy, a person begins to look better, feel healthier, younger and more energetic.

To get more information about the possibilities of rejuvenation with stem cells, contact the medical coordinator of MedTour.

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The cost of stem cell treatment

When treating or rejuvenating with stem cells, prices in different clinics can differ markedly and depend on many factors. The cost of medical services is affected by the country in which you will have the procedure and the specific clinic you choose.

In addition, your diagnosis affects the cost of treatment. For different diseases, different amounts of cellular material may be required and the duration of the course of therapy may vary.

Pricing is also affected by whether you use your own stem cells or need a donor cell transplant.

Typically, the cost of treatment includes:

  • determination of therapy tactics and development of a course of treatment;
  • collection of material;
  • processing the obtained material and growing the cell population in the required amount;
  • injections of the received drug;
  • storage of SCs;
  • consultation with a doctor during treatment.
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The best clinics for stem cell treatment

The MedTour platform cooperates with the best clinics in different countries of the world, which are engaged in the study of SCs, obtaining cell material, the use of cell therapy and anti-aging rejuvenation. You can contact the following clinics:

  • Biotechnology company SmartCell (Ukraine). The clinic actively uses regenerative technologies. Doctors use SCs in cardiology, immunology, orthopedics and other medical areas.
  • Biotechnology company Froset (Lithuania). The company produces regenerative drugs that are made from mesenchymal stem cells individually for each patient.
  • Institute of Cell Therapy (Georgia). The clinic has thirty patents in the field of stem cell therapy, and offers its own methods of treatment, which are approved and well-established.
  • Cellthera Clinic (Czech Republic). This medical center successfully uses regenerative cell therapy to treat various diseases.
  • Polyclinic Tara 70 (Serbia). A multidisciplinary clinic where innovative methods of therapy are used and SCs are applied.
  • BioPro Stem Technology medical center (Ukraine). Specialists use SCs therapy for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc. Carry out anti-age therapy.
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The best doctors for stem cell treatment

You have the opportunity to get consultation and treatment with leading specialists who use regenerative cell therapy for the treatment of various diseases. You can visit a doctor in the country where he/she accepts, or make an online consultation and discuss the possibilities of stem cell treatment remotely.

Here you can make an online consultation with the following doctors:

  • Ivan Badyin, a rehabilitation doctor with 20 years of experience in using SC to restore the body.
  • Andriy Kovalchuk is a surgeon, biotechnologist, who treats various pathologies with stem cells.

Contact the medical coordinator of MedTour to get detailed information about stem cell therapy, choose a clinic or choose a specialist for an online consultation.

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Categories:    Medical articles



Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:
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