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How to slow down the aging process?

Medical articles

Aging is the physiological changes that occur in the human body during life. For decades, scientists have studied the question of what triggers them. There are currently more than 300 theories of aging, and scientists are learning more every day. In this article, MedTour experts, having studied the most current information, tried to answer the question of why people age and how to slow down this process.

Causes of aging. What causes rapid aging?

Currently, scientists distinguish two groups of factors that lead to age-related changes in the human body: internal and external.

Internal factors – cellular aging

Cells are the basic building blocks of the body. They are programmed to grow, divide, and perform basic biological functions. But the more cells divide, the older they become, losing their ability to function normally over time.

One of the latest theories also states that stem cells play a special role in the aging process – undifferentiated cells that can turn into any other cells in the body. When a body cell becomes worn out or damaged, stem cells replace it, restoring the organ’s function. In this way, for example, the liver is regenerated. Over time, the supply of stem cells in the body is depleted, which causes the aging process.

External factors – environmental influences

Scientists also associate age-related changes with the influence of external factors, such as:

  • air pollution;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • poor nutrition;
  • exposure to ultraviolet rays.

These factors lead to cell damage and, as a consequence, to the aging of the body.

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Rejuvenation procedures after 30 years

After 30 years, the first signs of aging can already be seen on the skin. These include:

  • dullness;
  • dryness;
  • enlarged pores;
  • texture change;
  • fine lines and wrinkles;
  • uneven tone;

pigment spots and spider veins.

Cosmetologists advise after 30 years to use the following procedures:

  • Microneedling. It improves skin tone, lightens sun spots, and promotes collagen production.
  • Chemical peeling. It brightens and evens out skin tone, improves its structure.
  • Botox and filler injections. Injecting Botox and Dysport can combat fine lines and wrinkles. Fillers are used to fill the volume deficit, which becomes noticeable after 30 years.

At this stage, it is also possible to carry out biorevitalization of the skin to make it more vibrant and radiant.

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Rejuvenation procedures after 40 years

Омоложение после 40

The main problems that women (and sometimes men) face after 40 years are:

  • Dehydration. Due to the gradual decrease in the barrier function of the skin, it begins to intensively lose moisture. In addition, the appearance of dryness is facilitated by a decrease in the level of natural hyaluronic acid, which retains fluid in skin cells.
  • Hyperpigmentation. Exposure to ultraviolet rays leads to disruptions in the functioning of melanocytes, as a result of which they begin to excessively produce pigment. This leads to the appearance of unsightly brown spots on the skin.
  • Wrinkles. After 40 years, wrinkles become more pronounced. This is especially noticeable in the area around the eyes, where the skin is thinnest. Crow’s feet, dark circles and bags under the eyes are one of the main problems of middle age.
  • Tired skin. With age, the process of skin regeneration slows down noticeably. This makes her look dull and tired.

The most popular aesthetic procedures after 40 years:

  • Cosmetological techniques: microneedling, chemical peeling, Botox and filler injections, SMAS lifting, biorevitalization, mesotherapy, thread lifting.
  • Surgical techniques: blepharoplasty, brow lift, face and neck lift, mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, liposuction, Brazilian butt lift.

After 40 years, many women resort to stem cell rejuvenation, which helps fight not only external, but also internal age-related changes.

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Procedures for rejuvenation after 50 years

Старение после 50

In people aged 50 years and older, age-related changes are already pronounced. Expression wrinkles remain noticeable on the face even at rest. There is a redistribution of the subcutaneous fat layer, as a result of which areas such as cheekbones lose volume, and folds appear in others (the lower part of the face). The skin becomes thicker and rougher. Due to a sharp decrease in collagen production, sagging and ptosis appear.

After 50 years, cosmetic anti-aging procedures become less effective. However, to correct certain age-related problems it is possible to use:

  • sagging skin, jowls, double chin – SMAS lifting;
  • floating oval of the face – contour plastic surgery;
  • dryness, abnormal skin texture – PRP therapy;
  • decreased production of collagen and elastin – mesotherapy;
  • dullness, fatigue, flabbiness – biorevitalization;
  • volume loss – filler injections, lipofilling;
  • fine lines and wrinkles – botulinum therapy.

Popular surgical procedures for rejuvenation after 50 years:

  • rhytidectomy (facelift);
  • neck lift;
  • forehead lift;
  • blepharoplasty;
  • double chin correction;
  • mammoplasty;
  • arm lift;
  • abdominoplasty;
  • buttock lift.

More and more people after 50 years are resorting to cellular rejuvenation. Local and systemic injections of stem cells help reduce external signs of age and improve overall well-being by rejuvenating internal organs and systems.

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The most effective rejuvenation procedures

Modern cosmetology and aesthetic medicine offers a wide range of procedures to slow down the aging process.

Laser rejuvenation

лазерное омоложение

Laser (diode) rejuvenation is a modern method of reducing signs of age, as well as correcting aesthetic problems such as acne scars, pigment spots, and spider veins. Laser radiation penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, heating it. This promotes contraction of collagen fibers, thereby achieving a lifting effect. Additionally, the procedure stimulates the production of “young” collagen, which helps improve skin firmness and elasticity.

Oxygen rejuvenation

The essence of the procedure is the use of highly concentrated oxygen. A serum based on hyaluronic acid is first applied to the skin. A stream of oxygen, which is supplied to the skin through a special high-pressure infuser, promotes deeper penetration of the serum into the skin of the face and body. The treatment helps to intensely hydrate the skin, reduce fine lines and deeper wrinkles, even out skin tone and improve complexion.

Plasma rejuvenation


This anti-aging procedure is also known as PRP therapy or “vampire lifting”. It received this name because blood is used in this case for rejuvenation. It is taken from the patient himself, and then processed in a special centrifuge, which separates the plasma and platelets from the rest of the blood components. The resulting cocktail, platelet-rich plasma, is injected into the skin. It is platelets that are responsible for repairing damaged cells. They activate numerous growth factors that promote dermal cell renewal and reduce signs of aging. Since the procedure uses the patient’s own plasma, the risk of rejection and other adverse reactions is minimal.

Peptide rejuvenation

An innovative cosmetic method of anti-aging therapy, the essence of which is the subcutaneous administration of peptide-based drugs. Protein molecules mimic the action of natural dermal proteins such as collagen and elastin, which helps increase firmness, as well as improve the texture and overall appearance of the skin. Peptides have pronounced antioxidant properties, helping to protect skin cells from the effects of free radicals and external aging factors.

Placental rejuvenation

In recent years, preparations based on placenta extract have revolutionized the field of cosmetology. They contain a powerful complex of proteins, vitamins, minerals and amino acids that help improve skin condition. One of the main benefits of placental rejuvenation is the stimulation of the natural process of skin cell regeneration, which helps reduce wrinkles, age spots and other signs of aging. Placenta extract also has significant anti-inflammatory properties, helping to cope with problems such as rosacea and acne.

SMAS rejuvenation


The abbreviation SMAS translates as superficial muscular aponeurotic system. It consists of subcutaneous connective tissue, facial fascia and facial muscles. Essentially, it is a kind of frame that supports the skin of the face. With age, connective tissue weakens, which leads to sagging of the muscular aponeurotic layer. This provokes the appearance of sagging skin, drooping of the oval of the face, and the formation of ridges under the eyes and jowls.

Previously, it was possible to influence the SMAS layer only through surgery. Today there are procedures that help you do this without going to a plastic surgeon. New cosmetology devices, such as Morpheus 8, work using focused ultrasound, which penetrates the SMAS layer and heats it to a strictly specified temperature. This leads to a reduction in connective tissue and a pronounced lifting effect, which previously could only be achieved through surgical lifting.

Rejuvenation capsule

Recently, the cosmetology industry has been offering comprehensive solutions that help prevent premature aging. These are so-called rejuvenating capsules. They provide a combined effect through the use of infrared radiation, hydrotherapy, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, oxygen therapy, massage, masks and various wraps. In essence, this is a set of spa treatments aimed at improving skin condition, relaxation and rest.

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Innovative methods to prevent aging: stem cell therapy

One scientific theory is that the aging process results from the inability of various types of stem cells to continue to replenish the body’s tissues with differentiated cells capable of maintaining the original function of that tissue or organ. It sounds very difficult. Let’s try to figure it out.

Stem cells are progenitor cells. They are able to transform into other cells in the body. As we age, the cells of the human body wear out. In addition, they are damaged as a result of exposure to external factors and diseases. When this happens, the body sends stem cells to the lesion, which replace the damaged ones.

stem cells

The number of stem cells in young people is much higher than in older people, so their body heals itself faster and more efficiently. With age, this unique ability decreases: wrinkles and folds appear on the skin, a person gets tired faster, and becomes more vulnerable to disease.

After extensive research, researchers have concluded that stem cell injections help slow down the aging process by stimulating the body’s natural regeneration process. In this case, there is absolutely no need to use embryonic material. Today, doctors have learned to isolate stem cells from the patient’s own adipose tissue and blood. They are then multiplied in the laboratory and injected back into the bloodstream.

Клеточное омоложение

To rejuvenate the skin, local subcutaneous injections of stem cells are used in areas such as:

  • Face. Reducing wrinkles and sagging skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, active moisturizing, restoring texture, evening out facial tone, lightening age spots.
  • Neck and décolleté area. Smoothing wrinkles and folds, evening out skin tone, increasing its elasticity.
  • Hands. Reducing noticeably protruding veins, eliminating age spots, increasing skin elasticity.

By combining local injections with systemic administration of stem cells, a comprehensive result can be achieved: rejuvenating not only the skin, but also internal organs. The use of cell therapy is the only method to date that uses the studied natural mechanisms of rejuvenation, based on the unique capabilities of self-renewal of our body.

You can learn more about the cellular rejuvenation method here.

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Quick rejuvenation at home. Is it possible?

Today there are a huge number of methods for improving skin condition at home. However, they, unfortunately, have nothing to do with the rejuvenation process. With the help of masks and creams made at home, you can only slightly moisturize and soften the skin.

In order to combat age-related signs such as wrinkles, sagging, age spots, it is necessary to act on the deep layers of the skin, and home remedies in this case will not be enough. Therefore, if you really want to prevent aging, it is better to turn to professionals. At an early stage, cosmetic techniques will be sufficient. With pronounced age-related changes, plastic surgery will help. Stem cell injections can be used to rejuvenate the body as a whole.

What hormone slows down aging?

One of the key hormones that is associated with the aging process is growth hormone (GH) or somatotropin. It is produced in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and plays an important role in regulating growth, metabolism and other processes in the body.

Functions of somatotropin that may be associated with slowing age-related changes include:

  • Growth stimulation. The hormone promotes the growth and development of bones, muscles and other tissues.
  • Metabolism. Somatotropin is involved in the metabolic process, helping the body expend energy efficiently.
  • Stimulation of protein synthesis. GH increases protein synthesis, which is important for maintaining healthy muscles and connective tissue, including skin.
  • Reduces fat accumulation. Growth hormone helps break down fatty tissue and maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Stimulation of tissue regeneration. Somatotropin stimulates tissue self-healing, which is important for maintaining health and reducing signs of aging.

Since the level of somatotropin in the body decreases with age, scientists suggest that injections of the hormone help prevent premature aging. However, this treatment may be associated with serious side effects such as swelling, muscle pain, joint pain, hypertension, heart failure and abnormal organ growth.

At the same time, stem cell therapy is a safe method of rejuvenation. Because the cells are taken from the patient, the risk of rejection and other adverse reactions is minimal. Cell therapy uses the natural way of regeneration and rejuvenation of the body, both externally and internally.

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What vitamins should I take to avoid aging?

Витамины от старения

Vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances play an important role in maintaining health. Scientists have found that some of them also help prevent premature aging:

  • Curcumin. It activates specific proteins that inhibit cellular aging, thereby increasing the lifespan of cells.
  • Coenzyme Q10. According to research conducted in 2018, CoQ10 is a chemical that is normally present in the human body. It slows down the aging process by influencing the process of energy conversion by cells. With age, the amount of coenzyme Q10 in the body decreases. But it can be taken as a supplement.
  • Vitamin C. It protects cells from oxidative stress, which occurs due to exposure to free radicals. This vitamin is vital for healthy and youthful skin.
  • Collagen. It is a structural protein that makes up connective tissue, bones, cartilage, tendons and skin. With age, its production decreases sharply. Collagen supplements help slow down the aging process.
  • Vitamin E. Tocopherol plays an important role in the functioning of various organs and systems. It is important for vision, immune defense, regulation of inflammation, and brain health. In addition, vitamin E is an indispensable aid in slowing down skin aging.
  • Resveratrol. A polyphenolic antioxidant that has been shown to increase chromosome length.
  • EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). One of the most effective anti-aging supplements with proven effectiveness in preventing age-related diseases.
  • Vitamin A. Retinol enhances collagen production, increasing skin firmness and elasticity.

The biological active substances listed above, when used rationally, will help avoid premature aging. However, they can only be taken after prior consultation with a doctor.

What product accelerates aging?

There is a whole list of products that help accelerate the appearance of age-related changes. However, scientists especially highlight sugar from this list. It is called the main cause of premature aging.

продукт, ускоряющий старение

Sugar damages skin cells through a natural process called glycation. Blood sugar molecules attach to proteins, resulting in harmful free radicals. In this case, they are called advanced glycation end products (AGEs). The more sugar a person consumes, the more AGEs accumulate in his body, and the faster the aging process will occur.

In addition, sugar:

  • damages collagen and elastin – the main structural proteins of the skin;
  • promotes the conversion of collagen type III (the most stable) into type I (the least stable);
  • deactivates natural antioxidant enzymes.

So, if you want to prevent aging, it is better to give up sugar. However, this does not mean that you need to completely exclude it from your diet. Sugar found naturally in food, such as fruit, does not have the negative effects described above. The problem is refined sugar.

What foods should I eat to prolong youth?

продуктs старения

Scientists confirm that some foods actually help slow down the aging process. These include:

  • Avocado. A small study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that women who ate avocado daily for eight weeks had improved skin elasticity and firmness.
  • Tomatoes. According to a 2001 randomized controlled trial, eating tomatoes helps make the skin more resistant to sun damage.
  • Berries. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries contain antioxidants that protect the skin from harmful free radicals.
  • Black chocolate. To improve skin condition and slow down the aging process, scientists recommend eating at least 70% dark chocolate.
  • Green tea. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the most abundant polyphenolic compound in green tea, reduces skin inflammation and fights acne-causing bacteria.
  • Fatty fish. Salmon, sardines and other fatty fish help fill in protein and prevent the loss of muscle mass that occurs with age.
  • Almonds. A study published in 2021 found that eating almonds daily can reduce facial wrinkles and skin pigmentation.

Adding these products to the diet will not only diversify the menu, but also delay the appearance of age-related signs for some time.

The best doctors for the treatment of premature aging of the body

One of the specialists in the field of body rejuvenation is Ivan Badyin. He has been active in research and clinical practice in the field of regenerative medicine for over 15 years. Dr. Badyin successfully uses stem cell rejuvenation techniques. He has developed his own unique protocol, combining local and systemic injections of cellular drugs, which allows for a comprehensive anti-aging effect, both external and internal.

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Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:
Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
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