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Andrey Kovalchuk

Advanced developments of Ukrainian science: an interview with Andriy Kovalchuk


Andriy Kovalchuk is a well-known doctor of regenerative medicine, biotechnologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the Ternopil National Medical University, founder and director of the biotechnology company “Genome”. His main areas of activity are malignant tumors and immune diseases. In an interview for MedTour, he spoke about what stem cells are, what they are, what diseases are treated, and the state of regenerative medicine in Ukraine.

Dr. Kovalchuk, where do you work now?

At the moment I work in the company “Genome”. Also, I want to say that 5 years ago, under my leadership, the first stem cell bank in Western Ukraine was also organized on the basis of Ternopil National University. I have a wide clinical practice, a total clinical experience in regenerative medicine of 8 years, for the last 5 years I have been engaged exclusively in cell therapy.

Tell us more about your medical practice?

We have a very wide range of activities. We are engaged in the rehabilitation of patients after chemotherapy for malignant tumors and selective immune diseases. We have achieved the greatest success in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, systemic scleroderma, arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and psoriasis.

What success have you had?

Our special pride is the treatment of immune diseases with the help of mesenchymal stem cells. The effect of stem cells is selective, and they are quite effective – they cannot be compared with the action of hormones, a completely different effect and absolutely unique properties.

Stem cells are also indispensable for tissue deficiency, such as rheumatoid arthritis or after a stroke or heart attack. It is impossible to obtain new tissue in any other way than stem cell therapy.

What is your laboratory doing?

We are scaling up the production of suspensions and other products from stem cells. We conduct a large number of clinical trials – both our own scientific developments and take part in international, so-called clinical trials. We also conduct routine clinical practice with patients. Currently, there are about 300 diseases for which stem cell therapy is effective.

What innovative treatment methods do you use?

We treat optic nerve atrophy not only with standard dosages, but also with the introduction of a significant amount of stem cells intravenously. In this case, we state the best results. I want to note that we have an author’s diagnosis – post-covid atrophy of the optic nerve. In the world scientific literature, this term is not yet used, but in our clinical practice it is already clearly visible. Patients often turn to us for help in a situation where standard, protocol treatment for systemic scleroderma or other similar neurological disease has ceased to help. We also successfully work with children’s postpartum injuries, while we use our unique techniques and best practices.

What are the types of stem cells?

  • Mesenchymal stem cells are a class of multipotent cells that are isolated from the bone marrow, umbilical cord, dental pulp, or adipose tissue of a patient;
  • Neuronal stem cells;
  • Fibroblasts are partially differentiated cells from which different types of special cells and tissues can arise.

(Explanation regarding stem cell types provided by MedTour).

With what diseases do patients most often come to you?

The previously mentioned cases of treatment of atrophy of the optic nerve.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases and neurological diseases.

What are the contraindications for stem cell therapy?

Oncological diseases – with the exception of cases of rehabilitation of patients after chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Acute respiratory diseases, as well as the use of hormones and antibiotics. If the patient is undergoing protocol treatment with any drugs, it is better not to combine stem cell therapy with other types of treatment. If the patient needs basic therapy, as in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, we do not recommend canceling the main treatment. Each specific case must be considered.

What preparation is needed for stem cell therapy?

Most often it is detoxification and removal of edema. Some patients require a diet before stem cell injection.

How is the effectiveness of stem cell treatment evaluated?

When studying this issue, I came to the term “biological treatment”, that is, treatment with biologically active substances in combination with other types of treatment and the moment when the effect of the treatment will be maximum, stable and complete. Before reaching this state, the patient goes through several stages. Many patients report improvement immediately after the injection. First of all, I attribute such reactions to the placebo effect, but it happens that some types of stem cells that release biologically active substances actually lead to a change in the condition of patients. However, the first reaction says nothing about the future dynamics of the state. More significant are the objective indicators of laboratory and instrumental analyzes and neurological tests. As a rule, the maximum result is observed after 1.5-3 months.

If you have any questions regarding the use of stem cells, please contact the MedTour coordinating doctor for a free consultation.

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