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Ukrainian doctors have to work in inhumane conditions


Since February 24, 2022, the war in Ukraine has continued. Russian troops not only attack military targets, as stated in the Russian media, they kill civilians, volunteers, women and children. Ukrainian doctors are saving the lives of the wounded around the clock without rest and in conditions of limited access to medicines, medical equipment and even electricity and water.

The occupiers do not know the principles of humanism – they destroyed a maternity hospital in Mariupol, dropped a bomb on the Kyiv children’s hospital Ohmatdyt, killed priests trying to deliver insulin, and shot up Red Cross vehicles.

According to the official report from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Russian invaders destroyed 7 hospitals that cannot be restored. 104 establishments were damaged, but they can still be restored. 34 medical vehicles were fired upon. 6 medical workers were killed, more than 13 were injured. Doctors are in great danger, but nevertheless do not leave their jobs and continue to conduct chemotherapy, care for the wounded, and operate.

Medical assistance that can be obtained in Kyiv:

  • National Cancer Institute – chemotherapy, consultations, surgical care, also operates as a military hospital and blood transfusion center.
  • OHMATDYT – full medical care for children, evacuation of seriously ill patients for treatment in other regions and countries.
  • Dialysis center “Nadiya” – providing dialysis for all patients.
  • Shalimov National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology – care for the wounded, emergency surgical conditions, chemotherapy.

In order to find out in more detail what kind of medical care and how you can get it, leave a request on the MedTour website. Our coordinators will contact you and explain all the details.

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  • Money – leave a donation on this page;
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Categories:    War



PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
Medical expert:
Kateryna Maliarchuk
Medical author, Medical expert:
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