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Top 8 Most Important Discoveries in Medicine in Recent Years


The field of medicine is constantly evolving. Scientists conduct continuous research and make amazing discoveries that can radically change traditional approaches to treating diseases. Over the past few years, humanity has achieved real breakthroughs in areas such as early cancer diagnosis, gene therapy, and organ regeneration using stem cells. The MedTour team shares eight major recent discoveries in medicine.

⚕️Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes

A team of Harvard researchers has developed an innovative method for growing an unlimited number of beta cells (which are responsible for producing insulin) from stem cells. This breakthrough opens up the prospect of revolutionizing the treatment of type 1 diabetes, potentially eliminating the need for lifelong insulin injections. The new technology promises to significantly improve patients’ quality of life by allowing them to restore natural pancreatic function and control blood sugar levels without daily injections.

⚕️Vaccine against all types of cancer

Scientists from the Gamaleya Center announced they have successfully tested a drug against all types of cancer on mice with artificially induced melanoma. The experiment involved two groups of rodents: some received the new vaccine, while others did not. As a result, mice that did not receive the vaccine died 19-22 days after the tumor appeared, while the vaccinated mice survived with significantly smaller tumors by day 15 compared to the control group. These results indicate the potential of the new drug in the fight against cancer.

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Vaccines against cancer have been in development for quite some time. Many of them have already proven their effectiveness and are actively used in oncology. For example, the Ukrainian-made Cancerax vaccine. The Cancerax autovaccine is made individually for each patient based on the patient’s tumor cells. The xenovaccine Cancerax contains tumor-associated antigens of embryonic origin. Both drugs help activate the body’s immune system to fight the tumor.

To learn more about the possibility of treating cancer with antitumor vaccines, fill out the feedback form below or call the phone number listed on the website.

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⚕️Detecting Cancer at Early Stages Using AI

Google Health and Northwestern University have developed an artificial intelligence system that can detect breast cancer in mammograms with accuracy surpassing that of doctors. In a large international study including data from the US and UK, the AI ​​model showed a significant reduction in false positive and false negative diagnoses. In the US, the AI ​​system reduced the number of false positives by 5.7% and false negatives by 9.4%. In the UK, these figures were 1.2% and 2.7% respectively.

The model was trained on anonymized mammograms with biopsy-verified results and long-term follow-up. It was tested on new sets of mammograms from the US and UK and was also compared with radiologists’ predictions. This study is a significant step in improving the early detection of breast cancer, which could lead to more effective treatment and improved survival for patients.

⚕️Organ Regeneration Using Stem Cells

A team of Cambridge researchers has successfully grown miniature replicas of human organs such as the liver, lungs, pancreas and intestines using stem cells. These mini-organs, also known as organoids, replicate the functions and structures of real human organs, opening up enormous opportunities for medical research and the development of new treatments.

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The regenerative properties of stem cells have been studied for quite a long time. There are many studies proving the effectiveness in treating various diseases, including liver cirrhosis, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and the consequences of stroke and heart attack, and many others.

MedTour company works closely with leading experts in the field of stem cell treatment. You can get advice from Andriy Kovalchuk, a doctor of regenerative medicine, candidate of medical sciences, director of the Genome LLC stem cell bank. You can also consult with a doctor of the highest category, physiotherapist, rehabilitation specialist, who has been restoring the body using cellular technologies for more than 20 years – Ivan Badyin.

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⚕️Blood Test for Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists at the University of Washington School of Medicine have developed a simple blood test that can detect Alzheimer’s disease 20 years before symptoms appear. This test determines the level of specific proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease in the blood, allowing the detection of pathological changes in the brain long before clinical manifestations of the disease. Specifically, the test measures the ratio of the amyloid proteins Aβ42 to Aβ40, which decreases as amyloid accumulates in the brain.

Studies have shown that the accuracy of this test is comparable to FDA-approved cerebrospinal fluid tests at 95%. Including risk factors such as age and the presence of the APOE4 genetic variant increases accuracy to 97%.

⚕️Nasal Vaccine Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists at Brigham and Women’s Hospital have developed a nasal vaccine that can not only prevent but also slow the accumulation of toxic proteins that are key factors in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. The vaccine is based on an immune modulator called Protollin, which activates white blood cells in the lymph nodes of the neck, prompting them to migrate to the brain and destroy beta-amyloid plaques. These plaques are one of the main causes of neurodegeneration in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

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Phase 1 clinical trials began at the end of 2021, involving 16 people aged 60 to 85 years with early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. The main purpose of the study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of the vaccine, as well as study its impact on the immune response of participants. If the results are successful, it could lead to an effective and non-toxic treatment for people with Alzheimer’s disease.

⚕️Cellular Reprogramming Against Aging

Scientists at the Salk Institute were able to reprogram the cells of mice, essentially turning back time and returning them to a younger state. This process, known as partial reprogramming, involves the introduction of four Yamanaka factors that are normally active during early embryonic development. Unlike complete reprogramming, which can cause cancer, partial reprogramming involves short-term exposure to these factors, allowing the cells to retain their identity but rejuvenate themselves.

In the experiment, mice that underwent partial reprogramming showed a significant improvement in organ function and a 30% increase in life expectancy compared to the control group. The mice’s cells looked younger, and damaged tissue such as muscle and pancreas regenerated faster. This study suggests that epigenetic changes play a key role in the aging process and may be reversible.

⚕️Malaria Vaccine

A team of scientists at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) has developed a new RNA-based vaccine that is showing promise in the fight against malaria. In collaboration with the Naval Medical Research Center and researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and Acuitas Therapeutics, they created a vaccine, based on mRNA, that was able to completely protect mice against malaria in preclinical testing.

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The new vaccine targets the Plasmodium falciparum parasite, the deadliest species that causes malaria, using mRNA technology to encode the circumsporozoite protein. The mRNA is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles to ensure stability and efficient delivery, stimulating host cells to produce proteins and mount a strong immune response.

While existing malaria vaccines have limited effectiveness, a new mRNA drug could represent a significant advance in malaria prevention.

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Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:
Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
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