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breast implant

How to choose the right breast implants?

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breast implant

Beautiful breasts are an important element of a harmonious image of a woman. Unfortunately, not everyone naturally gets the ideal proportions of the body. Fortunately, modern plastic surgery quite easily solves the problems of the visual imperfection of the breast. And one of the most popular options for surgical correction of the breast is mammoplasty with the installation of breast implants (they are also called breast endoprostheses). Breast lift with implants, breast augmentation, and shape correction can be performed. For this purpose, saline, silicone, silicate, and bioimplants can be used. They can be with different shells, made of different materials, and differ in size and shape.

If mammoplasty is performed with high quality, then the breast acquires the desired parameters and at the same time looks natural and natural. But in order to get the result you want, it is very important to choose the right implants.

Types of breast implants by filling

Types of implants

Modern breast implants have a high degree of safety, and after installation, they create a fairly accurate imitation of the natural female breast. This can be achieved by the materials from which they are made and a special filler. Currently, the following types are most common:

  • Salt. The filler for this type of implant is saline. Even if for some reason the implant is damaged and saline starts to flow out, this will not harm the body in any way. The advantages of this type of implant are that they can be installed through a small incision and filled with saline after installation. They are approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). But there are also disadvantages. Over time, they often lose volume, and if they are not filled enough, they can make a gurgling sound. In addition, they are not as durable as other varieties. Therefore, now they are more often used as temporary ones before the installation of other types of endoprostheses.
  • Silicone. In this case, the filler is a special silicone gel. Silicone is well-researched and considered safe, which is why it is approved for use by the FDA. Several varieties of silicone breast implants differ in filling density. The advantages of endoprostheses with silicone gel are their naturalness. According to tactile sensations, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from natural breast tissues. In addition, if for some reason the implant is damaged, the gel will not spread over the body but will remain in place. The disadvantages of silicone breast implants include the need to make a large incision during their installation.
  • Hydrogel. This type of endoprosthesis is also called bioimplants. Visually and to the touch, they have good parameters, and they look natural. If the implant is damaged, then the polymer, which is the filler, decomposes into glucose, water, and carbon dioxide, which is safe for the body. However, over time, they can change shape. This type of endoprosthesis has not yet been approved by the FDA, as it has not yet been sufficiently studied. The price of breast implants of this type is quite high.
  • Silicate. These are lightweight breast implants of the new generation B-lite. As a filler, they contain gel and silicate balls. If you increase the chest with implants of this type, then the minimum load on the spine is obtained due to their lightness. At the same time, the breast will look beautiful and natural. The disadvantages of this species include their lack of knowledge since they began to be used relatively recently and so far there is no data on the features of their behavior in the long term.

Types of breast implants by shape

Types of breast implants

There are two main forms of breast endoprostheses:

  • Round. They are shaped like hemispheres. Visually, such a breast implant lifts the breast, creating a “push-up” effect. They are often chosen by women who have changed the shape of the breast after feeding a child, after losing weight, and also to increase the size of the breast.
  • Drop-shaped. They are also called anatomical breast implants because they have a more natural teardrop shape. In this case, the main volume of the endoprosthesis is located in the lower part.

In addition, implants differ in shell features: they can be smooth and rough. The rough texture of the shell allows better adhesion of the implant surface to the tissues and fixation. The porous shell-less often causes such a side effect as capsular contracture, when a connective tissue seal forms near the implant. The smooth shell is softer and more natural to the touch. But after the installation of this variety, capsular contracture may develop.

Sizes of breast implants

Sizes of breast implants

The sizes of endoprostheses are measured in milliliters and imply volumes. A difference of 1 breast size usually corresponds to a step of 150-200 ml, but for some manufacturers, this step may be smaller, which gives more opportunities for individual selection of the desired parameters.

Also, when choosing breast implants, there is a gradation for different profiles. The profile is the ratio of the height of the chest to the width of its base. According to this parameter, implants are divided into:

  • High. They make it possible to make the most magnificent breasts raised up.
  • Medium. They give a more natural shape.
  • Low. They have a small height and a wide base. Typically, these implants are used to eliminate sagging, and not to increase the size.

When choosing an implant, the following parameters should be considered:

  • woman’s height and weight;
  • chest dimensions;
  • skin features and the amount of fat;
  • the density of breast tissue;
  • natural size;
  • the presence or absence of asymmetry.

The selection process is greatly facilitated by the creation of a 3D model of the appearance of the breast. This allows the woman to see how she will look after the procedure and consider different options. This service is now offered by many plastic surgery clinics that specialize in mammoplasty.

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Breast implant manufacturers

Breast implant manufacturers

Today, there are quite a few manufacturers that make good-quality breast implants. The most popular include:

  • Mentor. A brand from the USA that makes saline and silicone implants.
  • polytech. A German company that produces a lot of varieties of modern breast implants.
  • Arion. A French manufacturer that produces silicone and hydrogel prostheses. They have a special two-layer shell that provides reliable protection against damage and leakage of the filler.
  • Natrelle. A brand from the USA that produces breast implants of several varieties (saline and silicone).
  • Sebbin. Large selection of various silicone endoprostheses from a French manufacturer.
  • Nagor. A British company that manufactures products that meet world quality standards and gives some types of a lifetime warranty.
  • Eurosilicone. A French manufacturer that produces high-quality round and teardrop-shaped breast implants.
  • Motive. Brand from Costa Rica. They produce silicone endoprostheses of various shapes and modifications. They have a unique shell that prevents the contents from leaking out.
  • Silimed. A Brazilian company that manufactures many types of endoprostheses for different needs and features.

The best choice of implants can only be made in consultation with a specialist. The plastic surgeon will select the endoprosthesis for the shape and size of the breast you need, taking into account the preservation of the natural appearance of it.

The MedTour platform will help you choose an aesthetic medicine clinic and get to an experienced plastic surgeon who can fulfill your desires. Breast correction surgery can be done in the best clinics in Ukraine and other countries of the world. Send us a consultation request to contact the MedTour coordinating doctor and get more information about the possibilities of plastic surgery!

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How much do breast implants cost?

The cost of breast implants differs markedly from manufacturer to manufacturer. Also, the price of breast implants varies depending on the type of endoprosthesis and its quality.

We offer you a selection of prices for breast plastic surgery with implants in some of the leading clinics of aesthetic medicine around the world:

Institute of Plastic Surgery Virtus (Ukraine) from $2,500
Forme Clinic (Czech Republic) from $4,600
Estetik International Medical Center (Tukey) from $3,500
Clinic Lémanic (Switzerland) from $10,470
San Raffaele Hospital (Italy) from $12,114
JK Plastic Surgery Center (South Korea) from $16,000

What can not be done with breast implants?

After the operation, there is a short rehabilitation period when certain rules must be followed, for example, do not sleep on your stomach, limit sports activities, do not lift weights, and avoid overheating. It usually lasts up to 2-3 months, but the plastic surgeon with whom you will perform the operation will provide you with more accurate information. After this period, there are no special prohibitions, and it will be possible to lead a normal life without restrictions.

How long do silicone implants last?

High-quality implants do not require replacement, they can be worn throughout life. The service life may depend on the manufacturer, material, and type of implant, as well as on the characteristics of the organism. For example, the shape of the breast may change due to sagging soft tissues. In this case, a second plastic surgery may be required. In addition, in case of injury, a rupture of the endoprosthesis capsule can occur. In this case, surgery may also be required.

Medical coordinators of MedTour will help you find the best plastic surgeons who will select the best option for your breast implants and perform plastic surgery with jewelry and high quality!

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Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:

Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

Kateryna Maliarchuk
Medical Doctor, oncologist, PHD student
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