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Institute of Plastic Surgery Virtus

Ukraine, Kyiv

Virtus is the first private hospital in Ukraine. For more than 30 years, it has maintained its status as a center of excellence in the field of plastic surgery: operations have been simulated on a computer since 1992.

In a hospital for 20 people, the hospital has:

  • 4 operating rooms with an intensive care unit and intensive care unit,
  • endoscopy and gastroenterology center,
  • ENT department and ophthalmology,
  • gynecology, allergology, immunology and endocrinology,
  • vascular microsurgery and injection cosmetology,
  • dentistry and maxillofacial surgery,
  • plastic and reconstructive surgery,
  • own biotechnological laboratory.

All this allows not only to improve the appearance of patients, but also to eliminate the problems lurking behind it. This is the only way to achieve sustainable results.

For the first time in Ukraine, more than 10 foreign technologies were introduced in Virtus: a cosmetological laser appeared in 1994, and to teach how to work with it, doctors took a course at the University of Los Angeles. Scientists Virtus received 5 international patents for their own developments in aesthetic medicine.

The center acts as the base of the Ukrainian Society of Plastic Surgery and the European School of Aesthetic Medicine. This is where the ISAPS International Community holds its master classes. You will learn more about the center in the block of frequently asked questions from patients.

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    Location Institute of Plastic Surgery Virtus
    Shipbuilding Street, 1-B, Odessa, Odessa region, 65000

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why Virtus is an institute, and why is it an advantage?

    All aesthetic surgeons received 2 licenses: Ukrainian for general surgery and Moscow for plastic. The minimum work experience of a specialist is 17 years. Each doctor shows diplomas and certificates at the request of the patient. The work of the department is 100% legal and complies with the European ISAPS standard.

    Doctors carry out non-standard operations and are able to treat rare defects, because on the basis of the institute, scientific research and training of other doctors are carried out. The center is the base of the Institute of Postgraduate Education named after Shupika. The hospital also cooperates with the Department of Plastic Surgery of the First Moscow State Medical University, the Romodanov Institute of Neurosurgery and the Shalimov National Institute of Transplantology.

    How do I know if treatment at Virtus is right for me?

    The center is suitable for those who agree with the founder’s position: aesthetic medicine should not make people the same. It is wrong to learn how to make a nose and lips like Angelina Jolie, and repeat your experience on every patient.

    The task of aesthetic medicine is to find and emphasize the individual merits of the patient and correct only the shortcomings. This is the key to natural beauty.

    Virtus is recommended for desperate patients. Vladimir Alexandrovich asserts: if one procedure was repeated to you, which again did not give a result, the task was to earn, not cure.



    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
    Medical expert:
    Kateryna Maliarchuk
    Medical author, Medical expert:

    Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

    Vladimir Bersenev