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Ovarian cancer treatment
- №2 most common malignant disease of the female genital organs,
- annually more than 200 thousand new cases,
- 75% of all cases are diagnosed at the last stages.
Modern diagnostics: ultrasound examination, laboratory tests, histological analysis.
Innovative treatment: laparoscopic adnexectomy, chemotherapy, palliative and targeted therapy.
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Doctors for the treatment of ovarian cancer
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Рудченко Олексадр Украіна. Велике спасибі за професіоналізм та чуйність до всього колективу відділення, особливо лікарю Марісу Межецкісу. Лікування відбувалося у січні 2023 року.

My mom had a mastectomy at the Samsung medical center. We were very worried, but everything went well. MedTour helped us get to the clinic and hired a transfer. The clinic is of a high class, my mother was pleased with the treatment, the conditions of the ward and the service.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is a mutation in ovarian cells with the formation of a malignant tumor.
Risk factors include:
- elderly age,
- hormone therapy after menopause,
- obesity,
- heredity: between 10 and 60% of women with mutated breast cancer genes will develop ovarian cancer at some point in their lives,
- environmental and nutritional factors,
- infertility.
In most cases, there are no symptoms at the onset of this disease. In the last stages, the following symptoms appear:
- Increased waist size without weight gain (ascites),
- Indigestion or bloating, gas,
- Constant general fatigue and exhaustion,
- Bleeding outside the monthly period or after menopause.
The relative five-year survival rate is 43%.
About one in 75 women will develop this type of carcinoma.
Depending on the degree of spread of the tumor, there are:
- Localized (stage I-II) – grows in only one / two ovaries and does not spread to other organs.
- Widespread (stage III – IV) – has spread to other organs of the pelvis or beyond.
For diagnostics use:
- Gynecological examination,
- Ultrasound scan of female genital organs,
- Laboratory tests,
- CT and MRI.
The following methods are used:
- surgical removal,
- chemotherapy,
- palliative therapy,
- targeted therapy.
Ovarian cancer diagnosis
The important stages of diagnostics are:
- Gynecological examination,
- Ultrasound scanning of the vagina and abdominal cavity,
- Laboratory tests and histological analysis,
- Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.
Ultrasound examinations (sonography)
Ultrasound of the internal genital organs is performed using a special ultrasound probe — it is inserted into the vagina. The doctor uses this method to detect abnormalities in internal organs. This examination is completely painless.
Ovarian cancer treatment
The following methods are used:
- surgical intervention (adnexectomy),
- chemical, palliative or targeted therapy.
The operation is performed with open access (longitudinal abdominal incision) or minimally invasive — laparoscopic. During the operation, the affected ovary is excised. To determine the malignancy of the formation in foreign hospitals, material is sent to the pathological department for examination. The pathologist examines the tissue during the operation and reports whether it is really oncology. The operation will continue only if the diagnosis is confirmed.
The goal of the operation is to completely remove the tumor. In the last stages, the following are usually removed:
- ovaries,
- the fallopian tubes,
- uterus,
- parts of the peritoneum.
Sometimes, to completely eliminate the pathological process, you have to remove parts of the intestine or appendix. If only one ovary is affected, and the tumor is limited and not aggressive (stage 1,2) — fertility-preserving surgery is performed. This means that a woman will be able to get pregnant and have children in the future.
What determines the consequences of the operation
Since this is a very large operation, it takes a lot of time to find an experienced doctor and specialized center. This increases the chances of complete removal of the neoplasm — an important factor in terms of prognosis and survival. On the MedTour platform, you will find qualified oncologists and surgeons specialized in the removal of ovarian cancer.
Drug therapy
Chemotherapy is aimed at killing cancer cells with drugs. They act against fast-growing cells and inhibit their growth. The appropriate combination depends on the physical condition of the patient and the underlying medical conditions.
The international protocol consists of a combination of two drugs:
- carboplatin,
- paclitaxel.
Targeted therapy
Targeted therapy involves the addition of the active ingredient bevacizumab to the above chemotherapy. This drug stops the supply of nutrients to the tumor and prevents the formation of new blood vessels. This affects the ability of the tumor to grow and spread.

Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

I want to share my experience with Liv Hospital, where I had a prostate removal surgery due to cancer. From the very beginning, everything was well-organized – the staff helped me with all arrangements, and the doctor explained everything in detail. The hospital itself is very modern and clean, which made me feel more comfortable.
The surgery went well, and I was surprised how fast I started recovering. Now, a few months later, I feel much better and my tests show good results. I’m really grateful to the doctors and nurses at Liv Hospital for their professionalism and care. If anyone is looking for high-quality prostate cancer treatment, I can definitely recommend this place.