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Infertility treatment
Infertility is a condition in which it is not possible to get pregnant after one year of trying to conceive a child. The causes of infertility may include ovulation disorders, endometriosis, insufficient sperm count, or low testosterone levels. The risk of infertility increases with age. Infertility is more common than you think. Fortunately, there are many treatment options for people who wish to build or increase their family.
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I had in vitro fertilization in this center. They did it well. I am really happy to be able to have a kid now! Thanks to MedTour for organizing the whole treatment! It was even not that expensive as I thought.
Frequently Asked Questions
In men, infertility treatment is carried out with the help of:
- -Surgical intervention if the cause is varicocele (enlarged veins in the scrotum) or blockage of the vas deferens – the channels through which sperm move;
- Antibiotics to treat infections of the reproductive organs;
- Medications and counselling to treat problems with erection or ejaculation.
- Hormone therapy, if the problem is low or high levels of certain hormones.
In women, infertility is treated with the help of:
- Medications for the treatment of infertility and hormonal preparations that promote ovulation or restore hormone levels;
- Surgery to remove tissue that prevents conception (for example, endometriosis) or to open blocked fallopian tubes.
Infertility in a couple can also be treated with the help of assisted reproductive technologies, or ART. There are several types of ART:
- IUI (intrauterine insemination): the sperm is collected and placed directly into the woman’s uterus at the time of ovulation.
- IVF (in vitro fertilization): the sperm and egg are obtained and then brought together in a laboratory. The fertilized egg grows for 3-5 days. The embryo is then placed in the woman’s uterus.
- GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer) and ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer): the sperm and egg are collected and quickly placed in a fallopian tube. With GIFT, both the sperm and eggs are placed into the fallopian tube. With ZIFT, the sperm and eggs are brought together in a lab and then a fertilized egg is placed into the tube at 24 hours.
Types of infertility:
Primary infertility: you have never been pregnant and cannot conceive after one year (or six months if you are 35 years old or older) of regular sex without protection.
Secondary infertility: after you have already had at least one successful pregnancy, you cannot get pregnant again.
Unexplained infertility: the infertility examination did not reveal the reason why a person (or couple) cannot get pregnant.
What causes infertility?
There are many causes of infertility, and sometimes there is no simple answer to the question as to why you are unable to get pregnant. Only a doctor at a foreign clinic can determine the cause and choose the best treatment.
Although the causes of infertility vary, research shows that:
33% of infertility cases are related to the woman’s health.
33% of infertility cases are related to the man’s health.
33% of infertility cases depend on both partners or are unclear.
25% of infertile couples have more than one contributing factor to infertility.

Добрый день! Хочу оставить отзыв благодарности .
Дайнис Леонидович, я от чистого сердца благодарю Вас, за такую непростую в моем случае операцию, и то, как легко и быстро все прошло! Сегодня второй день после операции и я чувствую себя хорошо не только физически, но и психологически! Все прошло на столько комфортно, что я практически не переживала. В целом людям свойственно волноваться перед операцией, но с Вашей командой, анестезиологов, мед персонала я чувствовала что все под чутким контролем!! Я желаю всем здоровья!