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How to avoid premature aging?


Is aging a “disease”? Can a person win the battle with age?

People all over the world are living longer than before. Life expectancy has increased dramatically over the past 150 years. Scientists believe that between 2025 and 2059 the number of people in the world aged 60 and over will double, increasing from 1 to 2.1 billion.

Despite the increase in life expectancy, the diseases of old age have not disappeared. Every day they claim the lives of 100 thousand people, and the health systems of developed countries spend huge amounts of money to somehow slow down the aging process.

However, some researchers believe that our view of old age is fundamentally wrong. In their opinion, we should treat the aging body in the same way as we treat diseases.

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What is aging in simple words?

At the biological level, the aging process is the result of the gradual accumulation of molecular and cellular damage as a result of human life. These changes lead to deterioration in mental and physical function, as well as an increased risk of disease, ultimately leading to death.

Why is aging a disease?

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Previously, aging was defined as a natural process, and therefore was not traditionally viewed as a disease. Proponents of this theory believe that age-related changes are not a deviation from the norm, therefore they cannot be characterized as a pathology.

At the same time, there are a growing number of researchers who view aging as an actual disease state that increases the risk of developing age-related health problems. In response to rapidly changing attitudes towards aging, the WHO has recognized it as a disease in the latest version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).

The formal recognition of old age as a disease opens the way for the development of methods to prevent aging. This event will also help increase funding for research into rejuvenating the body, maintaining health and extending life.

What ages first?

The lungs begin to age after 20 years, the skin – between the ages of 20 and 30 years (on average by 2% per year). The first age-related changes in the bones appear at 30 years old, in the heart – at 40 (this organ ages on average by 1% per year). The brain begins to age by the age of 30, the hearing organs by the age of 30, the eyes by the age of 30-40, the liver by the age of 30 (after this age its ability to renew itself greatly decreases).

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What causes rapid aging?

Although the exact causes of the aging mechanism are still unknown, at a certain age the system of the body that is responsible for renewing the body fails. Genetically, aging is the general name for negative structural, functional and psychological changes that are preprogrammed. Simply put, as we age, our body gradually loses the ability to self-heal and maintain a full life.

There are internal and external factors that lead to aging. One of them is oxidative stress caused by free radicals. The first irreversible damage to cells appears at the age of 30, and after 50 years they manifest themselves in the form of diseases.

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As we age, the body’s levels of growth hormone decrease, leading to weight gain, decreased muscle strength, weakened heart function, deterioration of bone structure, sleep disturbances, and depressive moods.

Additional factors include a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy habits, frequent stress, decreased hormone levels (HGH, DHEA-SO4, melatonin, testosterone, estrogen). If we talk about what foods lead to aging of the body, these primarily include sweet, fatty foods, red meat, and processed foods.

All of the above factors actually make our body age faster. However, more and more scientists agree that stem cells play a major role in this process. With age, their supply in the body decreases. They can no longer repair damaged and worn-out body tissues. This theory made it possible to develop innovative methods of rejuvenating the body, which we will discuss below.

How to prevent the body from aging: the unique properties of stem cells

To understand what prospects open up for those who decide to resort to cell therapy, it is worth remembering the mechanism of how stem cells work. Every person’s body has a supply of these important cells that can differentiate (turn into) other types of cells in the body. In case of illness, damage, or wear and tear of any organ or tissue, the body sends stem cells to the critical area to carry out “repair work.”

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However, with age, the reserve and proliferative potential (ability to divide) of stem cells decreases. This means that they are beginning to cope with their recovery work more and more poorly. Even if a person does not develop serious illnesses, the irreversible aging process leads to age-related changes that affect appearance, well-being and the functioning of internal organs.

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The most effective rejuvenation procedures: stem cells

Relatively recently, scientists have learned to obtain mesenchymal stem cells directly from the patients themselves. To do this, blood or a small amount of adipose tissue is taken from the patient. The resulting cells are multiplied in the laboratory and injected back into the patient. This unique technique makes it possible to launch natural processes of tissue regeneration and achieve overall rejuvenation of the body. That is, stem cells are a unique opportunity to prolong biological youth, and not just improve the condition of the skin, reduce wrinkles or get rid of age spots.

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Anti-aging stem cell therapy helps:

  • improve overall well-being, increase performance and endurance, get a boost of energy;
  • normalize the functioning of internal organs and metabolic processes;
  • improve coordination of movements, memory, reaction speed, concentration;
  • strengthen the immune system, increase resistance to infectious diseases;
  • improve the condition of the skin (after systemic and local injection of stem cells, the skin is smoothed, tightened, pigment spots disappear, and facial tone is evened out);
  • reduce the risk of developing tumors;
  • increase libido and improve sexual function.

In addition, mesenchymal stem cells have significant anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce the level of general inflammation in the body.

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The best clinics for the treatment of premature aging

Recently, more and more longevity clinics have appeared. They carry out various anti-aging procedures. Anti-aging clinics offer a personalized approach and treatment at the cellular level, including early detection of diseases, measurement of biomarkers of aging and other methods of preventing age-related changes. These treatments can range from dietary and exercise modifications to gene therapy and the use of stem cells.

Anti-aging therapy can be performed in Serbia at the Polyclinic Tara 70. This is a modern multidisciplinary medical center that, in addition to diagnosing and treating various diseases, also offers rejuvenation using PRP therapy and mesenchymal stem cell injections. The price of treatment also includes 3-day accommodation in a standard room at the Hyatt Hotel, located next to the Tara 70 clinic. Hyatt Regency Belgrade is a comfortable hotel located in the center of New Belgrade, which is now the main business and entertainment district of Serbia.

поликлиника Тара 70

Polyclinic Tara 70, Belgrade, Serbia

In addition, cell anti-aging treatments are available in the Czech Republic in Prague. This service is offered by the modern Anti-Age Biotech Clinic. It is a leader in the anti-aging industry. The company stands out noticeably from other clinics because to slow down aging, they use stem cells rather than creams and masks.

Anti-Age Biotech

Anti-Age Biotech Clinic, Prague, Czech Republic

Anti-Age Biotech uses the latest methods of rejuvenation at the cellular level. One of them is the proprietary stem cell manipulation technology ShorDiCell®, developed by the world-class Ukrainian company Biopro Stem Technology. It makes it possible to obtain a cell preparation containing pure stem cells from the patient’s autologous (own) blood or adipose tissue in a concentration of 99.5-99.8%. This concentration significantly increases the effectiveness of cell therapy and is significantly superior to standard cell treatment methods.

This is not a complete list of clinics where you can undergo cell rejuvenation. If you are interested in this innovative technique, call the phone number listed on the website or fill out the feedback form. The MedTour coordinator will contact you shortly and help you choose a suitable medical center. The medical coordinator will make an appointment with a doctor and help you organize treatment.

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Which doctor will help avoid premature aging of the body?

A good specialist in the field of cell rejuvenation is Ivan Badyin. For more than 20 years he has been treating and restoring the body using cellular technologies. In his work, he uses modern techniques such as PRP therapy, plasma therapy and stem cell therapy. Dr. Badyin has extensive experience in the use of cellular technologies for general rejuvenation of the body, as well as the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, cardiovascular and nervous systems.

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Health and longevity: a new type of investment?

With the world’s aging population accelerating, finding ways to counteract the adverse health effects of aging has become a top priority. This approach, of course, requires significant financial investments. It is predicted that the anti-aging industry market will reach $44 billion by 2030. Considering that civilized countries spend huge sums on healthcare, preventing aging may be a completely justified strategy.

The fight against aging is becoming an increasingly serious and promising area of medicine. Maybe in the future we will really be able to overcome old age and prolong our youth for many years.

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Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:
Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
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