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Liver metastasis

Liver metastasis

Metastasis is a phase of the development of malignant tumors, during which secondary growth foci are formed separately from the main tumor. The appearance of metastases in the liver is characteristic of many malignant diseases. For example, with colorectal cancer in the last stages they occur in approximately 50% of cases. If we talk about the percentage of the total number of metastases found in the human body, metastasis to the liver is observed at approximately 25%.

Most often, when metastases appear in the liver, multiple lesions occur, with both lobes of the organ affected.

What are the dangers of liver metastases?

In the presence of metastasis, general health may deteriorate, signs of liver metastases may appear, such as: pain in the right hypochondrium, the digestion process is disrupted, jaundice, heart rhythm disturbances, pain in the heart area and itching may appear.

Multiple liver metastases can:

  • lead to disruption of the liver, as a result of which its ability to neutralize toxins circulating in the blood is noticeably reduced;
  • contribute to disruption of the normal outflow of bile;
  • cause bleeding into the abdominal cavity;
  • disrupt blood flow in the liver;
  • cause fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity (ascites);
  • lead to the development of peritonitis.

Metastases can occur only in malignant tumors. They appear in the later stages of pathology development. Their presence indicates the activity and aggressiveness of the disease and significantly complicates treatment. However, the detection of metastases is not a reason to consider the situation hopeless. Today, treatment of liver metastases is becoming possible. The use of modern methods of treating malignant diseases makes it possible to fight for the patient’s health even if the tumor has already metastasized to the liver.

The MedTour platform will help you find the best clinics that treat late-stage malignant diseases using the most progressive and effective techniques.

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Causes of liver metastases

The liver is an organ that is responsible for cleansing the blood of toxic substances. In addition, the peculiarities of the blood circulation of this organ lead to the fact that cancer cells often enter the liver and form a secondary tumor. Secondary liver cancer is diagnosed approximately 20 times more often than primary liver cancer. Therefore, often when a tumor is detected in this organ during the diagnostic process, it turns out that this is a secondary focus, and the primary tumor is located in a completely different organ.

Many types of cancer give metastases to the liver, but the most common metastases are from the following malignant diseases:

  • colorectal cancer;
  • mammary cancer;
  • lung cancer;
  • pancreas cancer;
  • stomach cancer;
  • melanoma.

Most often, metastasis to the liver occurs in colorectal cancer. This is due to the fact that blood from these organs directly flows through the portal vein to the liver, which makes it easier for cancer cells to enter the liver.

How quickly do metastases grow?

Метастазы в печени при раке

It is believed that metastases occur several years after the appearance of the primary tumor. However, the speed at which this will happen and the growth rate of the metastases themselves depend on the type of cancer and the degree of its aggressiveness.

In the early stages of the emergence of secondary lesions, their growth is slower, and there are practically no symptoms of liver damage. Then, as the disease progresses, their growth rate increases.

Liver cancer with metastases – prognosis. How many years do people live with liver metastases?

When diagnosing metastases in the liver, the prognosis is unfavorable. On average, patients live 6 months to 1.5 years after their discovery. However, this is very general data. The situation largely depends on the type of malignant disease, the location of the lesions, their number, and treatment options.

For example, prognoses improve markedly if it is possible to perform surgery and remove the primary tumor and secondary lesion. If secondary lesions are present simultaneously in several organs, this worsens the prognosis. But even in such situations today there is an opportunity to continue the fight for health. The use of the latest methods for diagnosing types of cancer and the use of innovative treatment methods can produce positive results even in the most severe cases.

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Diagnosis of liver metastases

Метастазы в печени сиптомы

When diagnosing, the first priority is to differentiate the detected tumors from the primary cancer, which developed from mutated liver cells. Their size, quantity and exact location are also determined. To do this, a comprehensive examination is carried out, which most often includes:

  • Ultrasound. A fairly simple type of study that determines the presence of tumors and their approximate size. This technique is not accurate enough and requires additional diagnostics to establish more specific characteristics of tumors.
  • MRI, CT, PET-CT. These are more accurate diagnostic methods that make it possible to see tumors anywhere in the liver and determine their exact size. The results of the study show the tumor in different projections. In specialized oncology centers, such diagnostics are carried out using devices with the highest possible definition. Doctors also use contrast and radioactive substances, which further increases accuracy and makes it possible to detect metastases several millimeters in size.
  • Blood tests. Doctors may prescribe biochemical blood tests. Liver enzymes are measured to find out how this organ functions. Immunohistochemical analyzes are also performed to determine tumor markers.

However, the most informative method that accurately determines the histological type of tumor is a liver biopsy.

Liver biopsy for cancer

Puncture of affected cells from the liver and their subsequent study makes it possible to determine from which organ the metastases entered the liver and accurately determine the type of cancer. This diagnostic method significantly increases the effectiveness of pathology treatment. Depending on the location of the metastases, a biopsy can be performed using different methods:

  • using laparoscopy;
  • fine needle aspiration method;
  • by puncture biopsy, which is done under ultrasound guidance.

After obtaining a small amount of tissue from the tumor using one of the methods, they are examined in the laboratory.

The latest methods for diagnosing cancer: genetic testing

Метастазы в печени новые методы диагностики

Today, with the help of laboratory tests, it is possible not only to determine the type of cancer, but also to detect some of its more detailed characteristics, genetic and somatic mutations. Such diagnostics are carried out in specialized laboratories and make it possible to specifically select drugs that will most effectively influence malignant cells. Using molecular profiling for various genes associated with cancer, specialists can identify specific mutations and select targeted drugs that are effective for a specific malignant disease.

To learn more about diagnostic capabilities in leading cancer centers and specialized molecular genetic laboratories in different countries, contact the MedTour coordinating doctor.

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Liver metastases – diet

The use of a diet for metastatic liver disease is aimed at facilitating the functioning of this organ and the entire digestive system. The basis of the diet is low-calorie dishes with low fat content and the obligatory presence of protein products. Doctors usually recommend: boiled meat and lean fish, stewed and baked vegetables, vegetarian soups. The following are contraindicated: fried, flour, baked goods and sweets, alcohol, carbonated drinks.

Diet for liver metastases can serve as an auxiliary tool in complex treatment tactics. The patient must follow a diet during all periods of the disease, while taking medications and in the postoperative period. Properly adjusted nutrition allows the patient to more easily tolerate treatment with toxic drugs and allows the body to recover faster.

Treatment of liver metastases

Today, doctors use various treatment tactics when detecting metastases in the liver. In some severe cases, oncologists recommend palliative therapy aimed at relieving symptoms. However, doctors may also recommend other approaches, including surgery, radiation therapy, and targeted therapy. The choice of treatment tactics depends on the number of metastases, type of cancer, degree of liver involvement and other features.

Surgery for liver metastases

The operation can be performed in cases where one or more metastases are detected in the liver and it is possible to remove a small area of the organ. Such operations today are performed laparoscopically. However, this is only possible in 10-20% of cases, so in most situations other approaches are used in the treatment of liver metastases.

Radiation therapy for liver metastases

To treat metastases, oncologists use modern types of radioactive treatment, radioembolization, and stereotactic surgery. During radioembolization, special radioactive elements are injected into the hepatic artery. The specialist does this using a catheter. Stereotactic surgery involves the use of the CyberKnife robotic system. In this case, each specific metastasis is exposed to high doses of ionizing radiation. At the same time, the surrounding healthy tissues are minimally involved in the process.

Chemotherapy for liver metastases

The most commonly used drugs for liver metastases are cytostatics. Once in the body, they have a toxic effect on rapidly dividing cells, and malignant cells are primarily affected by them.

Today, the most commonly used type of chemotherapy in the treatment of liver metastases is chemoembolization. This is a more modern and effective approach. Its peculiarity is that chemotherapy drugs are injected into a blood vessel that directly supplies the tumor with blood. This approach makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduce the negative impact on healthy cells of the body.

Ablation of liver metastases

Radiofrequency ablation of liver metastases involves applying electric current to the metastases. The doctor inserts a long needle into the metastasis area, through which an electric current passes. Thus, the tumor is exposed to high temperatures and it is destroyed. The procedure is carried out under the control of any visual diagnostic method, ultrasound or CT.

Another way to target metastases is cryoablation. In this case, the tumor is cooled using liquid nitrogen. Alcohol ablation may also be used. In this option, ethyl alcohol is injected into the tumor using a needle, which also leads to the destruction of the metastasis.

Targeted therapy for liver metastases

Метастазы в печени при раке таргетная терапия

Targeted drugs for liver metastases act on cancer cells in a targeted manner, without having a noticeable negative effect on healthy tissue. Such drugs are selected individually, taking into account the specific type of cancer and genetic mutations that were detected during laboratory testing.

Special genetic diagnostics helps to select the most effective targeted drug. As a rule, targeted therapy for liver metastases is prescribed in combination with chemoembolization and other methods.

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Immunotherapy for cancer

Immunotherapeutic agents are used to activate the body’s own defenses and involve the patient’s immune system in the active fight against the disease. A promising area of immunotherapy is the use of cancer vaccines.

Today, there are already variants of such vaccines that have demonstrated their positive effects and are already used for various malignant diseases. The MedTour platform cooperates with the developers of such vaccines. For example, you can use an autovaccine developed by Ukrainian scientists. This is a personal vaccine that is made from the patient’s tumor tissue. After special processing, a drug is obtained that helps activate immune cells to fight cancer. This vaccine has shown effectiveness against many types of cancer. It helps improve treatment results, avoid metastases and relapses. It can be used in conjunction with other therapies or after a course of treatment for preventive purposes.

You can also use a xenovaccine, which does not require tumor tissue to create. In this case, in the manufacture of the drug, animal proteins are used, which have characteristics similar to cancer cells. The xenovaccine has also shown good results in the treatment and prevention of many types of cancer and can be used to prevent relapses and metastases.

You can be vaccinated with a cancer vaccine in Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Turkey. For details about cancer vaccines, please contact us.

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The best clinics for the treatment of liver cancer

For successful treatment of malignant diseases, the level of the clinic you contact is very important. In advanced cancer treatment centers, treatment efficiency is always higher, which is achieved through the use of the latest techniques, the use of innovative drugs and the latest generation equipment. By getting to the best clinics, you can use every possible chance to fight the disease.

The MedTour platform cooperates with the best medical centers specializing in the treatment of various types of cancer. We will help you get to leading clinics for the treatment of liver metastases located in Turkey, Ukraine, South Korea, Germany, Italy, Spain, Israel, and India.

The MedTour coordinator will advise you free of charge on the costs and methods of treatment in clinics, and will help you choose a medical institution that specializes in the treatment of your disease. Contact us to find out more.

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The best doctors for the treatment of liver metastases

We will help you find the best specialists who have extensive experience and special skills in the fight against metastatic cancer, use modern approaches to treatment, and apply the most effective techniques.

From the MedTour coordinator you can find out about the best doctors in this field in different countries of the world. He will tell you about the options and possibilities of treatment with different doctors, and will help you choose the specialist who is most suitable for you, taking into account the characteristics of your condition.

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Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:
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