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Chordoma treatment

Chordoma is a malignant tumor that is found in the lumbosacral region, in the occipital part of the skull and very rarely, in 15% of the total number of cases, in the spine. As a rare tumor, chordoma does not have its own staging, however, it is equated in this sense to sarcomas. The median 5 — year survival rate was 68%, and the 10-year survival rate was 40%. On average, people live for 7 years after diagnosis.

Its exact origin is unknown, the most likely version is that the chordoma is formed from the remains of the notochord (the netochord is the skeleton of a human embryo at a certain stage of development). This disease has no racial or genetic predisposition, but is 10-15% more common in men. Associations with the risk of chordoma and lifestyle were also not identified.

However, it is known that people who have a sequence called SNP in the brachyury gene are more likely to experience this disease. In the world, there are even several cases of familial chordoma, while family members have been found to have disorders in the brachyury gene.

As a rule, the chordoma of the lumbosacral region begins to manifest itself clinically in 20 – 25 years, and the chordoma of the occipital part of the skull-in 50-60 years.

MedTour patients recommend clinics for the treatment of chordoma:

Turkey, Istanbul
Medipol University Hospital
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 120 USD
Republic of Korea, Seoul
Samsung Medical Center
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 100 USD
Spain, Barcelona
Teknon Medical Center
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 300 USD
Israel, Tel-Aviv
Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Clinic)
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 600 USD
Turkey, Istanbul
LIV Hospitals
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 120 USD
Turkey, Istanbul
Medical Park Hospitals Network
Excellent(4.676 reviews)
Admission fee:
from 130 USD
Turkey, Istanbul
Memorial Hospitals
Excellent(4.229 reviews)
Admission fee:
from 140 USD
Israel, Tel-Aviv
Assuta Medical Center
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 500 USD
Italy, Milan
San Raffaele Hospital
Admission fee:
from 300 USD
Germany, Hamburg
Hospital network «Asklepios»
Admission fee:
from 400 USD
Germany, Berlin
Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch
Good(3.502 reviews)
Admission fee:
from 280 USD
Spain, Barcelona
Quirónsalud Barcelona Hospital
Admission fee:
from 450 USD
India, Bangalore, Goa
Manipal Hospitals Network
Admission fee:
from 100 USD
Spain, Barcelona, Madrid
HM Hospitals
Admission fee:
from 300 USD
Germany, Solingen
Municipal Clinic Solingen
Admission fee:
To be clarified
Turkey, Istanbul
Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Admission fee:
from 120 USD
Republic of Korea, Seoul
Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH)
Admission fee:
from 50 USD
Czech Republic, Prague
Motol University Hospital
Good(3.001 review)
Admission fee:
To be clarified
Germany, Krefeld (Dusseldorf)
Helios Krefeld clinic
Excellent(4.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 600 USD
Republic of Korea, Seoul
Severance Gangnam Hospital
Admission fee:
To be clarified
20 clinics of 49 Show more

Patient reviews

Patient was treated in the clinic University hospital LIV Istinye

I want to share my experience with Liv Hospital, where I had a prostate removal surgery due to cancer. From the very beginning, everything was well-organized – the staff helped me with all arrangements, and the doctor explained everything in detail. The hospital itself is very modern and clean, which made me feel more comfortable.
The surgery went well, and I was surprised how fast I started recovering. Now, a few months later, I feel much better and my tests show good results. I’m really grateful to the doctors and nurses at Liv Hospital for their professionalism and care. If anyone is looking for high-quality prostate cancer treatment, I can definitely recommend this place.

Patient was treated for Prostate cancer in the clinic Radiosurgery center Sigulda

Рудченко Олексадр Украіна. Велике спасибі за професіоналізм та чуйність до всього колективу відділення, особливо лікарю Марісу Межецкісу. Лікування відбувалося у січні 2023 року.

Patient was treated for Breast cancer in the clinic Samsung Medical Center

My mom had a mastectomy at the Samsung medical center. We were very worried, but everything went well. MedTour helped us get to the clinic and hired a transfer. The clinic is of a high class, my mother was pleased with the treatment, the conditions of the ward and the service.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the symptoms of chordoma?

Fortunately, chordoma rarely affects the lymph nodes, and metastases are formed already at a late stage of the disease. Manifestations are associated with the growth of the tumor in
width and damage to adjacent nerves. Therefore, the symptoms are diverse:

  • loss of voice
  • headache
  • visual impairment
  • cough
  • impaired sensitivity and functioning of the limbs,
    impaired pelvic organs
  • Relatively common are diplopia (double image) with chordoma ofthe cranial fossa and an increase in body temperature at the site of the chordoma of any
  • With the progression of the disease, there may be a violation of cardiac activity, hemoptysis, the appearance of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
How is chordoma diagnosed?

Diagnosis is made by CT or MRI of the affected area. In this way, you can see the formation and find out if other organs are affected. A biopsy is then performed to confirm the diagnosis.

How is chordoma treated?

As a rule, the complete cure of the chordoma can be achieved by removing the tumor. However, it should be said that this process is very complicated technically. The fact is that
the chordoma grows in the immediate vicinity of the brain or spinal cord, and is diagnosed in most cases when it already begins to squeeze the nerves.

Therefore, oncologists face a difficult task-to remove the tumor and not damage vital structures. Also, it is extremely
important to remove the chordoma completely together with the capsule, without leaving even the smallest, not visible to the eye areas of tumor cells, otherwise a new chordoma will
form from them.

Conducting such an intervention requires special methods. The treatment is carried out in 2 stages. first, a neurosurgical operation is performed, and then radiation on a linear accelerator, most often a cyber knife.

If it is impossible to remove the tumor or if there are distant metastases, chemotherapy is used.

Why do patients choose chordoma treatment abroad?
  • The frequency of occurrence of chordoma is 2-3 cases per 10 million people per year. Therefore, if you do not go to a specialized neurosurgical center, you will most likely have to
    be treated by a doctor who has never dealt with chordoma before.
  • Neurosurgical operations performed on the Da Vinci robot are much more accurate and less traumatic, but in most CIS countries there are no such robots yet.
  • To perform radiation at the second stage of treatment, a linear accelerator of a class not lower than a cyber-knife is required, however, a cyber-knife still leaves a sufficiently large
  • risk of damage to the most important structures of the brain and spinal cord, nerves and pelvic organs. In order to minimize the risk of such damage, a linear accelerator with IMRT functions is necessary-taking into account the movement of organs relative to each other during irradiation and adjusting the direction of the beam at the same time.
How much does chordoma treatment abroad cost?

Treatment for chordoma is most likely a cyberknife or other type of linear accelerator irradiation or neurosurgery.

The cost of such treatment:

  • up to 18 thousand dollars Turkey
    up to 28 thousand euros Europe
    up to 43-45 thousand dollars Israel



Kateryna Maliarchuk
Medical author, Medical expert:
PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
Medical expert:

Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

Kateryna Maliarchuk
Medical Doctor, oncologist, PHD student
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