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Municipal Clinic Solingen

Germany, Solingen

The City Hospital Solingen is one of the leading clinics in Germany, operating since 1863. 

It works under the University of Cologne, that gives it a status of an academic hospital. 

Clinic Solingen is in the TOP of the best hospitals in the country according to Focus magazine.

Solingen specializes in cancer treatment, neurosurgery, gastroenterology, cardiology and orthopedics.

The hospital received a certificate of compliance with the criteria of the German Cancer Society (DKG), as the best cancer treatment clinic in Germany.

Two of the clinic’s doctors are on the list of recommended specialists in Germany according to Focus and Guter Rat.

Professor Wolfgang Schwenk,  his specialization is general, visceral, vascular and oncological surgery and Prof. Dr. Peter Heering —  the head of the Nephrology Department.

Each year 60 thousands of patients receive treatment in Solingen.

 Clinic Solingen takes part in projects of the World Health Organization and the European Union.

 One of the advantages of the clinic is that the prices for treatment here are 10-20% lower than general in Germany because this hospital is located in a small town.


Leave a request and our specialists will contact you

    Procedures and their cost

    The cost may vary depending on the case and the recommendation of doctors.
    from $280 from $280
    from $1,178 from $470
    from $17,600 from $1,300
    from $8,825 from $200,000
    from $280,000 from $18,000
    from $3,989 from $9,200
    from $42,360 from $12,200
    from $31,800 Municipal Clinic Solingen from $5,500
    from $2,849 from $56,500
    from $512 from $284
    from $9,150 from $76,700
    from $8,500 from $7,409
    from $911 from $9,150
    from $15,000 from $80,000
    from $9,200 from $28,500
    from $9,700 from $11,400
    from $9,350 from $10,300
    from $5,000 from $6,000
    from $1,500 from $4,000
    from $460 from $3,400
    from $3,100 from $1,400
    from $4,700 from $2,700
    from $7,000 from $1,400
    from $470 from $1,170
    from $350 from $940 Municipal Clinic Solingen
    from $530 from $300 Municipal Clinic Solingen
    from $350 from $470
    from $590 from $825
    from $700 from $120
    from $9,500 from $17,700 Municipal Clinic Solingen
    from $15,250 from $890
    from $13,500 from $14,120
    from $33,000 from $13,000
    from $2,830 from $22,300
    from $29,500 from $17,000
    from $30,500 from $25,500
    from $34,000 from $41,000
    from $1,650 from $41,000
    from $16,100 from $18,200 Municipal Clinic Solingen
    from $18,200 from $5,000
    from $47,000 from $18,800
    from $43,600 Municipal Clinic Solingen from $10,600
    from $16,500 from $1,178
    from $37,720 from $1,180
    from $20,000 from $17,000
    from $32,400 from $21,200
    from $412,000 from $9,200
    from $35,000 from $26,000
    from $109,000 from $19,000
    from $22,300 from $19,800
    from $1,300 from $18,800
    from $17,600 from $15,000
    from $10,600 from $8,000
    from $21,200 from $23,000
    from $12,500 from $42,500
    from $17,700 from $19,400
    from $18,800 from $13,000
    from $18,500 from $5,900
    from $27,000 from $18,800
    from $14,120 from $23,200
    from $120 from $1,940
    from $700 from $200
    from $130 from $420
    from $235 from $820
    from $1,530 from $120 Municipal Clinic Solingen
    from $210 from $470
    from $1,120 from $1,350
    from $1,400 from $4,200
    from $18,800

    Services provided by the clinic Municipal Clinic Solingen

    • Cash payment
    • Cashless payment
    • No prepayment
    • Day hospital
    • Hospital for in-patients
    • Escort
    • Meeting at the airport
    • Transfer
    Organizational matters
    • Medical visa
    • Reception of documents in English
    Leave a review
    Review text*


    Location Municipal Clinic Solingen
    Gotenstraße 1, 42653 Solingen, Germany

    Frequently Asked Questions




    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
    Medical expert:
    Kateryna Maliarchuk
    Medical author, Medical expert:

    Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

    Vladimir Bersenev