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Clean cell phone will keep you from many diseases


We often don’t notice how many germs are on our cell phones. From the amount of surfaces we put them on, to every time we touch them with unclean hands or let someone else touch them.

According to a 2020 review of past studies, scientists found that cell phones around the world carry a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria and other disease-causing microbes.

Since we carry our phones with us everywhere, it’s essential to understand how important it is to properly sanitize them.

Bill Sullivan, PhD, studies infectious diseases in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Indiana University School of Medicine. He talks about what microorganisms can be found on phones and what you can do to protect yourself.

What microorganisms can live on your phone?

Numerous studies have found a wide range of microbes on cell phones. These include skin bacteria such as staphylococci (including the hard-to-treat MRSA variant) and streptococci, as well as fecal bacteria such as E. coli and Enterococcus faecalis. These bacteria can cause skin infections, pharyngitis, or gastrointestinal illness accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Viruses commonly found on cell phones include norovirus, which can survive on surfaces for days and cause vomiting and diarrhea when infected, and respiratory viruses, which can cause pneumonia or influenza. By the way, we are in the midst of a norovirus outbreak right now, which is not uncommon during the winter months as the cold contributes to the ability of viruses to survive on surfaces (including phones).

What is your risk of contracting a disease through your phone?

In general, very young people, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to all these infections. These categories of users should take extra precautions to keep their phones clean. Parents who allow a young child to use their phone should wash it before and after the child picks it up.

While a number of studies have found that these microorganisms are present on cell phones, it is not certain that they are the primary source of infection causing widespread illnesses – more research is needed to confirm this claim. But since the phone is undoubtedly a known carrier of germs, it makes sense to keep it clean.

What precautions should you take to avoid getting sick by contracting germs from your phone?

The risk of infection is real, so simple precautions can be taken to avoid getting sick. These include the following

  • Do not use your phone in the bathroom, and wash your hands thoroughly before picking up your phone.
  • Don’t put your phone on surfaces where germs may be present.
  • If you use your phone in a medical facility or hospital, disinfect it afterwards.
  • If someone else uses the phone, disinfect it.
  • Do not touch your face, mouth, or eyes with unclean hands.
  • Do not touch your cheeks or mouth when talking on the phone.
  • Disinfect your telephone at least once a day.
  • Always wash or disinfect your hands before eating.

What is the right way to clean your phone?

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for disinfecting the device. Alcohol wipes that don’t damage the electronics usually work well.

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