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Липосакция Медтур

What are the latest liposuction methods and how to choose the most effective one?

Medical articles

Липосакция Медтур

According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, liposuction is one of the most popular procedures in the world, with 1.5 million surgeries performed in 2020 alone, and that number continues to skyrocket in subsequent years. Why is this method of body shaping so popular? What methods of liposuction should be preferred? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Is liposuction worth it?

Since liposuction is a surgical procedure, many people have doubts about whether to resort to such a radical method of getting rid of excess fat. There are two main reasons why it is still worth contacting a plastic surgeon.

1. Liposuction works when diet and exercise no longer help

No one is saying that you should give up a balanced diet and sports. They are important tools for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. But sometimes there comes a time when the effect of diet and exercise reaches its limit.

The fact is that in the process of distribution of fat throughout the body, genetics plays a very important role. Therefore, some people cannot get rid of the fat on the abdomen or the “ears” on the sides, no matter how hard they exhaust themselves with a strict diet and exercise in the gym. Many feel the urge to give up at this point. Liposuction helps to achieve the desired result, as well as maintain the motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle and keep the body in perfect shape.

2. Liposuction is a great option for patients who are comfortable with their weight but not their shape

Many people, especially women, don’t mind the extra volume as long as it’s in the right place. However, excess fat on the abdomen or thighs is unlikely to ever become a fashion trend, and, unfortunately, these are the areas that are genetically “fat traps”. The good news is that modern methods of liposuction allow you to correct any area of the body: the abdomen, the bra area, the “ears” on the sides, the “breeches” on the hips, the “wings” on the arms and even the second chin. Therefore, liposuction can be considered not only as a method of losing weight, but also as a way to shape the figure.

And this is not all the advantages of liposuction. Some patients who have undergone the procedure say that if they knew how quick and easy it is, they would have decided on it much earlier.

  • Liposuction is a minimally invasive method of body shaping. Patients do not need general anesthesia, and modern techniques such as water-jet or laser liposuction (we will talk about them in more detail) allow to remove excess fat with minimal trauma to surrounding tissues.
  • Recovery after liposuction is very fast. On average, the rehabilitation period takes only 1-2 days. That is, you can undergo the procedure on Friday, and return to work on Monday. The only thing you will need to give up is heavy physical exertion and intense sports training for 1-2 weeks.
  • The results of liposuction are immediately visible and they will improve. Unlike cosmetic procedures for body shaping, the effect of liposuction does not need to wait several months. You will leave the doctor’s office already noticeably thinner, and the final result can be assessed after 6 weeks.
  • 87% of the members of the popular US plastic surgery review site said that liposuction is “worth it”. Many people write that after the operation they have become more confident, feel younger, and can freely wear the things they like. Some participants noted that liposuction helped them lead a healthier lifestyle and become in better physical shape.

Compared to the prices of other plastic surgeries, the cost of liposuction is quite affordable. Below we share the best clinics and prices for liposuction in 2023.

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Новые методы липосакции

What are the latest liposuction techniques?

Previously, liposuction was a rather traumatic surgical operation that required a long recovery. However, the field of plastic surgery is constantly evolving, new, more effective and safer methods are emerging.

Tumescent (wet) liposuction

In fact, this is a standard surgical technique for body shaping. The only difference is that before the fat is removed, a tumescent solution containing a local anesthetic (usually lidocaine) and a vasoconstrictor (usually adrenaline) is injected into the subcutaneous fat. A local anesthetic of prolonged action permanently anesthetizes the treated area, so that the operation takes place with less discomfort for the patient. A vasoconstrictor constricts blood vessels, preventing bleeding.

Recently, “super-wet” liposuction has also been used, in which the volume of the tumescent solution must be equal to the amount of fat removed. It is this technique that the American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends for safe liposuction.

Radiofrequency liposuction BodyTite

Липосакция БодиТайт

BodyTite is a modern liposuction technique that uses temperature-controlled radio frequency energy to remove fat. During the procedure, the surgeon makes small incisions into which a thin probe is inserted. An additional device is located above it. Radio frequency energy is passed between two sensors located above and below the skin, generating heat. Heating leads to partial destruction of the fatty layer, it becomes liquid. A doctor then removes the fat using a small cannula.

The use of radio frequency energy makes BodyTite liposuction less traumatic. After the procedure, there is less bruising and swelling than after a standard operation. Heating also leads to contraction of the connective fibers in the target zone. Patients note that a few months after the operation, their skin is noticeably tightened. After the first procedure within a year, the lifting effect is 40-50%.

Ultrasonic liposuction

Like the classic “wet” liposuction, this technique involves the use of a tumescent solution. After the local anesthetic has taken effect, the doctor inserts a thin ultrasound probe under the skin through small punctures. The ultrasound energy destroys the membrane of fat cells, softens the fatty tissue and facilitates its removal with the help of an aspiration cannula.

During ultrasonic liposuction, the tissue is heated, which helps to tighten the skin. Additional benefits of this technique include:

  • minimal risk of injury to surrounding tissues;
  • the possibility of accurate modeling of problem areas of the body;
  • the ability to remove hard, fibrous fat from areas such as the sides and back;
  • minimal risk of complications and rapid recovery.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, patients can return home on the same day.

Vaser Liposuction

Липосакция Vaser

One of the varieties of ultrasonic liposuction. For the procedure, doctors use the third generation Vaser ultrasound machine, which is manufactured by Sound Surgical in Colorado, USA.

VASER is an acronym for “Vibrational Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance”. This is a modern method of liposuction, in which fat cells are destroyed by exposing them to ultrasonic waves.

There is a high risk of damage to muscle tissue and blood vessels during standard liposuction. Therefore, it is difficult for surgeons to remove adipose tissue that is too close to muscle groups. The Vaser lipo modeling procedure is performed using a special cannula that emits ultrasound waves. Ultrasonic energy helps separate fat cells from muscles and connective tissue. Therefore, a doctor can remove even small fat deposits located directly next to the muscles. During the procedure, a specialist literally models the body, making its outlines more embossed.

One of the added benefits of Vaser liposuction is the ability to transplant the removed fatty tissue to another part of the body where there is a lack of volume, such as the chest or buttocks.

Laser liposuction (SmartLipo)

This technique is similar to ultrasonic liposuction, except that instead of ultrasound, laser energy is used to liquefy the fat. The fat emulsion is sucked off using a cannula and a vacuum aspirator.

There are a number of different types of laser liposuction: SmartLipo, CoolLipo, LipoLite, LipoTherme and ThinLipo. These procedures differ in the wavelength and intensity of the laser radiation used. The use of laser energy leads to heating of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which provides a lifting effect.

Water jet liposuction (Water-Jet and Body-Jet)

Another modern method of liposuction. During the procedure, a doctor uses a low-pressure stream of saline solution. In this case, fat cells are not destroyed, but loosened, retaining their structure, which allows doctors to use them for subsequent transplantation. Water jet liposuction is considered a gentle technique. The use of pressurized saline makes it easier to separate fat from surrounding tissues, so there is less bruising and swelling after the procedure.

Non-surgical liposuction

Безоперационная липосакция

Today, there are a number of non-invasive cosmetic techniques for body shaping. They involve the use of laser energy, heat, cold or sound waves to destroy fat cells, which are subsequently excreted from the body as metabolic products.

The undoubted advantage of non-surgical liposuction is a quick recovery, as well as the absence of severe bruising and swelling. But there are also disadvantages. If, when using traditional methods, the effect is noticeable immediately, then after cosmetic procedures, you will have to wait several months to evaluate the result. To achieve a noticeable effect, as a rule, several sessions are required. In addition, non-surgical liposuction is used to correct small areas of the body where fat deposits cannot be removed with diet and exercise. With a large amount of excess fat, the traditional approach is indispensable.

Examples of non-invasive liposuction include cryolipolysis (CoolSculpting), injection lipolysis (Kybella), radiofrequency lipolysis (Vanquish), and laser lipolysis (SculpSure).

Which liposuction method should I choose?

When considering various techniques for liposuction, it is important to understand that good results can be achieved by a specialist, and not by a technique or even equipment that is not used. For example, turning to an experienced hairdresser, you can be sure that you will leave the master with an excellent haircut, regardless of what a specialist used in his work: scissors or a clipper. If the hairdresser does not have qualifications and experience, then it does not matter what tools he uses – the result will be bad. Therefore, patients wishing to undergo a liposuction procedure should focus on choosing a clinic and a plastic surgeon.

MedTour cooperates with the best plastic surgery clinics in the world. We will help you find a medical center and specialist that suits your needs, abilities and expectations. Contact our medical coordinator in a convenient way for you to get a free consultation.

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Liposuction: photos before and after

Photos of the results of various types of liposuction were provided by clinics with which MedTour cooperates.

Forme Clinic (Prague)

The plastic surgeons of the Forme clinic perform tumescent liposuction using the Body-Jet method. This is a gentle water jet technique that allows to achieve excellent results without the need for a long recovery.

Липосакция в Праге

The cost of liposuction at the Forme Clinic:

  • under local anesthesia – from $ 922;
  • under general anesthesia – from $1.850.

The exact price of liposuction can be obtained from the medical coordinator of MedTour.

Learn more about liposuction at the Forme clinic in the Czech Republic
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Health Point World Clinic (pre-rebranded Dr. Soho Clinic)

Health Point Clinic performs both standard liposuction and VASER liposuction. The first option is used with a large amount of excess fat, the second – in order to get rid of stubborn fat deposits and improve body relief.

Липосакция в Турции

The price of liposuction at the Health Point clinic is from $1.100 for one area of the body. You can clarify the cost depending on the chosen technique by contacting the coordinating doctor of MedTour.

Learn more about liposuction at the Health Point clinic in Turkey
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Quartz Clinique (Turkey)

This is the newest Turkish plastic surgery clinic. Doctors perform both standard and ultrasonic liposuction using the VASER method. The extensive experience of Turkish plastic surgeons allows achieving excellent results, regardless of the chosen technique.

Липосакция Вайзер в Турции

The price of liposuction in Turkey at the Quartz clinic is from $2.800. This is an estimated cost. A full price list for services can be obtained from the medical coordinator of MedTour.

Learn more about liposuction at the Quartz clinic in Turkey
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Why is it worth contacting MedTour?

  • Medical coordinators of MedTour will help you choose the best plastic surgery clinic, taking into account your needs and wishes. We will create an individual program of procedures and calculate its cost in advance so that you can plan your budget.
  • MedTour cooperates with a large number of medical centers around the world. We have already helped arrange treatment for thousands of patients. Our task is to find the optimal solution for everyone. The MedTour team accompanies patients at every stage: from choosing a clinic and organizing treatment to returning home. We support our patients comprehensively and stay in touch 24/7.
  • MedTour does not charge for its services. Patients pay for treatment at the clinic’s cash desk.
Categories:    Medical articles



Ilona Baidiuk
Medical author:
Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:
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