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Иван Бадьин

Rejuvenation and stem cell treatment: interview with Dr. Ivan Badyin in Serbia


Ivan Badyin, a Candidate of Medical Sciences, a general practitioner of the highest qualification category with more than 15 years of experience in the use of regenerative technologies, spoke about modern aspects of cell therapy in his interview recorded in the Serbian clinic Polyclinic Tara 70.

Introduce yourself, please.

My name is Ivan Badyin, I am a doctor of medicine, I have been working with stem cells for more than 15 years. I have been in medicine for over 30 years. I have been involved in surgery and rehabilitation, but today my main focus is regenerative techniques. These include the use of stem cells and PRP therapy (platelet rich plasma therapy).

I am very pleased to introduce BioPro Stem Technology. This is our laboratory. And our company, which I represent here in the Balkans, is the Movicsmed-Balkan company. The company is engaged in various regenerative technologies.

Tell us more about this direction.

This is cell therapy for various diseases, treatment of cancer patients using the so-called T-mapping method.

Do you treat autoimmune diseases?

To treat autoimmune diseases, it is necessary to know the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of these diseases. These are quite complex modern diseases. Therefore, their treatment is divided into two parts. The first part is reducing the damaging factor in an autoimmune disease, and the second is treating the directly damaged organs. The first part is usually dealt with by our general medicine, immunologists. In this regard, there is a very good treatment method, such as plasmapheresis. But the second part (restoration of damaged organs) is exactly the part that stem cells successfully cope with.

What diseases can be treated with stem cells?

We have achieved very good results in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren’s disease, and psoriasis. Stem cells help achieve good stabilization of the condition of patients with type 1 diabetes and systemic lupus erythematosus. Cell therapy is a very good method that, when combined, helps restore the body.

After 40-45 years, the so-called diseases of old age begin to appear. Why do they arise? Because the body’s own supply of stem cells, which the body uses to routinely replace damaged and worn-out cells, is no longer enough. Therefore, injections of stem cells for type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome can achieve very good results.

Are stem cells effective in treating liver disease?

If the damaging factor is removed, stem cell treatment is very effective for any liver disease. This can be liver cirrhosis, liver fibrosis of any etiology. However, the main question here is whether there is further damage to the organ. If there is traumatic or toxic-chemical damage, for example, alcoholism, with certain treatment regimens we are able to achieve almost complete restoration of the liver. But with liver damage or fibrosis caused by an autoimmune disease, the result is not so pronounced, so we cannot eliminate the damaging factor.

Are there any limitations to the use of cell therapy?

Today, stem cell treatment, unfortunately, is used as a chance therapy. Patients who have tried all possible modern treatment methods come to us. If a patient applies too late, we are forced to refuse him.

What patients do you have to refuse?

Patients with acute and terminal conditions. This is not so much a contraindication as we simply may not have time to help the person. However, each case is considered individually. We discuss it with the patient himself and with his relatives. Sometimes we take risks and help.

Plus, it is necessary to understand the essence of cell therapy. Let’s say that with autoimmune diseases, we do not treat the disease itself, we treat the organ damage caused by the autoimmune disease.

Who is indicated for cell therapy?

The process of prescribing treatment is highly individual. At the first stage, we examine the patient and evaluate the test results. After this, we decide whether to prescribe cell therapy. To summarize, I would like to say that the indications for the use of stem cells are very wide, however, in certain conditions, even the use of stem cells is not an option.

MedTour company cooperates with many clinics and doctors providing services in the field of regenerative therapy. If you are interested in stem cell treatment, call the phone number listed on the website or fill out the feedback form. We will select for you the best medical center and a qualified specialist in the field of cell therapy.

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