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Pediatricians recommend that parents consider 8 goals for a high-quality life in the new year


New Year’s projects are usually large-scale and grandiose. But often the biggest payoff can be realized by building on what you already have in place. To ensure your family’s safety, strength and harmony in the coming year, a few strategic changes, rather than a drastic overhaul, may be necessary.

The start of a new year is a great time to take a step back, take a breath, and look at how you are taking care of yourself and other members of your family. What are you doing right? Praise yourself for it.

We suggest you consider a few guidelines as well:

  1. Vaccines keep everyone in the community safe and are the best way to protect yourself, your children, and other loved ones from many serious infections. They also help ensure that your child can go to school, attend extracurricular activities, and socialize with friends. Call your pediatrician to make sure your children have received all recommended vaccinations and ask any questions you may have. The New Year is also a good time to remind children that practicing good hand hygiene can help prevent the spread of disease-causing germs.
  2. Develop healthy digital habits. Spend some time exploring age-appropriate media. Make a family media plan or update an existing one and try to prevent gaming from becoming an unhealthy habit. Remember that screen time doesn’t always have to be alone time. The family can watch a show or play video games together.
  3. Read together. Set aside time to read every day. For younger children, an easy way is to incorporate reading into your child’s bedtime routine. For older children and teens, share a favorite book by taking turns reading aloud or listening to audiobooks together. Reading is extremely beneficial to children’s brains, and it also strengthens the special bond between you and your child.
  4. Get outdoors more. Spending time outdoors can be a great mood booster. It also helps families get the exercise and vitamin D they need while enjoying the outdoors. Time spent outside will also help your child’s eyes get a break from the screen. In addition, it will improve your child’s nighttime sleep by getting their energy out and avoiding exposure to screens that interfere with sleep.
  5. Check your car seat. Children grow very quickly and can outgrow a car seat faster than parents think, so check the height and weight limits on your car seat.
  6. Dedicate time to cooking together as a family. Many families enjoy baking treats together during the holidays, but you can continue the fun into the new year. Schedule a special time to cook as a family. Also, if your child is a picky eater, introducing them to new textures, flavors, and even just time spent in the kitchen mixing ingredients can increase their interest in new, healthy foods.
  7. Put together a family kit in case of a natural disaster. It’s scary to think how such disasters can affect us. But extreme events are becoming more common. Being prepared is one way to be less afraid. Ask your children what they would like to have with them in case of a natural disaster and have them help you pack the basics.
  8. Take care of your mental health and look after yourself. When was the last time you had a checkup? Did you get adequate rest? How you look after yourself will determine how well you can look after your baby. We also know that depression and anxiety can occur in both moms and dads during and after pregnancy, and even years after the baby is born.
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Stepan Yuk
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PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
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