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Liposuction: what do you need to know

Medical articles


The most common questions about liposuction

Do you want to make your figure sleeker and slimmer? Do you have fat deposits around your waist, belly, or thighs that don’t respond to diet and exercise? Today there is an opportunity to solve this problem quite easily – you can seek help from a plastic surgeon and resort to liposuction.

With the help of liposuction, you can remove fat from local areas, making the figure slimmer and more graceful. This is a fairly easy and effective procedure. More than 1.5 million people do it every year. Are you interested in this opportunity, but before you take the plunge, do you want to know more about the procedure itself, its features and consequences? In this article, we have tried to collect the most popular questions on this topic.

What is the meaning of liposuction?

Liposuction is an operation or a hardware procedure that removes excess fat deposits from certain areas. This procedure is not intended to combat excess weight, liposuction for obesity will not help. Its task is to remove fat in certain areas of the body. Most often, liposuction is done on the abdomen and hips, the waist area, and excess fat is removed from the back area. In addition, this procedure is often used to remove facial fat, remove excess fatty tissue in the chin, cheeks, and nose. It is believed that this is a “female” procedure, but in fact it is also in demand among men. Especially often, men turn to a plastic surgeon to remove belly fat.

How do doctors perform liposuction?

Today, there are many options for this procedure. It can be both surgical methods and non-surgical fat removal. In the first case, a special tube – cannula – is inserted into the area from which the fat will be pumped out. Through cannulas in different ways, doctors act on adipose tissue, destroying it. After that, a kind of fat emulsion is formed, which is usually also excreted from the body through cannulas.

If doctors do liposuction without surgery, they use special equipment to act on the area where there are excess fat deposits. After that, fat cells are excreted by the body through the lymphatic system.

What is the most effective liposuction method?

liposuction method

All modern types of liposuction are quite effective. Surgical liposuction removes large amounts of fat, while non-surgical methods can get rid of less excess deposits, but they are less invasive.

Methods that are most in demand:

    • Tumescent liposuction. This is a surgical method. The peculiarity of this procedure is that a surgeon first injects a solution into the operation area, which anesthetizes and helps to remove excess fat. And then the fat is pumped out through the cannula.
    • Laser liposuction. In this case, the excess body fat is treated with a laser. There are several variations of this procedure. In one variant, after the fat takes the form of an emulsion, it is removed through a cannula. In others, it is independently removed from the body through the lymphatic system.
    • Water jet liposuction. A jet of water is directed into the area of subcutaneous fat at a certain angle and with pressure. The fat is broken down and then expelled through the cannula. Fat cells removed from the body in this way can be used for lipomodelling.
    • Ultrasonic liposuction. The impact on the fat layer is carried out using ultrasonic waves. Excess fat is excreted by the body on its own.
    • Cryoliposuction. This is non-surgical liposuction. Doctors act with cold on problem areas with excess fat. Fat is broken down and then excreted through the lymph from the body.

Who is suitable for liposuction?

This procedure is recommended when there is not too much excess weight, the skin has retained its elasticity and there are no serious diseases. It is suitable for those who are dissatisfied with their appearance due to figure changes. Uneven deposition of fat can noticeably spoil it and negatively affect a person’s self-esteem. Removing fat from problem areas solves this problem. For example, women often do liposuction after childbirth, men often choose to pump out fat from the abdomen. But we must understand that in this way the removal of subcutaneous fat is carried out. This means that the visceral fat enveloping the internal organs cannot be removed using such procedures.

In order to find out whether it is possible to get rid of fat in your problem area, you need to consult a plastic surgeon. The MedTour platform makes it possible to conduct such an online consultation with specialists from different countries. Contact us to find out more!

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When should liposuction not be done?

Doctors do not recommend this procedure for a number of diseases, such as:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases associated with impaired blood clotting;
  • malignant neoplasms of different localization;
  • liver disease;
  • some kidney disease;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • obesity (when the body mass index is greater than 30).

How many kilograms can be lost after liposuction?

liposuction surgery

The purpose of the procedure is not to reduce weight, but to bring the contours of the body to a more harmonious look. Therefore, the question of “lost” kilograms in this case is not entirely correct.

During one procedure, several liters of fat are pumped out (usually up to two, but in some cases it may be more). The volume of fat removed depends on the area where liposuction will be performed, on the amount of adipose tissue in this area and on the method that will be used.

How long does liposuction surgery take?

As a rule, 1-2 hours are enough for the doctor to be able to do all the necessary manipulations and remove fat from one or more problem areas. But everything is individual. The duration is affected by the amount of work and the method of eliminating fat.

Can liposuction be done without general anesthesia?

It depends on the type of procedure. Most modern techniques allow fat removal under local anesthesia or light sedation. Some clinics offer different options: under general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

What are the disadvantages of liposuction?

The disadvantages of liposuction include the inability to remove all excess fat, if there is a lot of it. But these are rather features of the procedure – the impact on local zones. In order to fight obesity, there are other methods, such as nutritional modification or bariatric surgery.

Sometimes the minus of the procedure is called the fact that there is a possibility of reappearance of body fat. However, if you follow the recommendations of doctors and try to control weight, the procedure can give a lasting effect.

When will the result be seen after liposuction?

Within a few weeks after the procedure, swelling will disappear from the affected area and you will be able to see the result of the procedure. However, the final effect will be observed 2-6 months after pumping fat.

What happens to the skin after liposuction?

skin after liposuction

After liposuction, swelling and bruising may occur, which disappear over time (usually after 2-3 weeks). In the first time after the operation, sagging of the skin may be observed. But after some period, the skin, as a rule, restores its elasticity. Some methods, such as ultrasonic cavitation or laser lipolysis, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. Therefore, when using these methods, an additional effect of skin lifting occurs.

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What does a scar look like after liposuction?

After the surgical procedure, small scars remain at the site of skin incisions. This is usually an area that is slightly lighter or darker than the surrounding tissue. Over time, the scar becomes less noticeable and after a year it is usually almost invisible.

What are the complications after liposuction?

As with any other surgical procedure, complications and side effects can occur with liposuction. Possible complications include the following:

  • asymmetry in the area of the procedure;
  • the appearance of noticeable irregularities in the place where the fat was pumped out;
  • the occurrence of hematomas and swelling (usually they disappear within 2-4 weeks);
  • numbness at the site of fat removal (usually resolves on its own after a few months);
  • blockage of blood vessels by fatty clots;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of the operation.

However, if the procedure is performed by a high-class plastic surgeon, then the likelihood of complications is minimal.

How much does liposuction cost?

The cost of liposuction is made up of a number of parameters. First of all, the price depends on the type of procedure that you choose. In addition, the impact zone and the amount of fat that will need to be removed are important. And of course, the price of liposuction depends on the country and the clinic where you will do it. For example, in the Forme clinic (Prague) the cost of liposuction is from $922, in the Mediland Clinic (Ukraine) – from $1.000, in the Quartz Clinique (Turkey) – from $2.800.

You can learn more about the possibilities of liposuction in different countries and clinics from the medical coordinator of MedTour. It will also be possible to find out the exact prices depending on the specific type of procedure and the doctor who will perform it. To contact us, send a request via the contact form or give us a call!

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What are the best clinics for liposuction?

Almost all plastic surgery clinics today offer this procedure as part of their services. You have the opportunity to have it done in the best medical centers in the world. We cooperate with clinics in Ukraine, Europe, USA, Asia and will help you choose a medical institution where such procedures are performed at the highest level.

The medical coordinator of MedTour will advise you on all issues and help you find the clinic that best suits your needs.

The best liposuction doctors

On the MedTour platform, you can find leading liposuction specialists from different countries. We cooperate with plastic surgeons who are considered the best in this field. For example, in the clinics that were mentioned above, you can do the procedure to remove excess fat from such doctors:

  • Burak Pasinlioglu (Quartz Clinique (Turkey). Member of the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.
  • Usov Sergey (Mediland Clinic, Ukraine), PhD, plastic and reconstructive surgeon with 40 years of experience.
  • Tomas Benes (Forme Clinic, Czech Republic). Plastic surgeon with 20 years of experience.

Contact the medical coordinator of MedTour to find out more about the specialists who perform these procedures and choose the doctor that is most suitable for you.

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Categories:    Medical articles



Ilona Baidiuk
Medical author:
Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
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