MedTour > Doctors > Doctors > Gynecologist
Top gynecologists
More than 57 doctors specializing in gynecological diseases
Oleksandr Horetskyi Jr.
Poland, Świebodzice
Clinic: Academy of Regenerative Medicine
Total work experience: 7 years
Doctor's specialization
Oleksandr Horetskyi
Poland, Świebodzice
Clinic: Academy of Regenerative Medicine
Total work experience: 35 years
Doctor's specialization
Clinic: Egyptian IVF Center
Total work experience: 39 years
Doctor's specialization
Clinic: Egyptian IVF Center
Total work experience: 46 years
Doctor's specialization
Clinic: Egyptian IVF Center
Total work experience: 31 years
Doctor's specialization
The best clinics for the treatment of Obstetrics and gynecology
Clinic: Egyptian IVF Center
Total work experience: 19 years
Doctor's specialization
Clinic: Egyptian IVF Center
Total work experience:
Doctor's specialization
Clinic: Egyptian IVF Center
Total work experience: 27 years
Doctor's specialization
Manuela Seifert
Germany, Solingen
Clinic: Municipal Clinic Solingen
Total work experience: 25 years
Doctor's specialization
Volodymyr Sloboda
Clinic: Korona Medical Center
Total work experience: 31 years
Doctor's specialization
10 doctors of 57
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Gynecological diseases
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