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What is thymoma?

What is thymoma?

What is thymoma?

Thymoma is a tumor that is localized in the mediastinum (this is the space in the chest in which the lungs, heart, thymus gland, trachea, and esophagus are located). Thymoma develops from the tissue of the thymus gland. This neoplasm can be either benign or malignant. Malignant forms can grow into nearby tissues and give distant metastases.

According to statistics, thymomas occupy about 10-20% of the total number of mediastinal tumors. They can be diagnosed in both men and women, most often after the age of 30. Thymoma in children is extremely rare.

Despite the fact that malignant forms of the disease can be quite aggressive, with properly selected cancer therapy, in most cases it is possible to get rid of the tumor and restore health. By contacting the best clinics for the treatment of thymoma, you can take advantage of the latest advances in the treatment of this disease and maximize your chances of a positive treatment outcome.

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Causes of thymoma

The exact reasons for the development of thymoma currently remain unclear. It is believed that the occurrence of pathology can be provoked by:

  • contact with carcinogens;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
  • viral infections;
  • injuries in the mediastinum.

According to observations, thymomas are more common in the presence of certain immune and endocrine diseases, for example, myasthenia gravis and diffuse toxic goiter.

Symptoms and signs of thymoma

Тимома симптомы

Manifestations of mediastinal thymoma depend, first of all, on the size of the tumor. If the tumor is small, it usually does not manifest itself in any way. As the tumor grows, it begins to put pressure on the surrounding tissues and signs characteristic of thymoma appear:

  • feeling of heaviness in the chest, inability to breathe in full force;
  • difficulty breathing, wheezing;
  • discomfort and even pain in the upper chest,
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • heart rhythm may be disturbed;
  • enlarged veins in the neck, which may occur due to impaired blood flow;
  • cyanosis of the upper body;
  • compression of the esophagus and, as a result, difficulty swallowing,
  • dilated pupils;
  • drooping upper eyelids (ptosis);
  • general weakness.

As a result of the compressive effect of a growing thymoma, pathologies of the sympathetic nervous system can develop. There may be noticeable weight loss and symptoms of anemia may occur. Myasthenic crisis can be a rather dangerous symptom of thymoma.

Types of thymoma

Doctors distinguish three main types of thymomas:

  • Benign thymoma. It accounts for more than 50% of all thymomas. As a rule, such a neoplasm looks like a single node in a capsule. It responds well to treatment.
  • Malignant thymoma type 1. It occurs in approximately 25% of cases. Histological analysis of such a neoplasm reveals atypical cells, but the disease responds quite well to treatment. It may consist of one or many nodes. It often grows within the thymus.
  • Malignant thymoma type 2. The rarest type of thymomas. It grows quickly and aggressively, often metastasizing to various organs.

For each of the above types, oncologists distinguish several histological subtypes. Thymomas are also divided into lymphoid, lymphoepithelial and epithelial.

Stages of thymoma

Doctors diagnose four main stages of anterior mediastinal thymoma:

  • 1st stage. The neoplasm has a capsule and does not grow into the fatty tissue of the mediastinum. The tumor size is up to 5 centimeters.
  • 2nd stage. Neoplasm cells grow into fatty tissue.
  • 3rd stage. Nearby lymph nodes, lungs, large vessels, and pericardium may be involved in the oncological process.
  • 4th stage. Multiple metastases are found in different organs.

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Where does thymoma metastasize?

Benign thymomas do not metastasize. As it grows, aggressive malignant thymoma affects the lymph nodes (primarily nearby ones) and can metastasize to the pleura, lungs, liver, bone tissue, and adrenal glands.

The presence of metastases significantly complicates treatment and worsens prognosis. However, modern treatment methods make it possible to continue the fight against the disease even in the most aggressive forms and at the most advanced stages. In this case, it is very important to make an accurate diagnosis, to determine not only the stage of the disease, but also the histological type of the neoplasm. This can be done with the help of a full examination.

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Diagnosis of thymoma

Thymoma may be visible on x-ray. However, for more accurate information about the tumor, it is necessary to undergo an MRI or CT scan of thymoma. Using these methods, it is possible to determine the exact location of the tumor, its shape and size, as well as find out how involved the surrounding tissues and organs are in the process.

Doctors perform a needle biopsy to more accurately diagnose and differentiate thymoma from other types of growths that may arise in the area (such as a dermoid cyst or teratoma). During the procedure, the specialist inserts a special thin needle between the ribs, with the help of which a fragment of its tissue is taken. Doctors carry out all manipulations under CT control. The specialist then examines the resulting tissue in the laboratory, which makes it possible to accurately determine the type of tumor.

The latest methods for diagnosing thymoma

тимома диагностика

Fragments of tissue obtained as a result of a biopsy play an important role in the accurate diagnosis of the disease. They can provide unique information about the neoplasm. Today it is possible to conduct cytological, histological, immunohistochemical studies, and conduct special tests. This makes it possible to determine the morphological structure of the tumor, identify its features and “weak points”. With the help of genetic testing, it is possible to identify hereditary and somatic mutations and determine the expression of certain proteins. This allows oncologists to select targeted cancer therapy and find drugs that will effectively act on the malignant cells of this particular tumor. Such diagnostics can be made in laboratories that specialize in such studies.

You can undergo genetic diagnostics, which opens up opportunities for a personalized approach to cancer treatment, in specialized laboratories in different countries. You can learn more about such diagnostic methods from the MedTour coordinating doctor.

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How to treat thymoma

Treatment of thymoma may include the use of various methods. Most often, doctors prescribe surgery to remove thymoma. However, usually, along with surgery, oncologists additionally use other methods: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy. The most effective is a personalized approach, when the doctor selects treatment tactics for thymoma individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of a particular situation.

Thymoma removal

Тимома операция

Surgery to remove thymoma (thymectomy) involves complete elimination of the tumor or removal of both the tumor and the thymus gland (thymoma-thymectomy). The surgeon also usually removes fatty tissue and nearby lymph nodes. If the malignant process has affected nearby tissues, they can also be removed. For example, surgeons can perform resection of part of the lung, pericardium, and vessels that were involved.

Surgery can be performed thoracoscopically, where surgical instruments are inserted into the surgical site through small incisions in the chest. Or a more traditional approach with open access to the surgical site is used. The method is selected depending on the size of the tumor, stage and other characteristics of the condition.

Oncologists most often prescribe additional radiation therapy or chemotherapy after surgery.

What happens if the thymoma is not removed?

This pathology requires mandatory treatment and its removal is considered a priority approach. However, oncologists may prescribe other treatment methods instead of surgery in some cases. Thus, doctors can choose chemotherapy as the main treatment method or combine chemotherapy with radiation therapy in the later stages of the disease if there are a large number of metastases in different organs.

Only a qualified specialist should select treatment tactics and choose the optimal treatment methods.

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Radiation therapy

Oncologists may prescribe radiation therapy before surgery to shrink the tumor. Or it can be used in the postoperative period. In this case, the tissues that were located next to the tumor are irradiated. The goals of postoperative radiation therapy are to destroy any tumor cells that may remain and prevent recurrence.

Specialists in modern clinics perform irradiation using linear accelerators with intensity modulation IMRT, which provide high-precision irradiation of specific areas of the body.

In addition, radiation therapy may be the main treatment method for thymomas in cases where surgery is not advisable (for example, at stage 4 of the disease).

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Chemotherapy and targeted therapy

тимома химиотерапия

When diagnosed with thymoma, chemotherapy is used quite often. More often it is used before or after surgery. The action of special chemotherapy drugs is aimed at destroying malignant cells and slowing down tumor growth. Chemotherapy can also be used without surgery in the later stages of pathology.

Targeted therapy for thymoma has shown encouraging results in recent years. In this case, oncologists select drugs that act specifically on the tumor, without having a strong negative effect on healthy tissue, as happens with chemotherapy. The opportunity to select targeted drugs appears if an accurate diagnosis of the tumor has been carried out, determining its histological type and identifying mutations in genes.

The MedTour platform will help you find a clinic that prefers a personalized approach to the treatment of thymomas and uses the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic methods.

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How much does surgery to remove thymoma cost?

The cost of thymoma removal consists of several components. It may differ significantly depending on the country in which the operation will be performed, the level of the clinic and the doctor who will be caring for you. Also, surgical technique, characteristics of the patient’s condition and other factors influence pricing. Additional methods of therapy (use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy) are also included in the cost of treatment for thymoma.

A MedTour consultant will advise you free of charge on prices for thymoma treatment, tell you about the features of the operation in different clinics and answer other questions that interest you. Contact us for more information.

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Thymoma – prognosis. What is the survival rate for thymoma?

Prognosis for thymoma depends on the type of pathology. With benign thymomas and properly selected treatment, complete recovery occurs in more than 90% of cases. Survival rates with thymoma are lower in malignant forms. However, if treatment is started early, the 15-year survival rate is more than 80%.

The prognosis is unfavorable if aggressive forms are diagnosed in the later stages of the disease, when metastases have already appeared. But thanks to the use of modern therapy techniques, even the most advanced cases can now be treated. Therefore, it is very important to get into a good clinic with experienced specialists who will be able to use all the possibilities to fight the disease.

The best clinics for the treatment of thymoma

You can undergo treatment for thymoma in the best clinics that specialize in mediastinal tumors. The MedTour platform cooperates with medical centers that deal with thymomas in different countries. For example, you can choose Turkey and the Liv Hospital clinic, which has the status of a premium medical institution. You can seek treatment in South Korea at the Samsung Medical Center, which is considered one of the world leaders in the field of medicine. Or you can choose Italy and undergo treatment at the Teknon Medical Center, which, according to Newsweek magazine, USA, was included in the “Best Clinics in the World 2021” ranking. And this is not a complete list of medical institutions where you can get top-class specialized medical care for this disease.

To make the best choice that will best suit your needs, seek help from a MedTour coordinating doctor.

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The best doctors for the treatment of thymoma

MedTour will help you choose specialists who have been dealing with mediastinal pathologies for a long time, use the newest and most advanced methods in the treatment of thymomas, and have a good reputation. We will recommend you a doctor in the country where you would like to go for diagnosis and treatment, and we will find a specialist who will best suit your needs.

Contact us via the contact form or call us to get a free consultation with a MedTour coordinating doctor.

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Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:
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