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Glioma treatment
A glioma is a type of tumor that starts in the glial cells of the brain or the spine.
- About 3 out of 10 of all brain tumors are gliomas
- The most common type of glioma is glioblastoma
In advanced foreign clinics patients go under breakthrough techniques of treatments, such as stereotactic surgery (CyberKnife, TrueBeam) and Gamma-knife, which allow removing inoperable tumors and improves the prognosis of survival.
MedTour patients recommend clinics for the treatment of glioma:

Doctors for the treatment of glioma
Patient reviews

My mom had a mastectomy at the Samsung medical center. We were very worried, but everything went well. MedTour helped us get to the clinic and hired a transfer. The clinic is of a high class, my mother was pleased with the treatment, the conditions of the ward and the service.

I had prostate cancer and I decided to have a surgerv in Medipol clinic. I have heard about it from my friends to did the same surgery here. I was amazed about modern technology in this hospital! Doctors and nurses are super polite and educated. Everyone speaks english and is ready to help in every situation. My turkish surgeon was the best doctor, which I have ever met in my life. Results of the surgery are estounishing. I feel myself great and I am very thankful to MedTour for organizing my medical trip!
Frequently Asked Questions
Glioma is a broad category of brain and spinal cord tumors that come from glial cells in the brain that support nerve cells. Glioma is one of the most common brain tumors.
Types of gliomas:
- Astrocytomas (which include glioblastomas)
- Ependymomas
- Oligodendrogliomas
World Health Organization (WHO) divides brain and spinal cord tumors into 4 grades (using Roman numerals I to IV):
- Grade I: These tumors typically grow slowly and do not grow into (invade or infiltrate) nearby tissues. They can often be cured with surgery.
- Grade II: These tumors also tend to grow slowly but they can grow into nearby brain tissue. They are more likely to come back after surgery than grade I tumors. They are also more likely to become faster-growing tumors over time.
- Grade III: These tumors look more abnormal under the microscope. They can grow into nearby brain tissue and are more likely to need other treatments in addition to surgery.
- Grade IV: These are the fastest growing tumors. They generally require the most aggressive treatment.
A glioblastoma (GBM) is a grade IV glioma, which is the most aggressive form. This is the most common form of primary brain tumor, but it is also the most destructive. Glioblastomas should be treated as quickly as possible because they grow so rapidly.
As with most brain tumors, the exact causes of gliomas are not known. But there are some factors that can increase the risk of a brain tumor: exposure to radiation, cases of gliomas in family members, age 45 to 65.
Depending on the type of treatment, the cost in foreign clinics may vary.
Surgical treatment, average check:
- Europe — from $ 25,000
- Israel — from $ 35,000
- Turkey — from $ 18500
- India — from $ 15,000
- South Korea — from $ 25,000
Gamma knife/cyberknife, average check:
- Europe — from $ 14,000
- Israel — from $ 20,000
- Turkey — from $ 10,000
- India — from $ 8000
- South Korea — from $ 17,000
Clinics of the MedTour platform are always ready to provide an accurate calculation of the upcoming treatment based on your documents. Leave a call to the clinic.
- Surgery using neuronavigation systems, which makes it possible to perform the procedure more accurately and remove the maximum part of the tumor.
- Modern radiotherapy apparatus in the case of an inoperable process.
- Methods of local chemotherapy, which helps to maintain healthy body tissues.
MedTour compiles a rating of leading clinics for the treatment of glioma, based on the assessment and patient reviews, resumes of doctors, and the level of equipment of a medical institution, the protocols and treatment standards used.
Diagnostic tests for glioma abroad
Basic examinations
Step 1 a consultation with a neurologist or neurosurgeon. After tests and collecting an anamnesis, the doctor prescribes a further examination plan.
Visual methods
MRI or MRI with contrast is most often performed to clarify the location of the tumor. CT or PET-CT is less used.
Invasive methods
A biopsy is required for an accurate diagnosis. The procedure is performed before or during surgery under the control of CT or MRI. The procedure allows determining the type and grade of the tumor.
All oncology clinics on the MedTour platform are equipped with the new generation diagnostic methods and obsolete MRI is not used.
Examinations result in clinics abroad
A holistic approach to diagnosis allows the team of doctors to establish an accurate diagnosis and start treatment in the first week of the patient’s arrival. In addition, systemic tactics help to choose an individual treatment program, taking into account the general health of the patient.
Innovative treatments abroad
Methods depend on the type, size, degree, and location of the tumor, as well as on the patient’s age and general health.
The surgery
The neurosurgeon`s main task is to remove the maximum possible part of the tumor. MedTour platform`s clinics perform surgeries using neuronavigation under the control of intraoperative MRI. It is decreasing the risk of damage to healthy brain cells during surgery and side effects after.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy is performed after surgery or when surgical treatment cannot be carried out due to the dangerous location of the tumor.
MedTour platform`s clinics use different types of radiation therapy: EBRT, 3D-CRT, IMRT, and proton therapy. But most often, radiation therapy is performed using a gamma knife or a linear accelerator (cyberknife, TrueBeam). The accuracy of the settings helps to destroy the tumor, sparing healthy tissue, and minimizing the radiation load on the body.
The chemotherapy drug used most often to treat gliomas is temozolomide (Temodar), which is taken as a pill.
Innovative methods of administering chemotherapy
- Convection-Enhanced delivery (CED) is the implantation of catheters by which chemotherapy drugs are delivered directly to the tumor area without affecting healthy tissue.
- Optune is a portable device that produces electric fields. Special transmitters connected to the device are worn on the head and act on the tumor.
- Gliadel is a soluble plate that fits into the postoperative space. The implant dissolves slowly and releases the drug within a few weeks. The aim of this treatment method is to destroy the tumor cells remained after surgery.
Targeted therapy
Targeted therapy drug used is Bevacizumab (Avastin) — a monoclonal antibody that targets a substance called vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) that helps cells form new blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients. It attaches to tumor cells and prevents them from forming new blood vessels.
How to choose a glioma clinic abroad?
- A neurosurgeon should have experience in similar diseases. An experienced doctor will perform an accurate and less harmful surgery, as the recovery process depends on the quality of the surgery.
- The clinic is equipped with modern technologies and, if stereotactic surgery is needed, doctors will be able to help you using the latest devices.
- Access to the latest most effective drugs. The correct selection of the chemotherapy drug and the method of its introduction into the body effects the whole treatment.

Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

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