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Cholelithiasis treatment
Gallstones are hardened clusters of bile substances that form in the gallbladder. They can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a ping-pong ball. Most of them don’t cause any problems, but they can cause problems if they are released and get into the bile ducts. This condition, when there are stones in the gallbladder, is called gallstone disease.
Gallstones are common in developed countries, affecting about 10% of adults and 20% of people over the age of 65.
Make an appointment with your doctor if you have signs or symptoms that are bothering you.
Seek medical attention immediately if you have signs and symptoms of a serious complication of gallstone disease, such as: abdominal pain so intense that you cannot sit still or find a comfortable position.
MedTour patients recommend clinics for the treatment of cholelithiasis:

Doctors for the treatment of cholelithiasis
Frequently Asked Questions
Pain occurs due to a malfunction of the outflow of bile, which in turn immediately leads to malfunctions in the digestive organs and the appearance of new symptoms of biliary colic: pain in the abdomen, in the right side, under the ribs. This is one of the main signs of biliary colic. The intensity of pain is extremely high, it can go to the back, abdomen, shoulder.
In gallbladder inflammation, biochemical analysis is most informative. The disease will be indicated by the level of liver enzymes ALT and AST more than 50 units, C-reactive protein more than 5 mg/liter, bilirubin level more than 20 µmol/liter, GGTP more than 50 units/liter, alkaline phosphatase more than 120 units/liter.
Pain with cholelithiasis may go to the right arm, right clavicle or back under the shoulder blade. There is bitterness in the mouth, nausea and vomiting with little relief, the sclerae of the eyes may turn yellow.
Hydration: regular drinking, it is especially important to drink pure water, will help disperse bile and prevent bile stasis.
Moderate physical activity: physical activity, such as walking or moderate exercise, can help shrink the gallbladder and promote the secretion of bile.
Intense physical activity, especially heavy lifting, jumping, pushing, bending, sudden accelerations and changes in body position can provoke stone movement and biliary colic.
- bending the legs, lifting them and bending the torso to drain bile and activate blood circulation;
- walking;
- swimming;
- skiing;
- skating.