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Clinics for the treatment of obstetric and gynecological

Obstetrics and gynecology — branches of medicine that combine many areas that accompany women at different periods of life.

These areas are: gynecology and obstetrics, surgery, endocrinology, etc.

  • Obstetrics provides care before, during and after childbirth;
  • Gynecology specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of female diseases.

A specialist in obstetrics and gynecology has the skills and knowledge to tackle women’s health issues at all stages of a woman’s life.

MedTour patients recommend clinics for the treatment of obstetric and gynecological:

Turkey, Istanbul
Medipol University Hospital
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 120 USD
Republic of Korea, Seoul
Samsung Medical Center
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 100 USD
Spain, Barcelona
Teknon Medical Center
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 300 USD
Israel, Tel-Aviv
Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Clinic)
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 600 USD
Turkey, Istanbul
LIV Hospitals
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 120 USD
Turkey, Istanbul
Medical Park Hospitals Network
Excellent(4.676 reviews)
Admission fee:
from 130 USD
Israel, Haifa
Rambam Medical Center
Admission fee:
To be clarified
Turkey, Istanbul
Memorial Hospitals
Excellent(4.229 reviews)
Admission fee:
from 140 USD
Israel, Tel-Aviv
Assuta Medical Center
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 500 USD
Italy, Milan
San Raffaele Hospital
Admission fee:
from 300 USD
Nord Clinic Alliance
Excellent(5.003 reviews)
Admission fee:
from 500 USD
Germany, Hamburg
Hospital network «Asklepios»
Admission fee:
from 400 USD
Germany, Berlin
Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch
Good(3.502 reviews)
Admission fee:
from 280 USD
Spain, Barcelona
Quirónsalud Barcelona Hospital
Admission fee:
from 450 USD
Israel, Herzliya
Herzliya Medical Center
Excellent(4.502 reviews)
Admission fee:
from 900 USD
India, Bangalore, Goa
Manipal Hospitals Network
Admission fee:
from 100 USD
Ukraine, Kyiv
Family Reproductive Health Center «ADONIS FAMILY»
Excellent(5.001 review)
Admission fee:
from 20 USD
Spain, Barcelona, Madrid
HM Hospitals
Admission fee:
from 300 USD
Germany, Solingen
Municipal Clinic Solingen
Admission fee:
To be clarified
Turkey, Istanbul
Hisar Hospital Intercontinental
Admission fee:
from 120 USD
20 clinics of 72 Show more

Patient reviews

Patient was treated for Uterine myoma in the clinic JSC Medicina, clinic of academician Roitberg

Добрый день! Хочу оставить отзыв благодарности .
Дайнис Леонидович, я от чистого сердца благодарю Вас, за такую непростую в моем случае операцию, и то, как легко и быстро все прошло! Сегодня второй день после операции и я чувствую себя хорошо не только физически, но и психологически! Все прошло на столько комфортно, что я практически не переживала. В целом людям свойственно волноваться перед операцией, но с Вашей командой, анестезиологов, мед персонала я чувствовала что все под чутким контролем!! Я желаю всем здоровья!

Patient was treated for in the clinic LIV Hospitals

I had in vitro fertilization in this center. They did it well. I am really happy to be able to have a kid now! Thanks to MedTour for organizing the whole treatment! It was even not that expensive as I thought.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between obstetrics and gynecology

Gynecology is involved in the health and well-being of women outside of pregnancy, and obstetrics during pregnancy and childbirth.

A gynecologist specializes in contraception, fertility, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and various diseases of the female system.

The work of an obstetrician-gynecologist is aimed at the period of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. With a normal course or with pathologies and diseases.

All obstetricians are gynecologists, but not all gynecologists are obstetricians.

What diseases does a gynecologist treat

Gynecological diseases affect the female genital and organs:

  • Anomalies of the pelvic organs;
  • Hormonal disorders: polycystic ovary, uterine myoma;
  • PMS, manifestations of menopause;
  • Inflammatory processes: endometritis, vaginitis, salpingitis, oophoritis, etc.;
  • Benign neoplasms: uterine fibroids;
  • Malignant tumors.
Under what conditions and diseases it is necessary to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist

An obstetrician-gynecologist provides assistance in the following physiological and pathological conditions:

  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Infertility;
  • Preparing for pregnancy;
  • Pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Complications of pregnancy;
  • Postpartum trauma;
  • Miscarriage, abortion;
  • Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.
When to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist

Mandatory consultation with a gynecologist or obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary in following cases:

  • Annual preventive examination;
  • At puberty;
  • Before the onset of sexual activity;
  • When planning a pregnancy;
  • If a woman has gynecological complaints.
Why undergo a gynecologist's examination

Many illnesses early in their development don’t cause manifestations. Regular medical examinations should be attended for the early finding of gynecological diseases, precancerous and cancerous illness of the female genital organs.

In addition, you can get information about contraception, pregnancy and STDs.

Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment in obstetrics and gynecology

Diagnostic procedures in obstetrics and gynecology:

  • Gynecological examination:

The physician examines the external and external genital organs. Using a gynecological speculum, the doctor gains access to the fornix of the vagina and cervix.

  • Colposcopy:

Inspection of the vagina and cervix with a colposcope. A colposcope — a microscope equipped with a light source.

The physician wets the surface of the cervix with two solutions. This makes the pathological changes more noticeable. During a colposcopy, the doctor may take a swab and perform a biopsy.

  • Pap test (Pap smear) — early diagnosis of cervical cancer.

The Pap test is performed at every visit to the gynecologist, lasts a few minutes and painless.

The doctor uses a small brush to scrape off the cells from the cervical canal. They are then examined under a microscope. The Pap smear does not pose any risk or side effects to patients.

  • Biopsy:

The doctor will take tissue samples for examination. The samples will be examined under a microscope to detect or rule out precancerous or cancerous changes in the cells.

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands:

With the help of an ultrasound, the physician examines the internal genital organs and, if necessary, the mammary glands for pathological changes.

  • Hysteroscopy:

The doctor examines the uterus with a hysteroscope, which is inserted through the cervix. The method is low-traumatic and allows not only diagnostics, but also surgical intervention.

As part of obstetrics, pregnancy tests, preventive checkups and prenatal diagnostics are carried out.

Prenatal diagnostics — examinations of pregnant women to identify certain diseases in the fetus.

Prenatal diagnostic methods:

  1. Ultrasound: compulsory three ultrasounds at 11-13, 18-21 and 30-34 weeks. If desired or if necessary, diagnostics are carried out more often;
  2. Doppler sonography: assessment of blood flow in the vessels of the mother and child;
  3. Combined test: assessment of the risks of malformations (Down syndrome, Turner, Patau, heart, skeletal, kidney, etc.);
  4. Cardiotocography: simultaneous registration of uterine tone and fetal heartbeat;
  5. Amniocentesis: analysis of amniotic fluid;
  6. Placental puncture: collection of cells from the placenta;
  7. Puncture of the umbilical cord: the umbilical cord vessel is punctured to take blood from the child.

Tactics for the treatment of gynecological and obstetric diseases:

The choice of the method of therapy depends on many factors, ranging from the state of health of the woman, the existing disease and to the desire to have children.

Treatment options:

  • Conservative (medication);
  • Surgical;
  • Chemo and radiation therapy.

The most common surgical interventions in gynecology: removal of the uterus (hysterectomy), fibroids (myomectomy) and ovarian cysts. The most common operation in obstetrics is a cesarean section.



Ilona Baidiuk
Medical author:
PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
Medical expert:
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