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Cancer incidence is steadily increasing: disappointing WHO forecast for 2050

Medical articles

The Guardian, a renowned British newspaper known for its independent and progressive approach to various global issues, has published some shocking figures. According to WHO forecasts, by 2050 the incidence of cancer worldwide will increase by more than 75%.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is based at WHO, provided the report. It shows that the number of newly diagnosed cancers increased from 14.1 to 20 million over 10 years (from 2012 to 2022). And the number of deaths from cancer increased from 8.2 to 9.7 million.

This growth rate has allowed IARC to predict that by 2050 there will be 35 million new cases of cancer. This is an impressive 77% increase from 2022. The number of deaths from cancer will exceed 18 million.

Cancer deaths to double in low-income countries

Despite the fact that IARC provides global statistics, cancer incidence and mortality rates directly depend on the country’s income level. In 2050, there will be an additional 4.8 new cases of cancer in the highest income countries. However, this number will be almost twice as high in low-income countries. The same trend is observed in predicting cancer mortality. It is expected to more than double in poor countries.

Lack of access to advanced treatments is primarily responsible for these dire numbers. While in developed countries new, more effective and safe ways to fight cancer are constantly emerging, in third world countries access to these methods remains limited due to economic, social and infrastructural problems.

A lack of funding and access to modern medical technology means that patients are often forced to make do with less effective treatments, increasing the risk of complications and mortality. This creates a huge gap in the quality of healthcare between developed and developing countries.

Side effects and low effectiveness are the main problems of standard cancer treatment

Thomas Wagner, founder of a biotechnology company and cancer researcher from the United States, said: “The tragedy of cancer is not just that person, the diagnosis, but it’s also the fear of the therapy”. The doctor set himself the task of finding a way to fight cancer without severe side effects.

Many traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy, kill not only cancer cells but also healthy cells in the body. According to Dr. Wagner, this can cause a number of side effects, including hair loss, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, standard anticancer therapy disables the human immune system, exposing the patient to the risk of contracting life-threatening infections.

Vaccine therapy is a new era in the treatment of cancer

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Wagner began his mission to develop a cancer treatment that harnessed the power of the human immune system rather than destroying it after seeing that cancer patients were suffering from debilitating side effects. The scientist drew attention to a new direction in oncology – cancer vaccines. His drug is currently undergoing clinical trials.

As the number of cancer patients continues to rise worldwide, research into personalized cancer vaccines is vital. And they are actively being carried out in developed countries – the USA, Europe, Great Britain, Japan. But there are also problems. One phase of clinical trials for such a vaccine could cost more than $100 million. Therefore, the drugs that ultimately reach the pharmaceutical market are very expensive. The price of treatment starts from $60,000. For example, the cost of a full course of treatment with the American vaccine for the treatment of prostate cancer PROVENGE, which consists of three infusions, is $93,000.

Thus, innovative treatments remain inaccessible to many people, even in developed countries. However, not many patients know that there are alternative solutions.

Cancer vaccine therapy – innovative treatment at an affordable price

антираковая вакцина

In fact, immunotherapy drugs have been in development for a long time in different countries. Many of them are unknown because a wide advertising campaign for pharmaceuticals is very expensive, and its implementation automatically means an increase in the cost of the vaccine.

For example, two unique cancer vaccines CANCERAX have been developed in Ukraine:

  • Autovaccine. It is made from the patient’s own cancer cells. They are obtained from a sample of a removed tumor. The principle of action of the drug is to train the immune system to recognize cancer cells. This vaccine is intended to increase the effectiveness of standard anticancer therapy, prolong life and prevent relapses of the disease.
  • Xenovaccine. It is made from quail tumor-associated antigens of embryonic origin. The drug overcomes the body’s immune tolerance to cancer cells. Simply put, it makes them visible to the immune system. The xenovaccine is suitable for patients who have undergone surgery to remove a cancerous tumor a long time ago and do not have a tumor sample. Vaccination helps protect the body from cancer coming back. For preventive purposes, it can be used by people who are at increased risk of malignant tumors.

CANCERAX vaccines have passed all the necessary clinical trials. Studies have shown that their use will significantly improve five-year survival rates, as well as improve the quality of life of patients.

To undergo treatment with Ukrainian cancer vaccines, leave a request on the MedTour website. Currently, this can be done at the University hospital LIV Istinye.

MedTour company strives to make innovative treatment methods more accessible to patients. We closely monitor promising developments in cancer treatment around the world. We currently cooperate with a number of advanced medical centers that specialize in immunotherapy for cancer. You can undergo the following treatment today:

At the same time, the cost of vaccine therapy will be much lower than in the USA, Great Britain and Japan.

Call the phone number listed on the website or leave a request in the feedback form below. The MedTour coordinator will contact you shortly and answer all your questions. The medical coordinator will select a suitable clinic and doctor that suits your personal needs, and will also help resolve all organizational issues related to treatment.

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Categories:    Medical articles



Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:
Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
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