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A new concept in the treatment and prevention of cancer: a unique Ukrainian-made antitumor vaccine


Despite the rapid development of medicine, doctors still do not know how to defeat cancer. Cancer diseases are the subject of research by scientists all over the world. But despite this, the number of sick people is constantly growing. According to the World Cancer Research Fund, 12 million patients are diagnosed with cancer every year. And each year their number increases by 1.5-2%.

Over the past 10 years, oncopathology has moved from tenth place in the overall structure of morbidity to second. According to professor, doctor of medical sciences, honored worker of science and technology Danil Gluzman, this trend may be associated with a number of factors. Among them: environmental pollution, accumulation in the body of various compounds with a carcinogenic effect, bad habits. A certain role is also played by the possibility of genetic inheritance of “cancer” mutations.

Relevance of the problem of cancer treatment

Currently, the systemic treatment of malignant tumors is based on the use of chemotherapy. However, in most cases this method cannot be considered 100% effective. The tumor initially contains cells that are resistant to the cytotoxic effect of chemotherapy drugs, and their number may increase during treatment.

In search of a solution to this problem, scientists have found that tumor cells differ from healthy ones in their surface relief, which is formed by antigens – structures with immunogenic potential. This means that they are able to stimulate the body’s immune response. It is this property that formed the basis for the creation of a fundamentally new method of treatment and prevention of cancer – the anticancer vaccine Cancerax preventive, which was developed by RE Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

anticancer vaccine

What is the principle of action of the Cancerax preventive anticancer vaccine?

It is known that oncological diseases are caused by gene mutations, that is, changes in the structure of DNA, which lead to the “breakdown” of a number of genes. The function of proteins encoded by these genes is disrupted, which provokes the growth of cancer cells. They produce specific substances – tumor antigens. They are not found in healthy cells, so the immune system can recognize them as foreign and attack malignant neoplasms.

However, the difficulty lies in the fact that the tumor is able to defend itself against the immune system. It triggers a variety of masking mechanisms that make cancer cells “invisible” to lymphocytes. Scientists call this phenomenon immunological tolerance. Overcoming this barrier has become one of the most pressing problems of modern oncology.

Ukrainian scientists from the RE Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine managed to find one of the possible options for its solution. They used embryonic quail proteins to train the immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. In structure, they are similar to human tumor antigens, but they remain foreign to the human body. Therefore, the immune system reacts to the presence of these proteins, simultaneously identifying and destroying cancer cells that contain tumor antigens. In fact, the anticancer vaccine uses the patient’s own immune system to fight cancer.

What is the Cancerax preventive vaccine made of?

The prophylactic vaccine against cancer includes model tumor-associated antigens of embryonic origin. To enhance their immunogenic properties and enhance a specific immune response, scientists from the IEPOR named after Kavetsky used an effective adjuvant of microbial origin Bacillus subtilis B7025, which has cytotoxic properties. This means that it is capable of destroying cancer cells.

Unlike anti-cancer autovaccines, Cancerax preventive does not require the collection of tumor tissue, so the drug can potentially be used to treat patients who have already undergone surgery to remove the tumor and do not have a biomaterial sample.

What is the Cancerax preventive vaccine used for?

The anticancer vaccine has been developed to be used in two ways:

  • Cancer treatment

Anticancer vaccination can be given as part of a combination therapy to treat cancer patients. According to clinical trials of the institute Kavetsky, the drug is well tolerated by patients, has no contraindications, does not cause the development of complications and allergic reactions that would significantly affect the general condition of patients.

  • Prevention of the development of malignant tumors

According to the director of the IEPOR named after Kavetsky, doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Vasily Chekhun, cancer cells are initially found in the body even in healthy people, only they are inactive. The use of the Ukrainian anticancer vaccine Cancerax preventive allows the immune system to “teach” to recognize a malignant process and stop it at a very early stage of development.

The use of Cancerax preventive for prophylactic purposes is indicated for people who are at risk of developing cancer: the presence of cancer in blood relatives, professional activities associated with exposure to carcinogens, the presence of bad habits, etc.

Cancerax preventive

How is Cancerax preventive used?

Developers of an antitumor vaccine from the IEPOR named after Kavetsky is recommended to use the drug as follows:

  • For the complex treatment of oncological diseases: 5 injections subcutaneously into the subscapularis according to the scheme 1, 3, 10, 17 and 24 days.
  • For the prevention of the development of malignant diseases: 5 injections subcutaneously according to the same scheme, followed by revaccination, 1 injection per year.

Before the introduction of the vaccine, a drug susceptibility test must be performed. Vaccinations should be performed by an experienced oncologist.

How effective is Cancerax preventive vaccine?

According to the data provided by the IEPOR named after Kavetsky, after the administration of the vaccine, all types of effector lymphocytes, natural killer cells, cytotoxic lymphocytes, effectors of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, macrophages and specific cytotoxicity of blood serum are activated. According to one of the developers of the vaccine against oncology Vasily Chekhun, it allows you to teach the body to quickly recognize and kill malignant cells. The antitumor effect of the vaccine has been proven in the treatment of patients with tumors of various origins.

If you have any questions about the new anticancer vaccine Cancerax preventive, leave a request on the website. The medical coordinator will contact you shortly and provide all the necessary information.

Important! The information provided is for informational purposes only. Before using any pharmacological agents, it is imperative to consult a doctor. You can get a free consultation of the medical coordinator of the MedTour medical platform.

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Ilona Baidiuk
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