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Rheumatoid polyarthritis

Rheumatoid polyarthritis

Rheumatoid polyarthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that is characterized by the appearance of inflammatory processes in the joints, which eventually leads to the degradation of cartilage and bone tissue. Most often, the hands, feet, wrists, knees, and elbows are affected. Usually there is a symmetrical lesion of the joints. With polyarthritis, 4 or more joints are involved in the inflammatory process.

This is a fairly common disease. According to statistics, they suffer from about 1% of the world's population. The disease can be diagnosed at any age, but most often occurs in 40-50 years. If you do not consult a doctor in time and do not find adequate treatment, this can significantly worsen the quality of life and lead to disability.

Rheumatoid polyarthritis classification

Doctors distinguish several forms of the disease:

  • Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. In this case, rheumatoid factor is detected in the patient’s blood. These are characteristic antibodies to immunoglobulin G.
  • Seronegative polyarthritis. With this type of disease, rheumatoid factor is not detected in the blood and joint fluid. This form differs from the previous one in the clinical picture and has features of the course.
  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. This form of pathology is spoken of when a disease is detected in children under the age of 16 years.

Causes of rheumatoid polyarthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis

This disease occurs when cells of the immune system begin to attack their own tissues. Factors that can trigger an excessive immune response include:

  • genetic predisposition,
  • viral infections,
  • severe stress,
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system,
  • hypothermia,
  • intoxication.

Signs and symptoms of rheumatoid polyarthritis

Characteristic signs of the disease:

  • pain in affected joints
  • swelling and redness of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation,
  • stiffness of movements, especially in the first hours of wakefulness,
  • weakness, fatigue.

The temperature may rise: it can be subfebrile in the chronic course of the disease or rise to 38 degrees in the acute phase of the disease. Muscle pain may also occur, characteristic subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules form, and additional symptoms appear that indicate inflammation in other organs. In the later stages, characteristic deformities of the joints appear.

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What is the difference between rheumatoid arthritis and polyarthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis changes

In fact, rheumatoid arthritis and polyarthritis are the same disease. Arthritis affects one or more joints. They say about polyarthritis when a large number of joints are involved in the process.

Polyarthritis often occurs with inflammation of the internal organs. May be affected:

  • heart (pericarditis, myocarditis),
  • blood vessels (vasculitis),
  • kidneys (glomerulonephritis),
  • lungs (pleurisy, bronchiolitis),
  • nervous system.

This is a serious disease that can lead to many complications and significantly worsen well-being. To prevent this, when symptoms of arthritis appear, you need to consult a doctor, undergo an examination and choose an adequate treatment.

Diagnosis of rheumatoid polyarthritis

To diagnose arthritis, doctors use instrumental and laboratory methods.

Laboratory studies include:

  • clinical blood test,
  • analysis for C-reactive protein,
  • determination of rheumatoid factor,
  • analysis for antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide,
  • study of synovial fluid.

Of the methods of visual diagnostics, ultrasound, radiography, CT, MRI of the joints are used. Also, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations to identify complications and conduct differential diagnosis.

How can rheumatoid polyarthritis be treated?

Treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis involves an integrated approach that includes:

  • drug therapy,
  • diet,
  • physical therapy,
  • physiotherapy,
  • intra-articular injections.

Treatment is selected individually depending on the characteristics of the condition and the stage of the disease. The doctor may prescribe antirheumatic drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormonal drugs and other medications, recommend a diet, and prescribe certain physiotherapy.

In later stages, surgery may be required. The need for it arises with deformities of the joints, a significant limitation of their mobility, necrosis and other serious lesions. Operative orthopedic treatment may involve the removal of the synovial membrane of the joint (the inner layer of the joint bag), arthroplasty, endoprosthesis and other types of surgery.

Modern methods of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis


Modern medicine is constantly looking for and introducing new more effective methods of treatment. Thanks to numerous studies, stem cells have been used as the most promising methods of therapy for rheumatoid arthritis in recent years.

Mesenchymal stem cells are cells that have the unique ability to differentiate into any cell type in the body. In arthritis, there is chronic inflammation in the joints, cartilage and bone tissues are destroyed. The use of stem cells allows the body to start regeneration processes in the affected areas. Their use gives an anti-inflammatory effect, pain decreases, processes of restoration of damaged tissues are underway, and joint mobility improves. Also, cell therapy has an immunomodulatory effect and helps to reduce the immune response.

Stem cells are used in two ways:

  • Intravenous injections. Then they will independently search for damaged tissues in the body and have a restorative effect.
  • Local injection into the injured joint. This provides a more targeted impact in a specific area.

Treatment using cell therapy shows promising results, allows the body to activate regeneration processes, improve the functioning of the immune system and significantly improve the quality of life of patients.

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The best doctors

To choose a good clinic and get treatment from leading specialists in the treatment of joints, you can contact the MedTour company.

You can get arthritis treatment with cell therapy at Dr. Andriy Kovalchuk. Andriy Kovalchuk is a surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, a doctor who treats various diseases with the help of mesenchymal stem cells. Therapy of immune diseases, including arthritis, is just in the area of attention and competence of the doctor.

You have the opportunity to have an online consultation with Dr. Kovalchuk!

Frequently asked Questions

Can rheumatoid polyarthritis be cured?

To date, there is no therapy that would completely cure this disease. But the right treatment can slow down the progression of the disease and stop the destruction of the joints, remove pain and improve overall well-being.

Which doctor treats rheumatoid polyarthritis?

If you suspect this disease, you need to contact a rheumatologist. A doctor of this specialization will help to accurately diagnose and choose the most effective treatment.

How long do people live with rheumatoid arthritis?

It is believed that the presence of this disease shortens life by 3-10 years, depending on the severity of the course. However, the use of modern methods of treatment, such as cell therapy, allows the body to stop the destruction of joint tissues and take control of the state of health.

What results can be achieved with stem cell treatment?

Regenerative cell therapy allows not only to slow down the course of the disease, but also launches recovery processes. To date, this is the only method by which it is possible to activate the regeneration of damaged joint tissues. The use of stem cells for arthritis can significantly improve the condition of the joint, delay or avoid joint replacement surgery.



Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:

Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

Kateryna Maliarchuk
Medical Doctor, oncologist, PHD student
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