A team of specialists takes part in the treatment of patients: neurosurgeons, neurologists, rehabilitologists, ophthalmologists and otorhinolaryngologists. Teamwork allows you to optimize your treatment plan, reduce the risk of developing unwanted complications, and reduce the time of rehabilitation and hospitalization.
The network of clinics is equipped with two specialized operating rooms with endoscopy, microscopes and computer neuronavigation systems. This makes it possible to perform complex operations that were not previously available to foreign patients.
Minimally invasive treatment of brain aneurysms
An aneurysm is a dissection of the vessel wall that leads to the formation of a «bag» or «pocket» filled with blood. Brain aneurysms do not bother the patient for a long time and are detected completely randomly. However, this pathology carries the risk of developing a brain hemorrhage up to a fatal outcome.
Usually, during the operation, surgeons apply a special clamp to the affected vessel. Clipping of the vessel is carried out through the opened cranium or without opening, penetrating directly into the vessel.
Doctors from Nord clinics Alliance use a minimally invasive technique-coiling for the treatment of GM aneurysms. During the operation, which is performed under General anesthesia, the doctor inserts a catheter through the femoral vein. A thin wire, less than one millimeter, passes through the catheter, which fills the lumen of the aneurysm, forming a tangle.
The duration of the operation is two times less compared to conventional clipping. At the same time, the patient is in the intensive care unit after surgery for only a day. Studies show that with such a surgical intervention, the risk of developing complications is twice as low.
Stereotactic biopsy
The most reliable way to find out if a tumor is malignant is to perform a biopsy. During a biopsy, the doctor takes a small amount of tumor tissue, after which its cells are examined under a microscope.
In the neurosurgery Department of the Nord Clinic Alliance, a biopsy is performed using a stereotactic neuronavigation system. It allows you to determine the exact location of the tumor on the coordinate system.
Before the biopsy, the doctor performs a CT scan or MRI, after which the digital station calculates the exact location of the tumor relative to healthy tissues and organs.
The main advantage of stereotactic biopsy is minimally invasive. Collection of tumor cells is carried out through a small incision, about 5 mm. in diameter.
Full range of neurosurgical care
Thanks to the modern equipment of the clinic and the advanced experience of doctors, the main diseases of the brain and spinal cord are treated here:
- Surgical treatment of brain and spinal cord tumors,
- Removal of aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations,
- Therapy of degenerative diseases of the spinal cord,
- Operations for hydrocephalus,
- Removal of an intervertebral hernia,
- Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia
- Therapy for peripheral nerve injuries, etc.
My appointment was canceled due to the pandemic earlier in April, but MedTour managed to rebook my procedure date and we had contact via phone and email 24/7
This is my first time using your services and I thankful for your patience and care!