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Medikom Сlinic: Gastroenterology department

Ukraine, Kyiv

The Department of Gastroenterology diagnoses and treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). These include diseases of the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, small and large intestines, and liver diseases.

A gastroenterologist treats inflammatory, infectious and functional diseases of the digestive tract.

Diagnostics and therapy of diseases in the MEDIKOM clinic are based on international recommendations, taking into account the latest scientific research and modern medical equipment.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    In what cases it's necessary to contact the gastroenterologist of the MEDIKOM clinic

    You need to seek help from an experienced specialist at the MEDIKOM hospital if:

    • You are worried about complaints related to the digestive system: abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, altered appetite, problems with bowel movements and others,
    • You suffer from chronic gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.,
    • You have a hereditary predisposition: some of your relatives have diseases of gastrointestinal tract,
    • You are undergoing treatment with another specialist: to check the compatibility of the prescribed drugs and their effect on the digestive tract.

    The leading doctors of the MEDIKOM clinic are highly qualified and competent specialists who will provide innovative diagnostics and modern treatment for every disease, even if it’s severely neglected.

    What are the symptoms of patients attending the gastroenterology department of the MEDIKOM clinic?

    The manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases are varied:

    • Abdominal pain or discomfort,
    • Constipation, diarrhea,
    • Nausea, vomiting,
    • Bloating, flatulence,
    • Feeling of heaviness after eating,
    • Belching, heartburn, and bad breath,
    • Discoloration of feces (brown, light, bloody).

    Experienced doctors specializing in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract work at the MEDIKOM center.

    Based on an accurate diagnosis, doctors design individualized treatments to relieve your symptoms.

    What diseases are treated in the gastroenterology department of the MEDIKOM clinic

    If you have problems with any part of the digestive system, you need to rely on the extensive medical experience of the MEDIKOM doctors. It treats infectious, non-infectious, autoimmune and other types of diseases:

    • Duodenum:
      • Duodenitis, fistulas, polyps,
    • Stomach:
      • Gastritis, digestive disorders, ulcers,
    • Esophagus:
      • Esophagitis, diverticulum, reflux disease,
    • Pancreas:
      • Pancreatitis, cysts and cystic diseases,
    • Intestine:
      • Diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, Crohn’s disease,
    • Liver:
      • Hepatitis, hepatosis, hepatorenal syndrome, steatosis, cirrhosis,
    • Gallbladder and biliary tract:
      • Cholecystitis, gallstone disease, polyps, cholangitis, dyskinesia.
    What are the modern methods of diagnosing diseases in the gastroenterology department of the MEDIKOM clinic

    For the doctor to make the correct diagnosis, it’s necessary to conduct a conversation with the patient, an examination and prescribe the necessary examinations.

    Depending on the type, stage and severity of the disease, there are different diagnostic methods:

    • Video-esophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (VEGDS) + biopsy

    The best method for examining the state of the digestive tract. To carry out this procedure, the MEDIKOM clinic uses modern equipment made and imported from Japan.

    VEGDS allows the doctor to assess the condition of mucous membranes of esophagus, stomach and duodenum, as well as diagnose pathological changes.

    If necessary, the doctor can take a tissue sample (biopsy) and perform minor manipulations (remove polyps, stop bleeding).

    • Chromoendoscopy

    Highly accurate and informative procedure. A contrast is used that stains the pathologically altered areas of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
    The method reveals even the smallest changes in the digestive tract.

    • Colonoscopy

    In the MEDIKOM clinic, colonoscopy is a painless procedure. Experienced doctors use this method not only for diagnosis, but also for the treatment of more than 12 diseases and unhealthy conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The method allows you to evaluate and cure diseases of such parts of the colon: blind, colon and rectum.

    • Abdominal ultrasound

    The most common and simplest way to diagnose diseases of the digestive system. The MEDIKOM clinic is equipped with a high-precision ultrasound machine with the innovative TruScan technology. This method has no contraindications and is available for use in children.

    • Abdominal CT scan

    Medical Center MEDIKOM is equipped with the latest tomograph, which visualizes the smallest foci of changes in the organs of the digestive system.
    MEDICOM guarantees a quick receipt of research results.

    • Laboratory tests

    Clinic MEDIKOM provides its patients with the possibility of express diagnostics. This will allow you to get the test results on the day they are submitted.

    Which famous gastroenterologists work at the MEDIKOM clinic

    In the MEDIKOM clinic, qualified doctors treat various diseases in accordance with international recommendations.

    All treatment tactics work using minimally invasive technologies.

    1. Vasquez Abanto Anna Estuardovna — a therapist and gastroenterologist with 5 years of medical experience. Co-author of 17 scientific papers. Member of the Scientific Society of Young Scientists. Fluent in English.
    2. Gancheva Elena Anatolyevna — therapist of the highest category, gastroenterologist with 30 years of medical experience. Member of the Association of Cardiologists and Pulmonologists of Ukraine.
    3. Kravets Leonid Arkadievich — gastroenterologist, endoscopist of the highest category. Practicing physician with 33 years of experience. He wrote 5 scientific papers. Member of the Association of Endoscopic Physicians of Ukraine.



    Ilona Baidiuk
    Medical author:
    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
    Medical expert:

    Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak