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Medikom Сlinic: Department of Gynecology

Ukraine, Kyiv

The gynecologist accompanies and supports women from puberty to old age. In addition, gynecologists are responsible for many different tasks.

In addition to preventing, diagnosing and treating women’s illnesses, gynecologists are responsible for caring for a woman during pregnancy. They accompany pregnant women from the first consultation to childbirth, and are also there after childbirth and during subsequent examinations.

The gynecological department of the MEDIKOM clinic uses only modern equipment and innovative techniques. All examinations and medical procedures are carried out using the latest equipment from well-known world manufacturers of medical equipment from the USA and Europe.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    When is it necessary to consult a gynecologist at the MEDIKOM clinic

    Conditions in which it’s imperative to consult a gynecologist:

    • Infertility,
    • Pregnancy,
    • Dyshormonal conditions,
    • Severe menstrual pain,
    • Pregnancy planning,
    • When the first menstruation is delayed,
    • With diseases of the female genital and reproductive organs,
    • Obligatory annual preventive examination,
    • If the intervals between periods are too short or too long.
    What complaints do patients have to go to the gynecology department of the MEDIKOM clinic

    Gynecological diseases have a variety of symptoms:

    • Pain during intercourse,
    • Discomfort in the lower abdomen,
    • Irregular menstruation,
    • Itching, dryness or burning in intimate areas,
    • Pain in the lower abdomen before, during or after menstruation,
    • Unpleasant manifestations from the genitourinary organs,
    • The presence of discharge (profuse, bloody, smearing, etc.).
    What diseases are treated in the gynecological department of the MEDIKOM clinic

    Highly qualified specialists treat the following diseases:

    • STDs,
    • Myoma,
    • Infertility,
    • Endometriosis,
    • Ovarian neoplasms,
    • Dysplasia and erosion of the cervix,
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome,
    • Menstrual irregularities,
    • Genital anomalies,
    • Inflammatory diseases (adnexitis, salpingitis, vaginitis).
    What medical services does the gynecological department of the MEDIKOM clinic provide
    • Infertility treatment,
    • Outpatient therapy,
    • Pregnancy planning,
    • Diagnostics and management of pregnancy,
    • Diagnostics and prevention of gynecological diseases,
    • Operations on the female genital and reproductive organs,
    • Comprehensive medical examination of women’s health.
    What procedures are performed in the gynecological department of the MEDIKOM clinic
    • Consultation and gynecological examination

    Serve for the prevention and diagnosis of diseases.

    Includes: collection of the patient’s medical history, vaginal or rectal examination, taking smears for tests, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and examination of the mammary glands.

    Clinic MEDIKOM is equipped with the latest ultrasound machine with modern technology TruScan of the American production of General Electric.

    • Video colposcopy

    Colposcopy is a microscopic examination of the cervix and vagina.

    Video colposcopy means that the examination process is transmitted to the work screen and monitored by a doctor. Any deviations from the norm can be shown directly to the patient on the monitor.

    • Cervical biopsy

    An informative and widely used procedure. Carried out within 1 day.

    If cancer is suspected based on smear results or colposcopy reveals suspicious areas, then the diagnosis can be refuted or confirmed by biopsy. A small piece of tissue (biopsy) is removed from the cervix using forceps. Then the biopsy is examined under a microscope.

    Cervical biopsy methods:

    1. Radio wave,
    2. Loop electrosurgical,
    3. Conization of the cervix,
    4. Cervical curettage.
    • Metrosalpingography

    X-ray method using a contrast agent. Doctors use this method to examine the uterine cavity and the patency of the fallopian tubes.

    Which qualified doctors work in the gynecological department of the MEDIKOM clinic

    Clinic MEDIKOM treats diseases in accordance with world protocols and international recommendations.

    1. Arendar Elena Anatolyevna — obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences. Medical work experience — 20 years. Fluent in English.
    2. Kochet Yulia Sergeevna — obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist. Practicing clinician with 20 years of experience. Member of the UARM and the European Society of Reproduction and Embryology.
    3. Piskun Olga Valerievna — leading specialist, obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-surgeon. Medical experience — 20 years. Member of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine.
    4. Mokretsov Sergey Evgenievich — obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of sciences of public administration with 22 years of experience. Author of over 80 scientific publications. Member of the Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Ukraine and Russia.
    Benefits of undergoing a preventive examination with a gynecologist at the MEDIKOM clinic

    A regular visit to a gynecologist is the key to preserving a woman’s reproductive function and preventing most gynecological diseases.

    A preventive gynecological examination plays an important role in preventing the development of cervical and breast cancer.

    Experienced specialists of the MEDIKOM clinic will provide you with information on contraception, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

    Young women who are sexually active should be examined regularly by a gynecologist.



    Ilona Baidiuk
    Medical author:
    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
    Medical expert:

    Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak