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Clinic «Ilaya» Oxford Medical: Department of Cell Therapy

Ukraine, Kyiv

Stem cells (SCs) have the ability to regenerate, divide and develop into other types of cells. Due to these properties, they are among the most promising objects of biomedical research and offer hope for the regeneration of tissues or entire organs.

Stem cell therapy — a type of treatment in which the SCs of one’s own body or donor are used.

The ilaya.regeneration laboratory — one of the few laboratories in Kiev and Ukraine that extracts various types of adult cells and tissue engineering materials.

The «Ilaya» medical center includes a cryobank with 5 billion donor SCs.

Distinguish between embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic cells are in the embryo, adults are present in the human body all their life.

«Ilaya» Medical Center has been practicing stem cell therapy for over 15 years.

Admission fee:
from 17 USD
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    Procedures and their cost

    The cost may vary depending on the case and the recommendation of doctors.
    from $17 from $17
    from $25 from $15
    from $16 from $180
    from $250 from $800

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are stem cells

    The umbilical cord contains millions of SCs that can be collected and stored at birth and then used to treat over 85 diseases and conditions.

    Multipotent stem cells (MSCs) obtained from the umbilical cord are distinguished by their ability to rapidly divide and transform into fat cells, bone and cartilage cells.

    How do stem cells work

    Stem cells are found in various tissues of the body: bone marrow, blood, muscle, skin, nerves, and liver. The main property of all SCs is that they can reproduce, replace, or renew many types of damaged cells in the body.

    SCs can divide and multiply into more than 200 types of other specialized cells (blood, nervous system, etc.).

    Due to their ability to renew damaged cells, they are important for medicine and are currently used in more than 85 therapies and 5000 clinical trials around the world.

    What are the indications for stem cell therapy at the “Ilaya” Medical Center

    SCs therapy is used for:

    • Autoimmune diseases,
    • Rejuvenation,
    • Immunomodulation,
    • Type 2 diabetes mellitus,
    • Bioengineering of tissues and organs,
    • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
    • Aesthetic (cosmetic) defects,
    • Liver damage (cirrhosis, liver failure),
    • Cardiovascular diseases, such as: ischemic heart disease, cardiosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, etc.,
    • Diseases of the nervous system: ASD, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, etc.
    How are stem cells injected at “Ilaya” Medical Center

    Two methods are used to inject SCs: intravenous injection and local injections.

    What are the advantages of conducting stem cell therapy at the” Ilaya” Medical Center

    Patients choose the Ilaya clinic for the following criteria:

    1. Individual program for each patient,
    2. The treatment is quick, painless and low-traumatic,
    3. The clinic provides an individual passport of the cell product,
    4. High rates of treatment success,
    5. The clinic guarantees biosafety, effectiveness and quality of the product,
    6. Innovative technologies and modern equipment,
    7. Own cryobank.



    Ilona Baidiuk
    Medical author:
    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
    Medical expert:

    Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak