Comprehensive rehabilitation programs that are used at the “Sosny” Center

Neurological rehabilitation program
The program is aimed at restoring the health of patients who have suffered various neurological diseases. The rehabilitation plan is developed individually. The techniques used reduce the severity of symptoms, restore impaired functions and improve the overall well-being of patients.
The center’s highly qualified rehabilitation doctors successfully cope with the consequences of such serious illnesses as stroke, heart and vascular pathologies, hematomas, brain and spinal cord injuries, neuralgia of various etiologies and other chronic diseases.
The main advantage of the Health and rehabilitation center “Sosny” in Kyiv is an integrated approach. Experienced doctors use effective physiotherapeutic techniques based on the effects of light, electricity, and magnetic fields to restore impaired neurological functions. In addition, balneological procedures are used here that help strengthen the immune system, speed up metabolism, activate blood circulation, normalize sleep patterns and emotional background. This complex effect has an overall beneficial effect on the patient’s body, helping to cope with the consequences of a neurological disease.
Orthopedic rehabilitation program
The program is aimed at the recovery of patients who have suffered or are suffering from severe orthopedic diseases. The main goal of the program is to restore motor activity and overall health of the body.
Experienced rehabilitation therapists, massage therapists and orthopedists-traumatologists provide rehabilitation therapy. An individual program is developed for each patient, which includes innovative rehabilitation techniques, including:
- paravertebral, periarticular, perineural and local blockades;
- traction-decompression therapy using the Triton DTS system;
- pulsed short-wave therapy on the Enraf-Nonius CURAPULS 670 device;
- electrophoresis and magnetic therapy;
- ultrasound, laser and thermotherapy;
- shock wave and amplipulse therapy;
- physical therapy and kinesitherapy;
- massage and manual therapy;
- individual training with a rehabilitator on simulators;
- exercise therapy in the swimming pool.
The integrated use of physiotherapeutic procedures helps to significantly speed up the recovery process of patients after injuries and orthopedic diseases.
Cardiac rehabilitation program
One of the priority activities of the Sosny health and rehabilitation center in Kyiv is restoring the health of patients with severe heart and vascular diseases. A comprehensive program allows patients to cope with the consequences of the disease and improve the quality of life of patients. The cardiology program helps to:
- restore physical activity;
- prevent complications after cardiac surgery;
- improve the patient’s physical and psychological condition.

The Sosny Rehabilitation Center in Kyiv offers general health programs in the following areas:
- Nervous system diseases (recovery for radiculitis, plexitis, polyneuritis, spinal canal stenosis, insomnia, migraine, somatoform autonomic dysfunction, etc.).
- Orthopedic diseases (rehabilitation for osteochondrosis, hernia and protrusion of the intervertebral disc, ankylosing spondylitis, scoliosis, osteoarthritis, spondylolisthesis, spondylosis, previous injuries and operations).
- Cardiac diseases (recovery from coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, hypertension, rheumatism, obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, varicose veins, Raynaud syndrome).
- Endocrine disorders (rehabilitation for diabetes, compensated hypothyroidism, gout, obesity stage 1-2).
In addition, the Sosny center offers programs for relaxation and good mood, body correction and weight normalization, restoration and rejuvenation of the body, as well as health improvement with children.
What rehabilitation methods are used at the Sosny center?
The rehabilitation center uses a wide range of modern rehabilitation techniques. The most popular ones are listed below.
- magnetic therapy;
- ultrasound therapy;
- speleotherapy (salt cave);
- laser therapy;
- electroneuroanalgesia;
- amplipulse therapy;
- thermotherapy;
- pulsed shortwave therapy (CURAPULS 670).
Balneological complex:
- aquatherapy in the swimming pool;
- Charcot’s shower;
- hydromassage;
- underwater shower-massage;
- phytomineral baths;
- bischofite baths;
- pine baths;
- pearl baths.
Manual therapy and massage:
- all types of massage;
- reflexology;
- acupuncture;
- osteopathy;