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Стволовые клетки восстанавливают сетчатку
Stem cell therapy can repair vision-destroying defects in the retina
Japanese researchers have successfully used human stem cell transplants to close a hole in a crucial part of a monkey’s retina. ⇒ The retina is…
Завоз инфекции в самолете
Europe sees a spike in malaria cases caused by mosquitoes brought in by airplanes
According to a retrospective analysis in France and a systematic review of studies in Europe published in the journal Eurosurveillance, there has been an increase…
Страх заболеть онкологией
Fear of cancer recurrence is typical decades after a childhood cancer event
One-third of childhood cancer survivors experience fear of recurrence even decades later, according to a study published Oct. 3 in JAMA Network Open. Alex Pizzo…
Антибиотики вызывают астму и атопический дерматит
Treatment with antibiotics in early childhood leads to the development of atopic dermatitis and asthma
Antibiotic therapy immediately after birth to treat confirmed infection is associated with an increased risk of atopic dermatitis in later childhood, and antibiotic use in…
Падения и деменция чек-ап
Falls may increase the risk of dementia in older adults
Older adults who are injured as a result of a fall are over 20 percent more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or another type of…
Лечение диабета стволовыми клетками
Stem cell therapy can completely cure type 1 diabetes, newest study reports
A woman with type 1 diabetes began producing her own insulin less than 3 months after an injection of a stem cell-derived product. One year…
Вакцина от рака
Scientists from the UK are working on the world’s first vaccine to prevent ovarian cancer
The vaccine is still in the development stage, but if trials are successful, it could help prevent one of the most common forms of cancer…
Анализ для диагностики оспы обезьян
WHO has approved the use of the first diagnostic test for mpox in emergencies
The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday authorized the use of Abbott Laboratories’ diagnostic test for mpox virus in emergency situations, the first such approval…
Пиктограммы для упрощения лечения
Pictograms instead of long and complicated drug instructions improve patient care
The Duke-NUS School of Medicine has introduced visual cues or pictograms designed to make medication instructions easier to understand. Duke-NUS researchers, along with their colleagues,…
Генетика отвечает за привередливость в еде
Genetic factors contribute to fussy eating in children and adolescents
Fussy eating is largely a matter of genes and is a stable trait that persists from infancy to early adolescence, according to a new study…
