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лечение рака
Research reveals the financial problems of cancer survivors
A cancer diagnosis can affect more than just a person’s health. Researchers have found that financial consequences can follow cancer patients and their families into…
Bright light lamps can help manage depression year-round
Just half an hour a day can lift the mood of not only people with seasonal depression, but anyone who suffers from low mood. Bright…
Противораковая вакцинаб лечение онкологии
Scientists have learned how to “hack” bacteria, and turn them into weapons against cancer
Researchers at Columbia University have created probiotic bacteria that train the immune system to destroy cancer cells. This paves the way for a new class…
Трансплантация глаз
Sensational face and whole eye transplant: one year later
At the American College of Surgeons(ACS) 2024 Clinical Congress in San Francisco, California, and in a publication in the journal JAMA, a detailed explanation of…
вакцина универсальная грипп
Researchers have found a way to create a universal flu vaccine
Scientists from the Pirbright Institute and the University of Oxford have taken a significant step towards creating a universal flu vaccine. Flu vaccines have long…
Лечение рака
Unexpected yeast observation opens the way to new methods of cancer diagnosis and treatment
The discovery of a surprising way in which yeast used to brew beer can survive starvation could open the way to new methods of diagnosing…
New approaches to reducing lymphatic pain in breast cancer patients
Among the 7.8 million women diagnosed with breast cancer worldwide, at least 33-44% suffer from lymphatic pain. Breast cancer survivors usually suffer from lymphatic pain…
персонализированное лечение
Skin tone can affect the effectiveness and safety of medicines
Skin pigmentation may function as a “sponge” for some drugs, potentially affecting the rate at which active drugs reach their intended targets, according to a…
диагностика эндометриоза, микробиом, анализы
New stool analysis will allow timely diagnostics and treatment of endometriosis
Promising results from researchers at Baylor College of Medicine may lead to the development of a noninvasive stool test for endometriosis and a new treatment…
персонализированная противораковая вакцина от рака
New computer project dramatically changes the approach to developing personalized cancer vaccines
Scientists at Ludwig Cancer Research have developed a complete computational module that matches multiple molecular and genetic analyses of tumors and specific molecular targets of…
