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вакцина от инфаркта
Chinese vaccine promises to stop plaques building up in arteries
In trials on mice, an experimental nanovaccine created by Chinese scientists inhibited the development of a disease that can lead to blood clots, stroke and…
лечение ПТСР
Interacting with wildlife alleviates PTSD symptoms in veterans
The new study, published in the journal Human-Animal Interactions, showed that socializing with wildlife and walking in the woods can alleviate symptoms of post-traumatic stress…
трансплантация печени при раке
The optimal time for liver transplantation after cancer immunotherapy has been established
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for 80 to 90% of primary liver cancers. According to the World Health Organization, there will be 905,700 new cases and…
стоматологические проблемы у женщин
Gum health is a key indicator of overall health in women
Gum health is a key indicator of overall health in women Many women don’t realise the link between hormonal changes and gum health. But at…
лечение рака магнитными частицами
Researchers develop magnetic nanoparticles for high-precision cancer treatment
Traditionally, the most common ways to remove and destroy malignant cells have been radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. However, because these treatments can also damage…
плановая операция
Getting surgery before the weekend? Bad idea, study claims
According to a new study, people who have surgery on a Friday are better off rescheduling it if possible. People who go in for surgery…
детская онкология
Scientists have discovered why retinoic acid selectively kills metastatic neuroblastoma cells
Neuroblastoma is a solid tumor that occurs in children. In high-risk disease, the prognosis is poor. Decades ago, the addition of retinoic acid to neuroblastoma…
диета от рака в результате ожирения
Mediterranean diet reduces risk of obesity-related cancers
A new study has found that following a Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of obesity-related cancers, including liver and kidney cancer. The study shows…
птср лечение
War-related post-traumatic stress disorder: preventing the effects of traumatic experiences
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects about 10% of people involved in traffic accidents and up to half of war survivors and victims of rape or…
болезнь Крона по кальпротектину
An assay has been found to reduce the number of colonoscopies and improve follow-up of patients with Crohn’s disease
Specialists from the Department of Gastroenterology at Hermanns Trias Hospital have conducted and published a unique study that significantly improves the control and treatment of…
