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Treatment and prevention of oncology with a vaccine

The antitumor xeno vaccine was developed by Ukrainian scientists from the R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology. The drug is used as part of the complex therapy of cancer, as well as for the prevention of the development of cancer. The vaccine is prescribed to patients who have already undergone surgery to remove the neoplasm and do not have a sample of tumor material. It can also be used prophylactically for people who are at risk of developing malignant tumors.

Treatment and prevention of oncology with a vaccine

The prophylactic vaccine is made from quail tumor-associated antigens of embryonic origin. To enhance the immune response, antigens are biotransformed under the influence of cytotoxic proteins of B. subtilis B-7025.

The mechanism of action of the drug is to overcome the tolerance of the immune system to tumor antigens that are produced in the body during the development of a malignant process. Embryonic antigens are structurally similar to tumor proteins, which are specific targets for lymphocytes. The introduction of a vaccine helps the immune system “learn” to identify and attack cancer cells.

A prophylactic antitumor vaccine has been used since 2007. So far, more than 8,000 patients have been treated with her. The effectiveness of vaccine therapy in stabilizing or reducing the tumor process is more than 70%. The drug is non-toxic and can be used in combination with standard methods of cancer treatment (chemo- and radiotherapy).

What malignant tumors is it used for?

The preventive vaccine is applied in two directions:

  1. Treatment of tumor diseases of various origins in patients who have already undergone surgery and do not have a sample of tumor material.
  2. Prevention of the development of oncological diseases in patients who are at risk.

The universal risk factors that contribute to the development of oncopathology include the following:

  • Cases of cancer in the family of blood relatives;
  • Work in a hazardous industry (with chemicals, radiation);
  • Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • Unfavorable ecological environment;
  • The presence of chronic diseases that can develop into cancer.
Disease number of procedures per year % efficiency
Stomach cancer 5 (course) + revaccination once a month 70
Breast cancer 5 (course) + revaccination once a month 70
Bladder cancer 5 (course) + revaccination once a month 70
Lung cancer 5 (course) + revaccination once a month 70
Prostate cancer 5 (course) + revaccination once a month 70
Uterine cancer 5 (course) + revaccination once a month 70
Bowel cancer 5 (course) + revaccination once a month 70
Soft tissue tumors 5 (course) + revaccination once a month 70

About the procedure

How is the procedure carried out

Preparation for vaccination is carried out similarly to the use of the drug: the specialist defrosts the vial, shakes vigorously and immediately before administration brings it to body temperature. At initial use, a test for an allergic reaction is required. The vaccine is administered using an insulin syringe into the subscapular region.

Vaccination schedule:

  • Day 1 – 1 injection;
  • Day 3 – 2 injections;
  • Day 10 – 3 injections;
  • Day 17 – 2 injections;
  • Day 24 – 2 injections.

The second course of vaccination is carried out 21-30 days after the last dose of the first course according to the same scheme.

Revaccination begins 21-30 days after the end of the second course and is carried out until stabilization or long-term remission of the tumor process is achieved. A break of 14 and 30 days is maintained between revaccination courses.

Revaccination is carried out according to the scheme:

  • Day 1 – 1 injection;
  • Day 3 – 2 injections;
  • Day 10 – 3 injections.

The schedule of vaccination and revaccination may vary depending on the patient’s condition or with the combined use of the vaccine with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. The use of a prophylactic anticancer drug is not contraindicated in chemotherapy, on the contrary, there are recommendations for combined treatment.


Individual intolerance to the components of the vaccine.

Application features

During vaccine therapy, it is desirable to take calcium preparations and herbal teas with a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect (in the absence of contraindications). Preparations based on wrestler (Aconitum soongaricum) and ant tree bark (Tabebuia impetiginosa) enhance the effect of the vaccine, so they can be recommended for simultaneous use.


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    Risks and side effects

    The study of immediate clinical results showed that the method of combination therapy with the Cancerax preventive vaccine is well tolerated by cancer patients, has no contraindications and is not accompanied by the development of complications and allergic reactions that would have a significant impact on the general condition of patients.

    Vaccine therapy is sometimes accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature up to 37-38 ° C (the temperature can last from two hours to a day after the administration of the drug). With prolonged temperature reaction (more than 2 hours), the use of over-the-counter antipyretics is recommended. A positive manifestation of vaccine therapy is an increase in appetite and a decrease in pain in a cancer patient.

    Additional documents/certificates

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long has the prophylactic xeno vaccine been used?

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    The xenogenic antitumor vaccine has been actively used since 2007. During this time, more than 8,000 patients have been treated. The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of the development of most solid malignant tumors. The vaccine is not toxic. The main mechanism of action is the restoration of antitumor immunity.

    How is the vaccine made?

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    Unlike auto vaccines, a xenogenic vaccine does not require a sample of tumor material. Therefore, even those patients who have long undergone an operation to remove a malignant neoplasm or have contraindications to surgical intervention can undergo treatment.

    The vaccine is made from fetal proteins of animal origin, which are similar in structure to tumor antigens. By recognizing these proteins, the immune system simultaneously identifies and attacks cancer cells.

    How effective is the treatment-and-prophylactic vaccine?

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    The effectiveness of vaccine therapy depends on the type and stage of the disease. The best result can be achieved in the treatment of solid tumors at the l-lll stage. According to clinical data, the effectiveness is 70% (stabilization or reduction of the tumor process).

    What do I need to start treatment with the cancer vaccine Cancerax preventive?

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    In order to undergo vaccine therapy with a Ukrainian-made drug, it is enough to leave an application on the MedTour website. In the near future, the medical coordinator will contact you and tell you in detail about the stages of treatment.



    Olena Kursabaieva
    Medical author, Medical editor:
    Ilona Baidiuk
    Medical author:

    Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

    Kateryna Maliarchuk
    Medical Doctor, oncologist, PHD student

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