Doctors for treatment of Limphoma in China - page 2
Tatiana Perekhrestenko
Ukraine, Kyiv
Clinic: Spizhenko Clinic
Total work experience: 25 years
Doctor's specialization
Consultation cost
from 34 USD
Peter Reimer
Germany, Essen
Clinic: Essen University Hospital
Total work experience: 38 years
Doctor's specialization
Consultation cost
from 280 USD
Fabio Ciceri
Italy, Milan
Clinic: San Raffaele Hospital
Total work experience: 34 years
Doctor's specialization
Consultation cost
from 450 USD
Zafer Gulbash
Turkey, Istanbul
Clinic: Anadolu Medical Center
Total work experience: 47 years
Doctor's specialization
Consultation cost
from 160 USD
Polina Stepensky
Israel, Jerusalem
Clinic: Hadassah Medical Center
Total work experience: 23 years
Doctor's specialization
Consultation cost
from 700 USD
The best clinics for the treatment of Limphoma
20 doctors of 34
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