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Strategic (basal) dental implants

Strategic (basal) dental implants

Strategic dental implants are attached to the basal part of the bone (hard bone). This implantation method was developed for patients with a bone defect or with oncopathology, therefore, the main advantages of this type of implantation are the ability to install the implant without bone augmentation. The dentist performs the procedure in one operation without preliminary preparation (grinding) of the teeth.

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Causes of tooth loss

Despite the wide possibilities of modern dentistry, most people still face the problem of tooth loss.

Causes for tooth extraction or loss:

  • Congenital pathologies;
  • Caries and secondary caries;
  • Genetic defects in enamel;
  • Formation of cysts in the area of ​​the tooth root;
  • Mechanical injury.

The loss of one unit or several teeth leads to changes in the oral cavity. Displacement occurs because the teeth move closer to each other in place of the missing element. Adjacent teeth, jaw bones and jaw joints change their position, which can lead to aesthetic distortions and physical discomfort.

Problems after tooth extraction

After tooth extraction, a person is faced not only with an unpleasant external manifestation, but also with such pathologies:

  • Malocclusion;
  • Speech defect;
  • Difficulty chewing solid foods;
  • Exposure of the roots of adjacent teeth;
  • Chronic inflammatory process;
  • Displacement of the dentition and grinding of the remaining teeth.

The more teeth are missing, the more pronounced the patient’s discomfort.

Diagnostics for dental implantation

3D CT of the jaw

Modern dental clinics have equipment that allows the doctors to determine the treatment regimen at one time.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following examinations:

  • X-ray of the area of the extracted tooth;
  • CT scan of one or both jaws (in some difficult cases, multispiral computed tomography or even MRI may be required);
  • Coagulogram – a blood clotting test.

Foreign and nonresident patients are recommended to take a panoramic X-ray of the entire jaw at their place of residence. This will allow the doctor to determine the full range of work in advance in order to plan the treatment as efficiently as possible.

In some cases, photometry and condylography are also performed.

Photometry – photographing a patient without a tooth with an open and closed mouth from different angles.

Condylography is a functional diagnosis, that is, a set of measures aimed at understanding how the jaw will work with the restored dentition. This is done using:

  • HIP-plane analyzer – a device that can determine if the teeth are correctly positioned relative to each other in the upper jaw;
  • Facial arch – devices for creating a plaster model of the jaw;
  • An articulator is a device designed to assess the condition of the teeth of the lower jaw.

Such examinations are necessary if 2 or more teeth are missing, the bite is broken, or cosmetic defects must be eliminated with the help of prosthetics.

In the presence of concomitant diseases, additional specialist consultations are prescribed:

  • Endocrinologist;
  • Allergist;
  • Oncologist;
  • Anesthesiologist.

Dental prosthetics are never performed in the presence of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity. All stages of prosthetics are performed exclusively after therapeutic treatment or removal of the affected teeth.

To undergo a comprehensive examination of the jaw using modern equipment, leave a message on the MedTour website. The doctor coordinator will make an appointment with the dental clinic, where you can receive the full range of medical care.

Assisted procedures for successful implantation

In professional dentistry, the doctor carries out dental treatment using innovative equipment. In practice, a Leica operating microscope is used for successful dental implantation.

The device is used before prosthetics for:

  • Removing a foreign body from the gums or tooth roots;
  • Treatment of cystic formations;
  • Examination of teeth with abnormal anatomy.

Types of implants

Implants are divided into:

  • Root (classic);
  • Basal (strategic).

Comparative characteristics of implants

For classic implants, the installation period is on average 6-7 months. The number of visits to the dentist is 5-6, augmentation of bone tissue may be required.

For strategic implants, the installation period takes 2-3 days. The number of visits to the dentist is 2, no bone augmentation is required. In this case, implantation of any tooth is possible.

What are basal implants

The doctor places the implant in the basal part of the bone, which is deep and is practically not subject to bone atrophy or destruction.

This installation method has several advantages:

  • Suitable for patients with bone atrophy or insufficiency, no additional procedures are required;
  • The implant is installed in the deep part of the bone, which leads to intensive blood supply to the area around the implant, which means faster healing, fewer rejections and a decrease in the natural resorption (decrease in density) of bone tissue after tooth extraction;
  • This type of implant provides a uniform load on all parts of the crown, which reduces the risk of fracture and bone deformation.

An important aspect of this type of implantation is the very procedure of setting up a denture. Unlike the classical method, the implantation is performed in two stages within 2-3 days, while the classical implantation process takes about six months. Moreover, most of this time falls on the engraftment of an artificial root, at this time it is impossible to install a crown or bridge on it. This creates an aesthetic defect and can lead to the need to wear aligners or braces in the long run.

Implantation with strategic implants is not limited by the number of extracted teeth. With this method, the entire jaw can be completely restored. To make an appointment with the doctor for the installation of basal implants, leave a message on the MedTour website.


Despite all the advantages of strategic implants, this type of implantation has its own absolute and relative contraindications.

The absolute ones include:

  • Decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • Increased tone of the chewing muscles;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Undergoing chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer.

Relative ones include:

  • Partially compensated diabetes mellitus;
  • Intolerance to anesthesia;
  • Paradontitis, paradontosis, osteomyelitis and inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

In the presence of serious malocclusion, appropriate treatment must first be carried out, and after that – implantation.

It's important to know!
When planning implantation, it is necessary to undergo a CT scan of the jaw, even if prosthetics of one tooth is planned. In the process of diagnostics, an unsatisfactory condition of previously treated root canals and periodontitis can be revealed. To contact a dental clinic, where you can go through the full range of diagnostics, leave a request on MedTour.
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How much does strategic implant placement cost?

dental implantation result

The total cost of dental prosthetics will include the entire range of diagnostics. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the minimum research that the doctor prescribes before the implantation procedure. Without fail, the diagnosis will include a CT scan, blood tests and an initial examination by a dentist.

Examples of the cost of installing basal implants in a Ukrainian clinic:

  • 1 implant made in Israel on a turnkey basis with a crown – from $500;
  • 1 implant made in Switzerland on a turnkey basis with a crown – from $1 000;
  • Restoration of the upper or lower jaw with implants – from $3 000.

Frequently asked questions about basal dental implantation

Can basal implantation be performed in patients with cancer?

This type of implant was specially designed for this category of patients with cancer diagnosis.

What to do if you don’t like the appearance or bite after the implant installation, because it is installed quite deeply?

Before the procedure, 3D-modeling of the implant is performed, which reduces the risk of complications to a minimum. But, in case the patient still experiences psychological or aesthetic discomfort, the implant crown can be replaced. This procedure is not traumatic.

Is it true that the installation of basal implants requires high medical qualifications?

Truth. The use of this type of implant is associated with a relatively high risk of peri-implantitis compared to other types of implants. The main reason is the operation by not qualified doctors.

If you want to sign up for a consultation with an experienced doctor who specializes in the installation of basal implants, leave a request on the MedTour website. The coordinating doctor will contact you and arrange an appointment at a specialized clinic.



Kateryna Maliarchuk
Medical author, Medical expert:
PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
Medical expert:

Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
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