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What is Osteoarthritis and How is it Treated

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease and one of the most common disorders of the musculoskeletal system, affecting 10-15% of the global population. Another name for the condition is arthrosis (osteoarthrosis). What is arthrosis? This is a disease that is directly related to age. Pathological processes characteristic of osteoarthrosis often first appear at the age of 40-50 years, and by the age of 80, they are present in most individuals.

What is an osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (is also known as osteoarthritis) is a chronic joint disease of degenerative-dystrophic nature. This pathology is characterized by thinning and damage to the articular cartilage, as well as hypertrophy of bone tissues, resulting in such osteoarthritis symptoms as pain, discomfort, and restricted joint mobility. The most commonly diagnosed types of osteoarthritis include arthritis of the knee and hip joints, followed by arthritis of the shoulder, ankle joints, and fingers. However, degenerative arthritis can affect any joint of the human body. As the disease progresses, it may lead to limitation of mobility and then complete loss of joint function. A single joint may be affected, or generalized osteoarthrosis may be diagnosed, involving multiple joints simultaneously.

Modern osteoarthritis treatment today is carried out using various methods. Cell therapy is one of the most promising and effective approaches. Stem cells can not only slow tissue degradation, but also stimulate regenerative processes. This helps control the degenerative joint disease by improving joint condition, alleviating pain, avoiding or potentially delaying the need for surgical intervention.

MedTour will help you choose a suitable clinic that employs the most effective methods for osteoarthritis treatment.

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Types of Osteoarthritis


To effectively treat the disease, it is essential to clearly understand what arthritis is, causes of osteoarthritis, and the possible types of osteoarthritis. Various classifications are used for diagnosis. Arthrosis can be categorized as:

  • Primary. Diagnosed when the cause of the disease is unclear.
  • Secondary. Triggered by injuries, hormonal and metabolic disorders, or other inflammatory conditions.

Depending on the area affected, there are different types of osteoarthritis. The most common include:

  • Knee osteoarthritis (knee arthrosis, or gonarthrosis). One of the most prevalent types, associated with daily active use of the knee joint, increased load, and wear and tear. First of all, cartilage tissue deteriorates, followed by involvement of bones and surrounding structures, causing stiffness, pain, and significant limitation of leg movement.
  • Elbow osteoarthritis (elbow arthrosis). Often linked to excessive strain on the elbow, although idiopathic forms of the disease can also be diagnosed.
  • Hip osteoarthritis (hip arthrosis, or coxarthrosis). The hip joint is also subject to severe wear due to daily stress. As cartilage tissue deteriorates, the joint space narrows, leading to pain and reduced mobility in the hip joint components.
  • Spondyloarthritis is a condition characterized by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the intervertebral joints. The pathological process affects cartilage tissue, bone structures, as well as surrounding muscle tissues. Over time, osteophytes form, hindering normal spinal mobility. Degenerative changes can occur in different parts of the spine, affecting one or several parts. Spondyloarthrosis of the lumbosacral spine and cervical arthrosis occur quite often due to increased loads on these areas. Such conditions are most frequently observed in older adults. However, degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine are also typical for athletes and individuals whose work is associated with increased strain on specific regions of the spinal column. The progression of the disease can significantly worsen well-being and cause severe pain.
  • Spondylosis is another form of degenerative arthritis of the spine. In this case, degenerative processes occur in the anterior regions of the intervertebral discs. Deformations lead to changes in the structure of the vertebrae and the growth of osteophytes. This results in discomfort, stiffness of movement, and back pain. Spondylosis can also develop in all parts of the spinal column.

The condition may be localized, affecting only one area, or it can develop as generalized osteoarthritis, involving three or more joints in the pathological process.

Arthrosis and Arthritis: Key Differences

Doctors may diagnose both arthrosis and arthritis. Often, osteoarthritis and osteoarthrosis are used synonymously, though in some cases, they have slightly different meanings. Both arthrosis and arthritis are associated with degenerative joint disease of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Osteoarthrosis refers to a degenerative-dystrophic disease when joint structures (cartilage, ligaments, bone tissues) gradually deteriorate due to certain factors.
  • Osteoarthritis involves not only degenerative changes, but also an inflammatory process that plays a primary role.

However, most often inflammatory and degenerative processes occur simultaneously, so both terms can be applied to many conditions.

In many cases, both inflammatory and degenerative processes occur simultaneously, which is why both terms (arthrosis and arthritis) may apply to a variety of conditions.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

The main signs of osteoarthritis include:

  • Discomfort and pain. They can with varying intensity, from mild discomfort to severe pain. Pain may occur during movement or palpation. There are often morning pain and stiffness that go away after some time after active movement. For instance, knee pain often occurs when a person begins to walk, but diminishes after some time. Osteoarthritis symptoms may vary depending on the stage of the disease. In advanced stages, persistent nighttime pain may occur that is not associated with movement.
  • Stiffness. This can range from mild stiffness to a feeling of “locking” or “catching”, such as in the knee or elbow, often accompanied by severe pain.

As the disease progresses, the signs of osteoarthritis intensify. Typically, joint mobility decreases, which is associated with tissue deformation, severe cartilage thinning, and increased friction between bone surfaces. In the case of knee arthrosis, lameness develops, walking becomes difficult, and over time, even slight leg movements may become challenging.

MedTour will help you find a medical facility where therapy will be selected to slow down the destructive processes in your joints, relieve pain, and improve your quality of life.

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Causes of Osteoarthritis

The main causes of osteoarthritis include:

  • age;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • injuries;
  • excessive stress on specific areas of the musculoskeletal system;
  • infections;
  • excess weight;
  • other diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

How Quickly does Osteoarthritis Develop

Стадии остеоартроза

There are four stages or degrees of the disease:

  • Osteoarthritis stage 1. The disease is just beginning and often asymptomatic.
  • Osteoarthritis stage 2. Mild stiffness in the affected area, discomfort, and occasionally pain may appear.
  • Osteoarthritis stage 3. The cartilage is significantly deformed, leading to frequent pain and limited mobility. At this stage, treatment is usually surgical.
  • Osteoarthritis stage 4. The joint cartilage is almost completely destroyed. Surgery is mandatory.

The speed of osteoarthritis progression can vary significantly. The disease can develop slowly over decades or progress rapidly, leading to severe changes within a few years that require mandatory surgical treatment.

Periods of exacerbation and improvement may occur, but as the disease advances to later stages, it increasingly limits mobility and reduces the quality of life.

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How to Relieve Pain in Osteoarthritis?

During exacerbations, an active inflammatory process typically occurs, causing severe pain. Osteoarthritis treatment often includes pain-relieving medications, such as: analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. For severe pain, doctors may give injections directly into the joint. For example, in cases of painful deforming spondylosis, spinal blockade with an anti-inflammatory anesthetic may be performed. Special ointments and creams that have an analgesic effect can also be used.

While medication can relieve pain, it does not constitute comprehensive treatment. In order to effectively treat the disease, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis, determine the stage of the disease and tailor therapy based on the patient’s condition.

MedTour will help you find specialists who will select an effective treatment plan and eliminate pain. Contact a MedTour coordinating doctor for a free consultation and learn about clinics specializing in the treatment of degenerative arthritis.

How to Diagnose Osteoarthritis?

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, examinations are carried out, which may include:

  • X-rays;
  • ultrasound;
  • CT (computed tomography);,
  • laboratory tests (general blood count, biochemistry, rheumatic tests).

In some cases, additional methods like scintigraphy or diagnostic arthroscopy may be required. Consultations with specialists from various fields may also be necessary.

Accurate diagnosis is a crucial step in treatment, as it helps determine the most appropriate therapy. Our medical coordinator will help you find a clinic and specialists for accurate diagnostics and effective osteoarthritis treatment.

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Treatment for Osteoarthritis

Остеоартроз лечение

Today there are several methods of osteoarthritis treatment:

  • Conservative therapy. Includes medication, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy.
  • Surgical treatment of osteoarthritis. Required in the later stages of the disease. Procedures may include arthroscopy or joint replacement with an artificial implant.
  • Innovative methods. New approaches, such as stem cell therapy, have shown high effectiveness in treating osteoarthritis.

Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis

Stem cell therapy has proven highly effective and has been actively used in leading orthopedic clinics worldwide for several years. Such treatment, for example, is often used for conditions like knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis treatment with stem cells improves outcomes in approximately 85% of cases, relieving pain and enhancing joint mobility.

The unique ability of stem cells is that they can transform into cells of different organs. At the same time, they have a very high regenerative potential. When introduced into the joint, they integrate into its tissues, promoting cartilage regeneration and improving joint functionality. Additionally, stem cells reduce inflammation in the affected area. For example, in cases of knee osteoarthritis, stem cell therapy can help avoid surgery or significantly delay the need for it.

Остеоартроз лечение стволовыми клетками

Stem cell treatment involves several stages:

  • Stem cell collection. They can be taken from the bone marrow or from adipose tissue.
  • Preparation and multiplying stem cells in specialized conditions.
  • Injection of stem cells directly into the area of pathological process.

Such osteoarthritis treatment demonstrates high effectiveness and significantly improves the quality of life.

This method demonstrates high effectiveness and significantly improves the quality of life for patients.

To learn more about the possibilities of stem cell therapy for orthopedic disorders, sign up for a free consultation with us.

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Prevention of Osteoarthritis

To prevent degenerative arthritis, doctors recommend to:

  • avoid injuries;
  • maintain a balanced diet;
  • stay physically active;
  • avoid excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system;
  • consult a doctor in time symptoms of various conditions appear.

If symptoms indicating musculoskeletal disorders or degenerative arthritis occur, it is essential to seek medical advice to determine the reasons for the deterioration in your health.

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Best Clinics for Osteoarthritis Treatment

The MedTour platform successfully cooperates with the world’s leading clinics, specializing in treating degenerative diseases of the skeletal system and using the most advanced treatment methods. On our website you can get acquainted with medical centers that deal with orthopedic pathologies, learn about their treatment methods, and review profiles of top specialists.

If you are interested in effective innovative methods, such as cell therapy, we will also help you find the best option for a clinic offering these approaches. For example, you can contact the following medical centers:

  • Cellthera Clinic (Czech Republic). The clinic has been engaged in cell therapy for over 15 years. It actively uses stem cells in orthopedics and has its own patented stem cell isolation technique.
  • Biotechnology company Froceth (Lithuania). The only clinic in Lithuania that independently produces regenerative cell-based medications. This hospital specializes in stem cell treatment for orthopedic conditions.
  • Polyclinic Tara 70 (Serbia). A multidisciplinary clinic that successfully uses stem cell therapy. Cell therapy in the Tara 70 Polyclinic is used in the treatment of joint diseases of various origins.
  • Institute of Cell Therapy (Georgia). Successfully conducts stem cell therapy for various types of diseases, including osteoarthritis treatment.
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Best Doctors for Osteoarthritis Treatment

You have the opportunity to receive treatment in leading clinics around the world. MedTour will help you find the best doctors who use the latest techniques and demonstrate excellent results in the treatment of various types of osteoarthrosis.

For stem cell therapy, you may consider consulting Dr. Andrii Kovalchuk, a surgeon and Candidate of Medical Sciences, who specializes in treating osteoarthritis using cell therapy.

Learn more about stem cell treatment by contacting a MedTour medical coordinator.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to distinguish osteoarthritis from rheumatoid arthritis?

These diseases have similar symptoms, but differ in causes and treatment approaches. Osteoarthritis involves degenerative processes affecting cartilage and bone tissues. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic condition where inflammation affects joints and may involve other organs. To determine the exact disease, consult a doctor for a thorough examination and diagnosis, which will help identify the optimal treatment strategy.

Are there any side effects when using cell therapy for osteoarthritis?

This technique has minimal serious side effects. After the procedure, mild swelling may occur at the injection area. Pain of varying levels may also occur. However, these unpleasant signs pass quickly enough.

Can stem cell therapy replace joint surgery?

Stem cells stimulate regenerative processes in tissues and reduce inflammation, often allowing patients to avoid surgery. However, in advanced stages of osteoarthritis, stem cell therapy might be insufficient, and surgical intervention may be necessary. A doctor can help determine the most effective treatment method for your condition.

To choose the best doctor and schedule a consultation at the clinic, leave a request on the MedTour website. Our medical coordinator will assist you in selecting a doctor and finding the best clinic tailored to your preferences.

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Natalia Segen
Medical author, Medical editor:
Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:

Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

Kateryna Maliarchuk
Medical Doctor, oncologist, PHD student
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