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Primary sarcoma of the lung treatment
- out of 250 patients with lung cancer, only 1 case is sarcoma – this type of tumor is very rare,
- occurs more often in men,
- the risk of getting sick is the same in people of different ages.
Modern diagnostics: bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy, PET with CT or MRI, laboratory tests, ultrasound of lung tissue, biopsy.
Innovative treatment: endoscopic removal, lobectomy, pneumonectomy, radiochemotherapy, brachytherapy, immunotherapy.
MedTour patients recommend clinics for the treatment of primary pulmonary sarcoma:

Doctors for the treatment of primary sarcoma of the lung
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Рудченко Олексадр Украіна. Велике спасибі за професіоналізм та чуйність до всього колективу відділення, особливо лікарю Марісу Межецкісу. Лікування відбувалося у січні 2023 року.

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Frequently Asked Questions
This is a mutation in the cells of the connective tissue of the lungs with the formation of a malignant tumor.
There are such risk factors:
- polluted breathing air: a person smokes or lives near factories and plants,
- exposure to radiation: constant exposure to direct sunlight or work with radioactive materials,
- genetics: this disease can occur even at an early age.
Symptoms include:
- cough,
- hemoptysis,
- shortness of breath,
- discomfort in the chest and pain,
- constant weakness,
- decreased appetite and weight loss,
- dysfunction of other organs (last stages).
It depends on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant pathologies. In the case of early detection and proper therapy, the prognosis is favorable and the 5-year survival rate is 52%. At advanced stages and improper treatment – below 19%.
It occurs in only 1% of patients with lung oncology.
The following stages are distinguished:
1 – the size of the neoplasm is less than 3 cm,
2 – an increase in diameter up to 6 cm, the appearance of metastases in the adjacent lymph nodes,
3 – the size is more than 6 cm, the presence of metastases in the pleural membrane and mediastinal lymph nodes.
4 – the size can be any, but the presence of distant metastases or the development of complications in other organs is mandatory.
The following diagnostic methods are used:
- Laboratory tests (biochemical blood test),
- Ultrasound of lung tissue,
- CT and MRI,
- Positron emission tomography in combination with CT or MRI scanner,
- Broncho- and thoracoscopy,
- Biopsy and histological analysis,
- If doctor suspects the presence of metastases – examination of bone tissue.
The following methods are used:
- surgical or endoscopic removal,
- chemotherapy,
- radiotherapy,
- brachytherapy,
- immunotherapy.
Treatment of lung sarcoma
The type of treatment for the disease depends on the following factors:
- localization and type of tumor,
- the age of the patient,
- the presence of concomitant diseases.
At stages 1-2, the tumor is removed without opening the chest — endoscopically.
At 3-4 stages, there are 2 options for the operation:
- removal of part of the lung — lobectomy or segmentectomy,
- removal of a whole lung — pneumonectomy.
During the operation, the surgeon necessarily excises the adjacent lymph nodes — this reduces the chance of a relapse.
If there are contraindications to standard surgery, radiosurgery is performed. For this, all the leading foreign clinics in the world use the innovative CyberKnife technology. This robotic system accurately calculates the dose and location of the irradiation. As a result, trauma to the surrounding tissues is minimized (as opposed to standard surgery).
This includes the treatment of malignant tumors with chemicals — cytostatics. They interfere with the life cycle of cancer cells and inhibit their growth. The active ingredients of chemotherapy are taken in the form of injections or tablets.
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy works only on a specific area of the body, unlike drug chemotherapy. It can be used:
- in combination with chemotherapy — radiochemotherapy,
- after surgery — adjuvant or before — neoadjuvant.
In foreign hospitals additional innovative methods are used:
- brachytherapy is a modern version of radiotherapy. With this method, only the pathological focus is irradiated. There is no effect on healthy tissues.
- immunotherapy — influence on the body’s immune system in order to destroy pathological cells. In the case of sarcoma of the lungs, the drug Olaratumab is most often used.

Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

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