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Lower limb ischemia treatment

Lower limb ischemia is a decrease in blood flow to the lower extremities caused by blockage (occlusion) or narrowing of the arteries. Usually the lowest (distant) parts of the legs are affected. Tissues do not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients supplied by arterial blood flow. As a consequence, leg muscles under exercise quickly become fatigued, pain appears, atrophy of tissues in fingers and toes can lead to their destruction (necrosis). In gangrene (tissue death) urgent amputation of the limb is required, otherwise death is inevitable.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Causes of lower limb ischemia

Lower extremity ischemia can be caused by one of the following conditions:

  • lower extremity atherosclerosis;
  • endarteritis;
  • thrombosis or embolism;
  • diabetic vascular disease.
Symptoms of lower extremity ischemia

Given that ischemia of the lower limbs has very dangerous consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor if symptoms of ischemia occur. In medicine, a differentiation is made for critical ischemia, in which urgent measures are needed to restore normal blood circulation. Critical ischemia is a condition characterized by one of the following signs:

  • muscle pain in the leg;
  • – trophic ulcers;
  • – intermittent claudication.

Treatment of lower limb ischemia

First of all, it is necessary to stop smoking, as it is one of the provoking and aggravating factors that contribute to the development of lower limb ischemia.

In the early stages of the disease, an effective measure is regular exercise, which helps to achieve a better blood supply to the limb. The set of such exercises should be prescribed by a doctor, because improperly selected physical activity can aggravate the situation. Drug therapy is also performed.

Nevertheless, in critical ischemia, in most cases, there is no way to manage treatment without surgery.

Conservative treatment

With the help of conservative methods (physiotherapy, medication), bypass pathways are opened for arterial blood to flow to the lower extremities. Conservative treatment is also aimed at increasing blood circulation, preventing thrombosis and atherosclerotic deposits.

It may also include interventions to increase oxygen levels in the blood.


It is a surgical treatment method in which atherosclerotic deposits are removed from the lumen of an artery.


Balloon angioplasty and stenting can be used to achieve dilation of the vessel lumen.

Femoral Popliteal Bypass

Bypass surgery restores arterial blood flow in the arteries below the site of the blockage. The femoral-popliteal bypass is used when the femoral artery is occluded.



PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
Medical expert:
Kateryna Maliarchuk
Medical author, Medical expert:
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