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Hair transplantation treatment in Turkey

Turkey is the world leader in hair transplantation. More than 60 000 patients from abroad visit this country every year. More than 500 hair transplantation procedures are performed in Turkish clinics every week. This allowed local doctors to gain more clinical experience and achieve high rates of graft (transplanted hair follicle) engraftment.

The main reasons why foreign patients choose Turkish hospitals:

  • Application of the most modern medical equipment;
  • Excellent aesthetic results of transplantation;
  • Using progressive transplantation methods;
  • High-quality medical service;
  • The ability to combine treatment with the rest.

Competitive prices can be included in the list of benefits in Turkey. In Turkish clinics the cost of treatment is much lower than in the USA and European countries. In addition, most of the medical centers here offer all-inclusive package services. This means that the patient immediately realizes ​​the whole cost of treatment and is guaranteed not to face additional expenses.

MedTour patients recommend clinics for the treatment of hair transplantation in Turkey:

Patient reviews

Patient was treated in the clinic Private: Smile Hair Clinic

I did hair transplantation in this hospital. Medtour did everything for me: they founded perfekt clinic, best doctor, organised transfer to Turkey and English speaking interpreter. I am very happy that I got my operation done here. Thanks to medtour!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does hair transplantation cost in Turkey?

The cost of a cosmetic procedure is influenced by such factors as:

  • The choice of treatment method;
  • Number of grafts to be implanted;
  • Clinic pricing policy.

Besides, the price depends on what services are included in the package. It can be:

  • Diagnostic assessment of hair and scalp;
  • Blood tests;
  • Hotel accommodation and meals;
  • Postoperative scalp care products;
  • Transfer from the airport to the clinic;
  • Personal coordinator services.

The cost of hair transplantation in Turkish clinics is from $3 000.

Why is hair transplantation cheaper in Turkey than in other developed countries?

With the same quality of medical care, the average cost of hair transplantation in Turkish clinics is about 70% cheaper than in the EU and the USA. This is possible for several reasons:

  • Average wages and living wages in Turkey are slightly lower than in other developed countries;
  • The country’s government has canceled VAT for foreign medical tourists who are being treated in Turkish clinics certified by the Turkish Ministry of Health;
  • Due to the great competition, Turkish clinics are trying to improve the quality of medical care and reduce prices in order to attract clients.
How to prepare for a hair transplantation in Turkey?

For the operation to be as successful as possible, Turkish doctors recommend:

  • Do not take aspirin, vitamins B and E 4 days before surgery;
  • It is advisable not to smoke tobacco products 2 weeks before the procedure;
  • Do not drink alcohol 4 days before the transplantation;
  • Try to get a good sleep before the procedure;
  • Do not drink caffeinated drinks at night and in the morning;
  • Wash hair and scalp thoroughly in the morning.
How to get to a Turkish hair transplant clinic?

Currently, medical tourists coming to Turkey must have one of the following documents:

  • Certificate of two vaccinations against COVID-19;
  • Negative PCR test result (taken no more than 72 hours before departure);
  • Antibody test results (presence of antibodies to coronavirus);
  • Certificate of recently transferred COVID-19 (valid for no more than 180 days).

MedTour company cooperates with the best hair transplantation clinics in Turkey. Leave a request on the website. The coordinating doctor will help you choose the medical center that best suits your needs, as well as solve all organizational issues.

Hair transplantation methods in Turkish clinics

There are several options for hair transplantation. In Turkish clinics, doctors most often use the two most popular and safe methods for the patient – FUE and DHI.

FUE (Follicular Unit Excision)

For the treatment of various types of baldness and the solution of aesthetic problems, Turkish clinics use the most modern technologies. One of them is the FUE (Follicular Unit Excision) technique. The essence of this approach is to extract grafts (groups of 1-3 follicles) from the scalp or body and move them to the problem area.

Compared to the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method, FUE transplantation is less invasive. It does not leave scars and does not require long-term recovery. Turkish doctors began using the FUE method long before their colleagues from European countries and the United States. Thanks to this, they were able to gain a lot of experience and achieve great success in the application of this technique.

In Turkish clinics, the FUE procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Consultation. Before starting treatment all patients meet with a doctor. This is necessary in order to individually assess each case, to determine the optimal number of donor follicles, and also to designate the area for transplantation.
  2. Extraction of grafts. At this stage, the surgeon, using a special tool, extracts the grafts (groups of donor follicles). Traditionally, they are taken from the occipital and temporal parts of the head, however, in some cases, alternative sources can be used, for example, the area of ​​the beard, chest, back, armpits or groin. The grafts are removed one at a time from different sites, so there is no big scar left on the donor area.
  3. Preservation of donor follicles. Each graft is cleaned and sorted according to the amount of hair it contains. Then it is placed in a Petri dish with blood plasma. This helps ensure high follicular survival.
  4. Transplantation. With the help of a micro-scalpel, the doctor opens the channels in the recipient area, and then one by one puts the donor follicles in them.

Depending on the number of grafts to be transplanted, the hair transplant procedure in Turkish clinics can take from 4 to 8 hours.

HFE / DHI (manual follicular isolation / direct hair transplant)

The doctor does the collection of donor follicles from the donor area manually, using a thin tube. Before implantation, he does not open the canals, but uses a special Choi / Implanter Pen. The principle of its work is similar to an automatic pen. The surgeon places the graft in the ChoiPen and, pressing a button, implants it into the skin. It simultaneously opens the canal and leaves a follicle in it, making sure that future hairs have the correct direction of growth. This technique avoids damage to the bulbs and transplants more bulbs.

Sapphire hair transplantation (Sapphire FUE)

Advanced FUE technique, in which the doctor uses a special instrument with a sapphire tip to open the canals. It is very thin and sharp, which makes it possible to transplant grafts close to each other and at the required angle. This approach allows Turkish doctors to achieve excellent aesthetic results.

Robotic Hair Transplantation

The procedure is performed using the ARTAS robot. The robot is equipped with an artificial intelligence system that selects the healthiest and most viable follicles and extracts them. Then ARTAS analyzes the recipient zone, determining the optimal density and direction of hair growth in order to obtain the most natural result. On the computer screen, the patient can see a 3-D model of the future hairstyle. Graft implantation can be performed both manually and with the help of a robot.

Artificial hair implantation

The hair is made of medical suture material. It is completely inert, and therefore is not perceived by the body as heterogeneous. For fixation in the scalp, a knot is formed at the end of the hair. Artificial hair is soft and pleasant to the touch; outwardly, they practically do not differ from real ones. They can be washed, styled and painted. But it is important to remember that, unlike natural hair, artificial hair does not grow.

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

During the procedure, the surgeon cuts a flap of skin from the back of the head. He divides it into grafts, after which he implants them one by one into the recipient zone. After the operation, the patient is left with a scar that can be hidden behind the hair. Due to the high trauma and the need for long-term recovery of the patient, Turkish doctors practically do not use this technique.

Hair transplantation for women

Baldness (alopecia) is a problem that primarily affects men. However, women can also suffer from hair loss. Depending on the severity of the problem and the patient’s expectations, Turkish doctors may offer hair transplantation with FUE, DHI or Sapphire FUE methods. After a diagnostic examination, the doctor will select an approach that will achieve the best results.

Beard, mustache and eyebrow transplantation

In Turkish clinics, not only hair transplantations are performed, but also beard, mustache and eyebrow transplantations. These are quite popular cosmetic procedures. In the first few months, the beard and eyebrows will grow just like the hair on the head. After the hair follicles have adapted to the new area, the structure and growth of the hair becomes natural.

Where are the follicles for transplantation taken from?

Most often, grafts are removed from the occipital region of the head, since here the hair follicles are less susceptible to the influence of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone is responsible for the development of androgenic alopecia in men. Under the influence of DHT, the hair becomes weaker or shorter with each cycle, and the growth phase itself is shortened. This process can take several years, but eventually the hair falls out. Women are also prone to androgenic alopecia.

Many patients wishing to have hair transplantation in Turkey are interested in the question of whether it can be done if there are no hairs left on the head at all. The first thing that seems logical in this case is hair transplantation from another person. However, such operations are not performed due to the high risk of rejection of donor follicles and the development of infection.

Turkish doctors solved this issue by transplanting hair from the face, shoulders, chest, abdomen, torso, legs, arms, armpits or pubic area. The hair on the face and chest is closer in structure to the hair on the head, so they are most often used for transplantation.

Indications for body-to-scalp hair transplantation:

  • Complete baldness of the scalp with thick body hair;
  • A history of previous hair restoration surgeries that depleted the occipital donor area;
  • The need to achieve high hair density with an insufficient number of donor follicles in the occipital area.

Initially, the transplanted hair retains the structure and growth rate of the hair from the donor area. However, the follicles are gradually rearranged. Body to scalp hair transplantation in Turkey is an excellent solution for patients with insufficient donor hair follicles.

Benefits of hair transplantations in Turkey

A large number of patients from different countries choose Turkish clinics for the treatment of baldness and solving cosmetic problems for the following reasons:

  • Acceptable price

In Europe and the United States, the cost of the most popular FUE hair transplant technique ranges from $7 000 to $25 000. In Turkey, the price of a package of services, including treatment, as well as travel and accommodation costs, can start from $3 000. It depends on the number of grafts, the applied methodology and pricing policy of the clinic. But in any case, the cost will be much lower than in other foreign clinics.

  • Application of advanced techniques 

Most Turkish clinics use the FUE technique, which does not leave scars and does not require long-term recovery. Treatment methods involving the removal of skin flaps are practically not used anymore.

  • High quality transplantation 

Due to the strong competition in the hair transplantation sector, Turkish clinics are constantly upgrading equipment and improving treatment methods in order to offer their patients the best service.

  • All inclusive packages 

Many clinics in Turkey offer packages that include free airport transfers to your hotel, good hotel accommodations, and other promotional offers.

  • Extensive experience of Turkish surgeons

Turkey is the world center for hair transplantation. Therefore, it is in this country that the most experienced doctors work, perfectly mastering advanced technologies and innovative methods of treating alopecia.

  • You don’t have to wait long

In many medical centers in the United States and Europe, patients have to wait months to undergo a hair transplantation. There are a large number of JCI accredited clinics in Turkey where you can receive high quality medical services without the need for long waiting.

  • The ability to combine treatment with rest

Medical tourists coming to Turkey for hair transplantation can recover at the hospitable seaside resorts of this country.

If you still have questions about hair transplantation in Turkey, leave a request on the MedTour website. The coordinating doctor will contact you and help to choose the best clinic and the most suitable doctors.



Olena Kursabaieva
Medical author, Medical editor:
PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
Medical expert:

Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

Kateryna Maliarchuk
Medical Doctor, oncologist, PHD student
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