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Bifid Back treatment
Spina bifida is a congenital illness of the spinal cord. People with a spina bifida have difficulty walking and decreased sensation.
- Rely on the data of the German clinic Schön, in Europe one in 1000 children is born with this sickness;
- Females get this disease more often than males.
Thanks to timely detection and microneurosurgery with reconstruction of the spinal canal, little kids with this illness develop normally and do not differ from their peers. Doctors of foreign clinics perform operations of such patients before or after birth.
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Frequently Asked Questions
This is an intrauterine anomaly of the neural tube. From this tube forms spinal cord — 3rd week of pregnancy.
- Latent (occulta) — no defects are visible, sickness is asymptomatic.
- Open (aperta) — manifests itself externally and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, which depend on areas of the spinal cord laceration.
Under the influence of certain factors, development of the spine is interrupted. Then one or more vertebral arches remain open, and the membranes of the spinal cord protrude outward or lie open.
Risk assessment (factors):
- Family history;
- Negative influence of the environment;
- Insufficient vitamins and minerals in the body of woman;
- Medications for epilepsy.
Manifestations of the disease occur in early childhood, but in some cases they may not be noticeable even at an older age.
Symptoms include:
- Joint contractures and paralysis of the legs;
- Hydrocephalus — a possible peculiarity is the displacement of the cerebellum and parts of the brain stem. This abnormality can be found quickly in all those affected and promoting the build-up of cerebral water has led to the development of the ventricles;
- Dysfunction of the bladder: it is difficult for the child to control the work of the bladder. A neurogenic bladder can become spastic (chaotic) or sluggish over time;
- Scoliosis and foot deformities.
In foreign hospitals, a triple test is used, in which a blood sample of a pregnant woman is examined for α-fetoprotein at the 16th week of pregnancy. Additional evidence is provided by the analysis of amniotic fluid.
To determine the degree of the defect, MRI is done after childbirth in addition to ultrasound and X-rays.
Overseas clinics carry out 2 types of operations. Immediately after childbirth, surgical correction of the defect is performed to avoid complications. In the future, depending on the severity of the disease, they carry out:
- Neurosurgical op: bypass surgery;
- Pediatric orthopedic op: bone and soft tissue surgery, knee or contracture correction.
Diagnostics and treatment of spina bifida abroad
To identify this sickness in foreign hospitals use:
- Prenatal ultrasound — provides information about the structure of the child’s internal organs;
- Amniocentesis — using a long needle, doctors take a sample of amniotic fluid, then chromosomal analysis reveals genetic abnormalities;
- Maternal serum analysis — detects an increased concentration of the protein alpha-fetoprotein;
- Examination and additional ultrasound, MRI.
Surgical treatment and rehabilitation
Postpartum neurosurgery closes the protruding structures of the spinal cord and prevents infections. But postpartum treatment does not relieve the manifestations or restore sensitivity. Therefore, intrauterine operations are performed in clinics abroad.
Surgery before childbirth
- Restores the correct position of the body, spine and eliminates the disfunction in the spinal cord;
- The risk of abnormal tissue growth around the spine will be reduced.
Foreign doctors prescribe additional procedures for small kids to improve walking and maintain the correct body position:
- Corrective operations;
- Orthopedic methods: splints and corsets;
- Special catheter to facilitate urination;
- System of hose valves to ensure the outflow of cerebral fluid;
- Physiotherapy.
Benefits of spina bifida treatment in clinics abroad
Patients choose overseas hospitals for the following reasons:
- In countries with a low level of medicine, termination of pregnancy for this pathology is often chosen. Abroad, they use options for operations in which the child survives and is born healthy — intrauterine surgery.
- The treatment plan is drawn up by doctors from different disciplines together: pediatric orthopedist, surgeon, urologist, neurosurgeon and neuropediatrist. This allows you to choose an effective regimen of therapy and surgical intervention.
- Modern methods of rehabilitation in foreign hospitals provide the child with normal physical and mental development. As a result of the rehabilitation of adult patients, mobility and self-care ability are resumed.

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