Doctors in the urology department perform the following interventions for prostate diseases:
- Puncture of the prostate with ultrasound control;
- Monopolar and bipolar TUR of the prostate;
- Adenomectomy is an operation that removes part or the entire prostate.
The surgeons in the urology department provide such interventions for urethra and bladder:
- TUR — it is an endoscopic, diagnostic and therapeutic procedure for collecting samples or removing malignant tissue from the lower urinary tract (bladder cancer);
- TVT plastic is a surgical procedure in urogynecology for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. During the operation, the surgeon uses a tension-free vaginal tape (abbreviated as TVT), which is composed of polypropylene;
- Biopsy;
- Grinding stones with a laser;
- Urethrotomy;
- Resection of urethral warts, strictures.
Surgeons in the urology department provide such interventions for external genitalia:
- Winckelmann’s operation — intended for patients with varicocele (dropsy of the testicular membranes). After this surgical intervention, no fluid is formed inside the testicle;
- Bergman’s operation — the urological surgeon makes a 3 cm skin incision on the scrotum, opens the membranes and removes parts of the walls of the water sac. The operation is intended for patients with a complicated variant of hydrocele (thickened walls of the membranes);
- Ivanisevich’s operation — the urological surgeon identifies and ligates the testicular vein. This prevents blood from flowing towards the scrotum. Indication for surgery — varicocele;
- Meato- and ligamentotomy — dissection of the external opening of the urethra or ligaments in order to expand the canal;
- Excision of genital warts, fibrous plaques;
- Orchiectomy — surgical intervention with the removal of the testicle.
Oxford Medical surgeons perform the following urological procedures on the kidneys and ureters:
- Lithotripsy — destructing and removing stones;
- Nephropexy — fixation of the kidney to the retroperitoneal tissues using open or laparoscopic access;
- Nephrectomy — complete removal of the kidney with adjacent tissue and lymph nodes;
- Fixing of stents and nephrostomy;
- Puncture and resection of the cyst;
- Plastic surgery of the urinary tract and renal pelvis;
- Excision of strictures in ureter and it’s removal.
Нещодавно проходила комп'ютерну томографію в Оксфорд Медікал. Що я можу сказати - загалом залишилася задоволена. Персонал був досить привітний, а процедура пройшла в принципі швидко. Результати я отримала вчасно.
Однак, я б хотіла відзначити, що в клініці було трохи шумно, що трохи псувало враження. Також, мені здалося, що ціни на послуги трохи завищені, але для мене це не критично на фоні новенького обладнання клініки. Відразу складається враження «якість» для клініки – не пусті слова.
Окремо дякую, що мені не довелося довго чекати в черзі, я цього дуже не люблю. Буду рекомендувати вас своїм близьким.