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Oxford Medical Clinic: Urology department

Ukraine, Kyiv
Excellent(5.001 review)

Doctors in the urology department perform the following interventions for prostate diseases:

  • Puncture of the prostate with ultrasound control;
  • Monopolar and bipolar TUR of the prostate;
  • Adenomectomy is an operation that removes part or the entire prostate.

The surgeons in the urology department provide such interventions for urethra and bladder:

  • TUR — it is an endoscopic, diagnostic and therapeutic procedure for collecting samples or removing malignant tissue from the lower urinary tract (bladder cancer);
  • TVT plastic is a surgical procedure in urogynecology for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. During the operation, the surgeon uses a tension-free vaginal tape (abbreviated as TVT), which is composed of polypropylene;
  • Biopsy;
  • Grinding stones with a laser;
  • Urethrotomy;
  • Resection of urethral warts, strictures.

Surgeons in the urology department provide such interventions for external genitalia:

  • Winckelmann’s operation — intended for patients with varicocele (dropsy of the testicular membranes). After this surgical intervention, no fluid is formed inside the testicle;
  • Bergman’s operation — the urological surgeon makes a 3 cm skin incision on the scrotum, opens the membranes and removes parts of the walls of the water sac. The operation is intended for patients with a complicated variant of hydrocele (thickened walls of the membranes);
  • Ivanisevich’s operation — the urological surgeon identifies and ligates the testicular vein. This prevents blood from flowing towards the scrotum. Indication for surgery — varicocele;
  • Meato- and ligamentotomy — dissection of the external opening of the urethra or ligaments in order to expand the canal;
  • Excision of genital warts, fibrous plaques;
  • Orchiectomy — surgical intervention with the removal of the testicle.

Oxford Medical surgeons perform the following urological procedures on the kidneys and ureters:

  • Lithotripsy — destructing and removing stones;
  • Nephropexy — fixation of the kidney to the retroperitoneal tissues using open or laparoscopic access;
  • Nephrectomy — complete removal of the kidney with adjacent tissue and lymph nodes;
  • Fixing of stents and nephrostomy;
  • Puncture and resection of the cyst;
  • Plastic surgery of the urinary tract and renal pelvis;
  • Excision of strictures in ureter and it’s removal.
Admission fee:
from 20 USD
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    Procedures and their cost

    The cost may vary depending on the case and the recommendation of doctors.
    from $20 from $20
    from $655 from $300
    from $550 from $280
    from $580 from $1,200
    from $370 from $730
    from $550 from $430
    from $1,200 from $1,800

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What diseases does the urology department treat?

    Most often, patients come with the following diseases:

    • Cyst, abscess or prostate adenoma;
    • Prostatitis;
    • Urinary incontinence;
    • Leukoplakia of the bladder;
    • Stricture and fistulas;
    • Genital trauma or warts,
    • Hydro-, urethro- and varicocele.



    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
    Medical expert:
    Kateryna Maliarchuk
    Medical author, Medical expert: