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Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic

Ukraine, Kyiv

Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic is an international rehabilitation center in Truskavets, Ukraine. The clinic was founded by Vladimir Kozyavkin, a neurologist, an expert in the field of medical rehabilitation, and the author of a unique system of intensive neurophysiological rehabilitation. This method is a world-known «Kozyavkin Method».

In 2015 the clinic was audited and awarded an ISO certificate. The certification is an indicator that all medical and rehabilitation procedures, as well as the medical equipment of the clinic match all modern care demands.

«Kozyavkin Method» was included in the register of the European Medical Association as the best medical practice. The selection program of the participants focused on: certification of the clinic implemented and developed programs of medical care, the efficiency of the clinic, the quality of medical services, and their effectiveness.

The clinic received the International Quality Crown in London, 2017. The award confirmed the European level of service in the medical center and the high-quality standards of the services.

Admission fee:
from 70 USD
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    The main components of the Kozyavkin method

    Doctors use the most effective treatment technology – the Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation System (INRS). Patients with infantile cerebral palsy, damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, scoliotic curvatures, post-traumatic lesions of the nervous system are successfully treated using this technique.

    Biomechanical spine correction

    This is the main component of the INRS, developed by professor Kozyavkin.

    The purpose of the method is to eliminate blockages in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and ileo-sacral spine. The correction is combined with special methods of muscle relaxation and restoration of the natural mobility of the joints of the spine. This technique reduces the manifestations of dysregulation of the nervous system at all levels of both sensory and motor systems.

    In the course of this component, the patient achieves:

    • Elimination of pathological muscle tone: increased (spastic) and decreased (atonic);
    • Elimination of contractures (limitation of movements);
    • Increase in trophism of tissues of the musculoskeletal apparatus and its blood circulation;
    • A positive result in the treatment of pathological reflexes.

    Mobilization of the joints of the extremities

    It is a manual therapy method aimed at improving the range of motion of the joints and reducing pain. The purpose of mobilizing the joints of the limbs:

    • Achieve physiological movements of the joints;
    • Increase in the amplitude and speed of the joints of the extremities;
    • Correction of disorders of the musculoskeletal balance.

    Exercises that relate to joint mobilization are flexion, extension, patellar movement, long-axis distraction, lateral movement, and rotation. The method of traction with vibrational movements and the technique using tapping along the joint fissure is highly effective among patients.

    The therapist manually applies targeted pressure or force to the joint in specific directions to improve the mobility of that joint. When done correctly, these exercises can significantly help relieve pain and restore joint function.


    This is a type of massage in which biologically active points of the feet, hands and ears are affected. It is based on the theory that these body parts are associated with specific organs and body systems. The Kozyavkin Rehabilitation Clinic uses traditional techniques in combination with the use of low voltage electric current.

    Reflexology and foot massage may seem similar, but there are some key differences between the two. Therapeutic foot massage is the manipulation of tissues to relax muscles, relieve tension and improve blood circulation. It can improve overall health and wellness. On the other hand, in reflexology, the specialist uses acupressure to restore the flow of energy throughout the body. Treatment usually focuses on the feet, but can also affect the hands and ears.

    This type of treatment can have many potential benefits. By moving the flow of blood, nutrients and nerve impulses, reflexology helps:

    • Clear any channels from blocked energy;
    • Cleanse the body of toxins;
    • Improve blood circulation.

    Mobilizing gymnastics

    The essence of the method lies in the gradual activation of the patient’s motor capabilities in the direction from the center to the periphery. The movements are formed in the trunk and proximal joints and gradually move to the small distal joints.

    The purpose of mobilizing gymnastics:

    • Improvement of motor functions;
    • Strengthening the musculo-articular apparatus;
    • Improving the mobility of the spine and joints;
    • Acquisition of skills important for everyday life;
    • Increasing the motivation of patients.


    Apitherapy (bee sting) is a type of alternative therapy that uses products obtained directly from bees. It is used to treat diseases and their symptoms, as well as pain in acute and chronic injuries.

    Doctors of the Kozyavkin clinic use apitherapy for:

    • Stimulating the patient’s immunity;
    • Local improvement of blood circulation;
    • Improvement of metabolism and trophism at the site of application.

    The technique is based on wax-paraffin applications. They are carried out in the form of thermal wrapping of muscle groups and joints with plates of the required size, according to the scheme prescribed by the attending physician. The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes. Thus, not only the thermal effect on the joints and muscles is achieved, but also their enrichment with biologically active substances through the skin.

    Services provided by the clinic Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic

    • Accommodation for an accompanying person
    Organizational matters
    • Medical visa
    • Meeting at the airport
    • Transfer
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    Location Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic
    Pomiretska Street 37, Truskavets, 82200, Ukraine, Lviv Region

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the uniqueness of the Kozyavkin method?

    The Kozyavkin method was created by Dr. Vladimir Kozyavkin 30 years ago. Since the establishment of the clinic, 70 thousand patients from Ukraine, Europe, the United States have undergone a course of the rehabilitation system.

    The method is based on a multi-mode approach to assisting with the patient. When brain plasticity is activated, a new functional state is formed, which expands the possibilities of rapid motor and mental development of a person.

    What rehabilitation methods are provided at the Kozyavkin Center?
    • Spiral suit;
    • Computer game therapy;
    • Mechanotherapy;
    • Light therapy;
    • Vibrotherapy;
    • Correction of walking on a running track;
    • Orofacial massage.
    What diseases does the Kozyavkin clinic treat?
    • Cerebral palsy;
    • Congenital damage to the central nervous system;
    • Consequences of birth trauma to the peripheral nervous system;
    • Recovery after intracranial injury;
    • Recovery after inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system;
    • Cerebrovascular diseases of the brain;
    • Systemic atrophy;
    • Transient ischemic conditions of the central nervous system;
    • Headaches of different etiology;
    • Scoliotic curvatures;
    • Back pain;
    • Chronic deforming diseases of the spine;
    • Diseases of the autism spectrum;
    • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
    What adult diseases can be treated with the method of Dr. Kozyavkin?
    • Cerebral palsy;
    • Recovery after traumatic brain injury;
    • Rehabilitation of the consequences of inflammatory CNS;
    • Recovery after cerebrovascular lesions of the brain — stroke, cerebral infarction;
    • Systemic atrophy of the central nervous system;
    • Transient ischemic conditions of the brain;
    • Migraine, headache syndromes of various nature;
    • Dorsalgia — a syndrome of pain in different parts of the spine;
    • Brachial plexus injuries.
    What departments does the rehabilitation clinic consist of?
    • Diagnostic department — diagnostics of motor and other functions of the nervous system, assessment of the general state of health;
    • Rehabilitation rooms;
    • Rooms for exercise therapy and mechanotherapy;
    • Stationary department with 1-, 2-, 3-bedrooms;
    • Buffet restaurant.

    Most of the technological processes are automated according to the «Smart Home» concept for the convenience of patients.

    All rooms have specially equipped bathrooms of 6 m2. And the buffet is adapted according to the requirements for a varied diet for children.



    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
    Medical expert:
    Ilona Baidiuk
    Medical author: