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Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Ukraine, Kyiv

The Heart Institute is the flagship of cardiology and cardiac surgery in Ukraine. Thanks to
the use of the most modern equipment and innovative technologies, the doctors of the center manage to cope with even the most difficult cases of cardiovascular pathology.
The Institute opened in Kiev in 2007. It was built in accordance with European standards.
The clinic has united under its roof the best specialists in the field of prevention, diagnosis,
conservative and surgical treatment, as well as anesthesiology and rehabilitation. This
allowed her to get the status of one of the best cardiac surgery centers in the country almost immediately.
The Heart Institute accepts not only Ukrainians, but also patients from abroad. The long-term experience of the medical team, compliance with strict international standards, excellent technical equipment and continuous innovation in diagnosis and treatment, allow this medical institution to provide care at a high quality level.
The Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is one of the best cardiac surgery
centers in the country The Heart Institute treats cardiovascular diseases of any degree of complexity in adult and pediatric patients, including aortic aneurysm, heart attack, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, high blood pressure, congenital and acquired heart defects.
The Institute`s doctors use both standard and minimally invasive techniques, including:
• Coronary stenting;
• Coronary artery bypass grafting;
• Installation of artificial heart valves;
• Open and endovascular aortic prosthetics;
• Implantation of a mechanical heart;
• Installation of pacemakers;
• Heart transplantation.
More than 100,000 diagnostic tests of the heart and blood vessels are carried out annually at the center. The Institute has 5 modern operating rooms and 4 angiographic laboratories,
where more than 6,000 open and minimally invasive heart surgeries are performed every
year, a third of which are performed with the use of a heart-lung machine. In December
2019, the first heart transplant in Ukraine in 15 years was successfully performed here.

Following the example of the world’s leading clinics, the Heart Institute is located in a
picturesque park area among a pine forest. The founders of the center believe that nature is an integral part of the therapeutic process that promotes rapid recovery. Patients are provided with spacious wards equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay.
The Heart Institute has its own powerful diagnostic base, which includes: centers for
instrumental and laboratory research, MRI, CT, radiation and radionuclide diagnostics.

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    What methods of treatment are used at the Heart Institute?

    The Institute`s doctors have a wide range of different treatment methods, both standard and innovative.


    A method of hardware removal of excess fluid from the body of patients with significant
    fluid retention while taking maximum doses of diuretics. Unlike standard hemodialysis,
    ultrafiltration allows for continuous control of fluid and electrolytes, promotes the excretion
    of cytokines and mediators, and can be used in seriously ill patients.

    Mitral valve replacement MVR

    The most effective method of surgical treatment of elderly patients suffering from mitral
    stenosis and having contraindications to open surgery.
    Mitral stenosis is a partial narrowing of the lumen of the mitral valve, due to which blood
    cannot normally flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Transcatheter mitral valve
    implantation refers to minimally invasive intervention. Due to its low traumatism, it can be
    used to treat patients with severe concomitant pathology, such as vascular damage, chronic lung, kidney and liver diseases, endocrine disorders, cancer.

    Endoprosthetics of the thoracic aorta

    A modern minimally invasive technique that allows the implantation of an internal prosthesis on an enlarged area of the aorta. The operation is performed to strengthen the vessel and normalize blood flow. This technique is characterized by low traumatism, does not require a chest incision and is quite easily tolerated by patients.
    Endoprosthetics of the abdominal aorta
    A less traumatic method that is an alternative to open surgery. The operation does not require extensive incisions. A vascular prosthesis is inserted into the artery on the hip with the help of a catheter, the doctor moves it to the expanded area of the aorta and fixes it on the normal sections located above and below the aneurysm.

    Alcoholic ablation of the septal branch of the coronary artery in HCMP

    The method of treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a disease characterized by a
    significant thickening of the heart wall. Transcatheter alcohol septal ablation is a minimally
    invasive procedure aimed at reducing the thickness of the septum between the ventricles.
    During the operation, the doctor carefully inserts ethyl alcohol through a balloon catheter
    into one or more septal branches of the descending coronary artery. This leads to controlled myocardial necrosis in a localized area of the cardiac septum. Treatment allows you to restore the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

    Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR)

    Transcatheter implantation of the aortic valve is the optimal method of surgical treatment of elderly patients suffering from aortic stenosis and having contraindications to open surgery.
    Aortic stenosis is a partial narrowing of the lumen of the aortic valve, due to which blood
    cannot normally flow from the left ventricle into the aorta (a vessel that supplies blood to the entire body). Due to the low traumatism of the AVR method, it can also be used to treat patients with severe concomitant pathology. The operation is performed through a puncture in the femoral artery without dissecting the sternum.

    Mechanical heart

    A mechanical heart (LVAD) is a device that provides mechanical support to the left
    ventricle. It can partially or completely replace the function of the cardiac ventricle in
    patients with heart failure. As a rule, a mechanical heart is implanted to maintain heart
    function during the waiting period for transplantation.
    The Heart Institute uses a new generation Medtronic Heart Ware 2 device — the most
    popular LVAD (Left Ventricular Assistance Device) in the world. The operation allows
    patients to quickly return to their daily activities. They can continue to live as before and
    even play sports.

    Mini Pacemaker

    The size of the mini pacemaker used at the Heart Institute is only 25 mm, and it weighs less than 2 grams. Medtronic Micra is a new generation device. Today it is the smallest
    pacemaker in the world.
    A minicardiostimulator is installed in patients who have contraindications to open surgery. It is delivered to the heart through a catheter, which is inserted into a vein on the thigh. The surgeon securely attaches the stimulator to the walls of the heart. If necessary, its position can be changed. The device is powered by a powerful battery, charging which lasts for 12 years. Patients with Medtronic Micra can undergo MRI.
    Departments of the Heart Institute
    Department of Myocardial Pathology and Organ and Tissue Transplantation
    One of the most important medical and diagnostic departments of the Institute. Myocardial
    pathology is a change in the biochemical structure of the muscular tissue of the heart, which occurs in almost any heart disease — coronary heart disease, myocarditis, acquired defects, cardiomyopathy, hypertension and others. This is not a separate diagnosis. However, do not forget that any cardiovascular disease causes a violation of metabolic processes throughout the body.
    A radical method of treatment of end-stage heart failure is heart transplantation. At the
    Institute, these unique operations are carried out by specialists of the department headed by Todurov Boris Mikhailovich.
    Another area of work of the department is the implantation of a mechanical heart — a device for mechanical support of the left ventricle (LVAD).
    Department of Endovascular Surgery and Angiography
    Endovascular surgery is a set of minimally invasive procedures aimed at treating
    cardiovascular diseases without extensive incisions. The main advantages of this approach are low injury rate, absence of scars, reduced risk of infection and rapid recovery of the patient.
    Doctors of the Heart Institute have a special certified education with mandatory internship in leading European and American clinics. Andrey Khokhlov, Head of the Department of
    Endovascular Surgery and Angiography, has received an international certificate authorizing independent interventions in operable and inoperable patients with a significant risk of aortic stenosis. At the moment, he is the only Ukrainian doctor with such a certificate.
    High qualification allows the doctors of the department to carry out the entire range of
    endovascular surgical interventions using the latest generation equipment. The department has four state-of-the-art angiographic systems, which make it possible to perform all angiographic studies and operations without exception in accordance with international standards.
    The specialists of the department were the first in Ukraine to implant a balloon expansion prosthesis of the aortic valve in a patient suffering from severe aortic stenosis.

    Department of Surgical Treatment of Coronary Heart Disease and Surgery of major Vessels
    The specialists of the department are proficient in the following methods of treatment:
    • Correction of ascending aneurysm and aortic arch (Bentall procedure, Wheat procedure);
    • Valve-sparing operations for ascending aortic aneurysm (David procedure);
    • Coronary artery bypass grafting.

    The department sees more than 1300 patients a year. More than 800 surgical interventions are performed here every year.

    Department of Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome and Myocardial Infarction

    The department began its work as part of the Heart Institute in 2014. The impetus for its
    creation was the increase in the number of patients with urgent cardiac conditions who need hospitalization. At the same time, there was an active introduction of endovascular surgical techniques.
    Cardiologists and anesthesiologists-resuscitators of the department work closely with doctors of other specialties of the Heart Institute. Together they provide high-quality cardiological care to patients suffering from:
    • Acute coronary syndrome (unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction):
    • massive pulmonary embolism;
    • Дife-threatening cardiac arrhythmias;
    • Exudative pericarditis with cardiac tamponade.

    The department also conducts such therapeutic procedures as:
    • Endovascular surgery of aortic aneurysm;
    • Septal alcohol ablation in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
    • Implantation of intracardiac occluders;
    • Treatment of patients who have undergone coronary stenting and angioplasty.
    The department maintains close contact with the coordinating emergency services in Kiev
    and receives patients around the clock.

    Intensive Care Unit for adults

    The department is designed for 24 beds for hospitalization. They provide round-the-clock
    medical care to patients with unstable health conditions, who have a high probability of
    destabilization or are stably severe.
    Patients are served by highly qualified medical staff. Thanks to the use of the latest
    stationary and mobile equipment, the doctors of the department monitor the condition and
    maintain the vital functions of the body in accordance with international medical protocols.

    Department of Cardioneurology

    The branch was opened very recently — at the beginning of 2022. It was created to reduce the risk of neurological complications in patients with cardiological and cardiac surgical
    diseases. Doctors are also engaged in predicting and monitoring the consequences of
    significant ischemic events.
    The department is a high-tech innovative rehabilitation therapy center, leading in the country in counseling patients with long-term disorders of consciousness. It is the base for the Department of Neurology of the Bogomolets NMU. Most of the department`s employees are doing postgraduate studies or defending scientific degrees.

    Children`s Department

    It is one of the most important structural divisions of the Heart Institute. All the necessary
    conditions have been created here for high-quality and coordinated work of doctors and
    medical staff, as well as a comfortable stay of children and their parents. Since 2007, the
    children`s department has been conducting the entire range of diagnostic and therapeutic
    procedures in children with congenital heart defects from birth to 18 years.
    The specialists of the department are engaged not only in clinical, but also in scientific
    activities. They actively adopt the leading experience of their foreign colleagues by attending international symposiums, trainings, congresses and courses.
    The main areas of work of the department are:
    • Surgical operations for congenital heart defects in pediatric patients of all age groups,
    including newborns and premature babies;
    • Round-the-clock emergency cardiac surgery for newborn children;
    • Consultations of employees of cardiology and neonatology departments of medical.
    institutions in Kiev and other regions;
    • Screening of newborns with suspected congenital heart defects;
    • Dispensary observation of pediatric patients after surgery;
    • Cooperation with children`s doctors of city medical institutions and foreign clinics.
    The department annually performs more than 450 open-heart surgeries, more than 250
    endovascular operations, as well as about 1,500 echocardiograms.


    What diseases are treated at the Heart Institute?

    On the basis of the Heart Institute, medical and surgical treatment of all types of pathology
    of the heart and blood vessels in children and adults is carried out, including:
    • Genetic, acquired and mixed cardiomyopathies;
    • Coronary heart disease;
    • PE (pulmonary embolism);
    • Monoclapular and combined heart defects;
    • Acquired heart defects with concomitant pathology;
    • Decompensated pathologies of the heart;
    • Acute coronary syndrome and myocardial infarction;
    • Disorders of the heart rhythm and conduction of the heart;
    • Heart failure.

    What modern equipment do doctors use at the Heart Institute?

    The Heart Institute uses high-tech equipment that allows doctors to perform complex
    operations and diagnostic procedures previously unavailable in Ukraine and abroad.
    The cardiopulmonary bypass department is equipped with a device for cascade plasma
    filtration of Cobe Spectra and Cobe Optia. Gambro AK-200 UltraS and Fresenius5008 are
    used for hemodialysis.
    In the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, doctors use the AXIOM Sensis XP cardiological
    computer system (Siemens), as well as the Sarto XP electroanatomic mapping system
    (Biosense Webster, USA). With their help, specialists can accurately study the hemodynamic and electrophysiological functions of the heart, visualize a three-dimensional model of the heart to accurately determine the pathological focus in the treatment of arrhythmias.
    For radiological diagnostics, a Philips Brilliance CT 64 computed tomograph is used, which
    allows obtaining 0.5 mm slices. With the help of the Brilliance Workstation graphic station,
    specialists carry out reconstructions of anatomical structures, which allows you to plan
    complex surgical interven
    tions. Three Practicx 300 mobile X-ray machines are used in the
    intensive care unit.
    What is the unique feature of the Heart Institute?

    The Heart Institute is an exact copy of the Munich clinic Herzzentrum München. At the time of the institut`s establishment, this clinic was one of the best cardiology centers in the world.
    Ukrainian architects went to Germany and on their return recreated a German clinic in
    miniature in Kiev. The main point that was taken into account during the construction of the
    clinic was the correct location of the wards and operating rooms (clean and dirty flows of
    staff and patients), as well as other technological nuances.

    How successful are mechanical heart implantation operations?

    The Heart Institute has already performed 5 operations for implantation of a mechanical
    heart. Given the complexity of this surgical intervention, this is quite a lot. Currently, the
    institute`s doctors have received the right to perform such operations independently, without the participation of German partners. Since Ukrainian doctors managed to achieve very good results — all patients survived — they were offered to participate in clinical trials together with German colleagues from Berlin. This can be regarded as a confession.

    What unique operations are performed for children at the Heart Institute?

    The institute`s doctors perform heart surgeries on children weighing up to a kilogram.
    Recently, an operation was performed on a child weighing up to a kilogram to a child with a break in the aortic arch. At the moment, there is no information about such surgical
    interventions in either American or European sources. Therefore, such operations can be
    considered unique. Operated children develop normally. Some of them have already caught up with the development of their peers. He has no neurological deficit, at the moment he is absolutely healthy.

    Which heart surgeries are performed only at the Heart Institute and nowhere else in the

    At the moment, the institute is performing the Ozaki operation, which was first developed by a professor from Japan. He makes the flaps of the aortic valve from the patient’s pericardium, simply cutting them out according to the pattern.
    The doctors of the Institute have improved this operation. They began to model the shutters in a computer using computed tomography data. Thus, the shutters are made individually for each patient, taking into account his anatomical features. They take root perfectly, and a person can not take anticoagulants. This is an innovative procedure that the doctors of the Heart Institute are very proud of.

    How to get a consultation or surgery at the Heart Institute?

    To consult a doctor or start treatment at the Heart Institute, call one of the phones listed on
    the website or fill out the online form. The coordinator doctor will contact you soon. He will
    tell you more about the possibilities of treatment at the Heart Institute, help you choose a
    doctor, tell you what medical documents need to be collected.

    How to get to the Heart Institute?

    The Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine is located at 5a, Bratislava str., Kiev.
    The journey from Boryspil Airport takes 1 hour and 30 minutes. From terminal D to the
    Kharkiv metro station, you can get on route No. 322, then transfer to bus No. 415, which
    goes to the stop market «Lesnoy».
    The clinic can be reached by car via the E40/M03 highway, the journey time is 40 minutes.
    The staff of medical tours will help you with booking a taxi, carsharing or arranging a
    transfer. Also, we can pick up a hotel or apartment for you near the clinic without additional
    financial expenses.

    Services provided by the clinic Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

    • Cash payment
    • Cashless payment
    • No prepayment
    • Hospital for in-patients
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