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Herzliya Medical Center: Department of plastic surgery

Israel, Herzliya
Excellent(4.502 reviews)

Herzliya Medical Center performs about 1,500 plastic surgeries per year. Surgeons offer a wide range of plastic surgery operations: tissue repair operations (breast reconstruction), reconstruction and elimination of congenital defects (cleft lip, hypospadias, ear defects) to aesthetic operations.

The doctors at Herzliya Hospital are specialists in plastic surgery with extensive experience in the field of aesthetic surgery. In a hospital, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Multidisciplinary professional team, individual approach and support.
  • First-class operating theaters equipped with the latest generation of technologies for treatment and diagnostics.
  • Laboratories, institutes, imaging devices, blood bank, intensive care unit.
  • Hospital wards at the level of a five-star hotel.
Admission fee:
from 900 USD
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    Procedures and their cost

    The cost may vary depending on the case and the recommendation of doctors.
    from $600 from $1,050
    from $315 from $300
    from $1,100 from $1,300
    from $8,400 from $525
    from $315 from $630
    from $1,155 from $2,625
    from $735 from $1,890
    from $17,850 from $150
    from $71,400 from $9,450
    from $18,900 from $15,750
    from $13,650 from $31,500
    from $13,650 from $3,150
    from $18,900 from $44,100
    from $10,500 from $1,250
    from $36,750 from $1,100
    from $19,950 from $16,800
    from $31,500 from $2,730
    from $25,200 from $47,250
    from $9,450 from $35,700
    from $25,200 from $105,000
    from $18,900 from $17,850
    from $58,800 from $25,200
    from $18,900 from $1,365
    from $21,000 from $19,950
    from $15,750 from $11,100
    from $8,400 from $36,750
    from $24,150 from $12,600
    from $42,000 from $23,100
    from $18,900 from $31,500
    from $21,000 from $36,750
    from $16,800 from $29,400 Herzliya Medical Center
    from $25,200 from $33,660
    from $39,900 from $1,575
    from $42,000 from $15,750
    from $4,935 from $47,250
    from $19,950 from $18,900
    from $19,400 from $18,900
    from $14,200 from $18,900
    from $6,600 from $26,250
    from $5,770 from $42,000
    from $18,900 from $10,500
    from $14,700 from $17,850
    from $14,700 from $24,150
    from $1,575 from $5,250
    from $680 from $1,380
    from $1,890 from $150
    from $2,835 from $1,890
    from $725 from $230
    from $190 from $460
    from $250 from $880
    from $1,680 from $150
    from $210 from $460
    from $1,260 from $1,365
    from $4,000 from $1,365
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What aesthetic procedures are performed at the plastic surgery department of Herzliya Medical Center?

    Aesthetic procedures carried out at the Herzliya clinic:

    • lifting of the face, forehead, eyelids, eyebrows, nose, correction of the shape of the ears,
    • peeling of the skin using advanced methods,
    • breast surgery,
    • correction of abdominal stretch marks,
    • liposuction,
    • removal of scars and cuts on the skin,
    • injections of fillers for face and body, injections (botox).
    What are the most popular operations in the plastic surgery department?

    The most demanded operations include:

    • surgery of congenital malformations of the lip, palate and auricle;
    • restoration of the skin after burns, even the most recent degrees;
    • removal of fat and sagging skin from the abdomen, thighs, arms and face (removal of Bish’s lumps);
    • lifting of sagging skin (after losing weight or due to aging);
    • breast enlargement or reduction;
    • restoration of the breast shape, its symmetry (after mastectomy);
    • plastic surgery of the labia;
    • facelift.
    Which doctors work in the department of plastic surgery at Herzliya Medical Center?

    Jerry Weiss – over 30 years of experience.

    Haim Rasner is a member of the American Society of plastic surgery.

    Eyal Winkler – for 10 years led a delegation in Peru to correct defects of the lip and palate.

    Maurice Topaz – experience of over 25 years, is a member of the plastic surgeon communities in America and Israel.



    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
    Medical expert:
    Kateryna Maliarchuk
    Medical author, Medical expert:

    Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak