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Dr. Rödger Laboratory, MDI

Ukraine, Kyiv

Dr. Rödger Laboratory MDI has been working in Ukraine since 1999. This is the official representative of the Medical Diagnostic Institute MDI (Medizinisch-Diagnostische Institute), located in Berlin. Today MDI is part of the Limbach Gruppe. It is the largest diagnostic network in Germany and the result of the grouping of thirty independent laboratories.

Biomaterial that patients deliver to the Laboratory of Dr. Rödger or other collection points, laboratory staff send to Germany in compliance with all legal regulations and transport requirements. The research is carried out in one of the laboratories of the Limbach Gruppe. After this the patients receive the results of the analyzes, translated into a non-Russian language, with a brief interpretation.

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    Genetic analysis in the clinic «Dr. Rödger Laboratory»

    Genetic testing is done to detect changes (mutations) in DNA for various purposes. Doctor may recommend this test for:

    • Diagnosis or exclusion of genetic disorders;
    • Predicting the risk of developing certain hereditary diseases;
    • Obtaining information that can be used to draw up a personalized treatment plan (for example, genome sequencing in cancer);
    • Genetic testing is also used to determine biological relatives (establishing maternity or paternity).

    Genetic study of biomaterial, which patients donate to the Laboratory of Dr. Rödger, is sent to the Institute for Medical Molecular Diagnostics IMMD, located in Berlin. IMMD conducts genetic tests for physicians, clinicians and ordinary patients.

    The analyzes are performed by a team of highly qualified and experienced biologists, chemists, laboratory technicians and doctors. All research at IMMD is carried out in accordance with the recommendations and directives of the German and US Human Genetics Associations. The quality of laboratory diagnostics is regularly confirmed by national and European regulatory authorities.

    Genetic diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)

    In the laboratory of Dr. Rödberg there is an opportunity to pass a genetic test for the risk of developing hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. It is a disease caused by genetic mutations in the cells of the heart muscle. It is characterized by a thickening of the myocardium and impaired contractility, which negatively affects the work of the heart.

    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a progressive disease that can lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of life and long-term complications. It is also the leading cause of death in young athletes.

    Benefits of genetic testing for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:

    • Research is conducted once in a lifetime;
    • The test is highly accurate and identifies the main genes that are responsible for the development of the disease;
    • Testing can detect hypertrophic cardiomyopathy before symptoms appear;
    • The examination makes it possible to identify family members at high risk of developing HCM or sudden cardiac arrest.

    It is recommended to take the results of genetic testing with you whenever you look for medical help.

    Tests that can be passed in the Laboratory of Dr. Rödger

    The laboratory offers a wide range of diagnostic services. More than 8 000 studies are carried out here. Among them:

    • Biochemical analyzes (level of trace elements, vitamins);
    • Determination of the level of enzymes, carbohydrates, pigments, lipids, metabolites, biologically active, narcotic and medicine substances;
    • Immunoserological examinations (determination of antibodies to infectious agents, autoantibodies);
    • Anemia control panel, hemostasis indicators;
    • Studies for the presence of parasites in the body;
    • Diagnosis of infections caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi;
    • Determination of tumor markers (specific proteins, an increased level of which may indicate the development of cancer);
    • Cardiological panel;
    • Histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical analysis;
    • Laboratory diagnostics for suspected osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, thyroid disease;
    • Bacteriological analysis within the framework of urological and gynecological diagnostics with an antibiogram;
    • Genome sequencing plus microdeletion and microduplication studies;
    • Molecular genetic and cytogenetic analysis for the diagnosis of cancer, prenatal and postnatal pathology, genetically determined metabolic disorders and other hereditary diseases.

    Outpatient polyclinic services

    The most demanded types of outpatient medical care in the Laboratory of Dr. Rödger:

    • Check-up. Comprehensive examination of the whole body for the early diagnosis of diseases. Includes a full set of analyzes and studies to identify any abnormalities in the work of organs and systems.
    • Diagnostic of COVID-19. In the laboratory, it is possible to diagnose coronavirus infection using a throat or nasal swab using a highly sensitive multicomplex PCR test and quickly obtain results.
    • Nurse home call. Due to the epidemiological situation associated with coronavirus infection, the Laboratory of Dr. Rödger offers such a service as a nurse’s visit (within Kyev and outside the city within a radius of 30 km) of patients to collect biological material. This is a great opportunity to get tested without standing in lines and without contacting other patients.
    • Ultrasound diagnostics. In the laboratory of Dr. Rödger, patient can undergo an ultrasound examination of internal organs using the latest generation equipment. An experienced physician will interpret the results.

    Benefits of Dr. Rödger’s laboratory

    Patients of the laboratory get a unique opportunity, without leaving Ukraine, to undergo diagnostic tests in the largest network of laboratories in West Europe. The main advantages of the medical center:

    • A wide range of research activities. In the laboratory, it is possible to pass almost all analyzes that are known in modern medicine.
    • Absolute German precision. The research is carried out by qualified and experienced specialists from «MDI Limbach Berlin GmbH». The high quality of laboratory diagnostics is known not only in Germany, but also far beyond its borders.
    • Unique and reliable research. Some of the analyzes that are performed in the «Dr. Rödger’s Laboratory» cannot be done in other medical centers in Ukraine. Thanks to highly accurate research algorithms, laboratory specialists help to find a solution even in the most difficult diagnostic cases.
    • Guaranteed accurate results. To ensure that the research is indeed carried out in Germany at «MDI Limbach Berlin GmbH», the laboratory’s clients can use a unique code that appears on the test results. To find out exactly where the study was carried out, it is enough to contact the German laboratory by phone or via e-mail and provide the code number.

    If you still have questions about diagnostics at the Dr. Rödger’s Laboratory, leave a request on the MedTour website. The medical coordinator will contact you shortly with all the information you need.

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    Location Dr. Rödger Laboratory, MDI
    01015 Kiev st. Staronavodnitska 13, office 48

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How to prepare for a blood test?

    In order for the research results to be as accurate as possible and do not require re-delivery of biological material, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

    • For indicators of biochemistry, hormones, immunology and hemostasis, blood should be donated with an empty stomach from 8 to 11 hours.
    • Analyzes for indicators of allergology, immunology, tumor markers, markers of infectious diseases, parasites, fungi and genetic studies are performed during the day 4-5 hours after the last meal.
    • Analyzes to determine the lipid profile and glucose are carried out strictly with an empty stomach 12-14 hours after the last meal.
    • Fatty food should not be eaten 24 hours before any blood test.
    • It is also recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of still water shortly before the study in order to reduce the viscosity of the blood and the probability of formation of the clots in the test tube.

    If you are taking any medications, consult your doctor about the appropriateness of the test during therapy. As well as about the possibility of temporarily discontinuing treatment to carry out the examination. Blood collection is performed prior to taking medicines.

    How to prepare for a urine test?

    For the correct results of urine test, you must:

    • 2 days before the test, exclude the intake of diuretics and 12 hours before the intake of any other medicines (after agreement with the doctor);
    • For 2 days before passing urine, refrain from drinking alcohol, sparkling water, spicy, salty, sweet and fatty food, food that changes the color or smell of urine (beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spices). You should also quit smoking, exercise and avoid stress.
    • If you need to pass daily urine, you should drink 1.5-2 liters of water during the day.
    How much does the analysis cost at Dr. Rödger's Laboratory?

    The laboratory carries out a wide range of examinations (over 8 000). Examples of prices:

    • Creatinine level – from $4;
    • Bilirubin level – from $4;
    • Human T-lymphocyte virus – from $24;
    • Copper level in daily urine – from $30;
    • Antibodies to the potassium channel complex – from $34;
    • Histamine – from $51;
    • Tumor marker CA 242 (pancreatic, intestinal cancer) – $116;
    • Tumor marker CYFRA 21-1 (lung, bladder cancer) – $27;
    • Tumor marker prostate-specific antigen PSA-free + PSA-total – $34;
    • Allergies to medications in a child (package) – $88;
    • Antibiotic allergy detection (package) – $125;
    • Laboratory Checkup for women 35+ – $110;
    • Laboratory Checkup for men 35+ – $110.
    How to take a coronavirus test at Dr. Rödger's Laboratory?

    PCR testing for COVID-19 is a highly accurate diagnostic method based on the study of the genetic material of the causative agent of the disease (DNA or RNA). To date, it is the most reliable method for detecting the presence in the body of SARS-COV-2, the viral agent that causes the coronavirus disease.

    Anyone can get a coronavirus test. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a biomaterial (swab from the throat or nose) at the collection point of Dr. Rödger’s Laboratory in the center of Kyev. The procedure is absolutely painless and does not require any special preparation. The analysis results are sent by e-mail in 12-24 hours. It is possible to order an urgent test, which is performed in 6 hours.

    It is better to take a smear in the morning immediately after a night’s sleep. It is not recommended to eat or drink, brush your teeth, rinse your mouth or throat, chew chewing gum, or smoke 2 hours before the delivery of biological material. 6 hours before the examination, patient should refrain from using medicines which irritate the nasopharynx, tablets for sucking, lozenges for breath freshening.



    Olena Kursabaieva
    Medical author, Medical editor:
    PhD. Olexandr Voznyak
    Medical expert:

    Information on this webpage verified by the medical expert

    Kateryna Maliarchuk
    Medical Doctor, oncologist, PHD student