MedTour > Doctors > Doctors > Oncohematologist > China
Doctors oncohematologists in China
More than 44 doctors of different specialties and directions ready to help you
Viola Fox
Germany, Solingen
Clinic: Municipal Clinic Solingen
Total work experience: 14 years
Doctor's specialization
Oleksandr Horetskyi Jr.
Poland, Świebodzice
Clinic: Academy of Regenerative Medicine
Total work experience: 7 years
Doctor's specialization
Ali Nuri Hünerlitürkoglu
Germany, Krefeld (Dusseldorf)
Clinic: Helios Krefeld clinic
Total work experience: 29 years
Doctor's specialization
Ron Ram
Israel, Tel-Aviv
Total work experience: 23 years
Doctor's specialization
Blanca Lopez-Ibor
Spain, Barcelona, Madrid
Clinic: HM Hospitals
Total work experience: 25 years
Doctor's specialization
The best clinics for the treatment of hematologic oncology
Alessandro Aiuti
Italy, Milan
Clinic: San Raffaele Hospital
Total work experience: 25 years
Doctor's specialization
Sukriti Gupta
India, Gurgaon
Clinic: Artemis Hospital
Total work experience: 12 years
Doctor's specialization
Manas Kalra
India, Delhi
Clinic: Apollo Hospitals
Total work experience: 23 years
Doctor's specialization
Vikas Dua
India, Delhi, Gurgaon
Clinic: Fortis Hospitals
Total work experience: 18 years
Doctor's specialization
Jung Chul Won
Republic of Korea, Seoul
Clinic: Samsung Medical Center
Total work experience: 30 years
Doctor's specialization
10 doctors of 44
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